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dc.contributor.authorGómez Sagasti, María Teresa ORCID
dc.contributor.authorEpelde Sierra, Lur
dc.contributor.authorBarrutia Sarasua, Oihana
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 35 : 197-212 (2019)
dc.description.abstractIraunkorrak eta (eko)toxikoak izan ohi diren konposatu ez-organiko eta organi-koen isurketa masiboek potentzialki kutsatuta egon daitezkeen lurzoruen kopurua izugarri handitu dute. Lurzoruen osasuna (funtzionalitatea) eta kalitatea (emankortasuna) arrisku larrian egoteak eta, ondorioz, giza biziraupena estutasunean jartzeak lurzoru kutsatuen kudeaketa eraginkorra mundu mailako ingurumen-politiken premiazko jomugan paratu du. Gaian sartuta, lan honen hel-buru nagusiak hauek dira: (i)lurzoru kutsatuen kudeaketaren lege eta jarduera markoa aurkeztea; (ii)lurzoru kutsatuen kudeaketa eta arriskuen ebaluazioa aztertzea, eta, azkenik, (iii)ohiko erre-mediazio-teknika suntsitzaileen aitzinean, fitorremediazioaren arloan egiten ari diren esfortzu zientifiko-teknikoak argitara ekartzea. Lurzoru kutsatuen kudeaketan aurrerapenak egiteko landu beharreko hariak ere laburki iruzkintzen dira.; The massive emissions of persistent and (eco)toxic inorganic and organic com-pounds have drastically increased the number of potentially contaminated soils. As soils’ health (functionality) and quality (yield), which in turn compromise human survival, have been seriously endangered, the effective management of contaminated soils has become a priority objective for global environmental policies. Thus, the main objectives of the present work are: (i) introduce the legal framework for the management of contaminated soils; (ii) analyse the management and risk assessment of contaminated soils and; finally, (iii) in front of conventional destructive tech-niques, clarify the scientific and technical advances that are being carried out in the field of phy-toremediation. The topics to be developed in order to progress in the management of contami-nated soils are also briefly exposed.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleFitorremediazioa lurzoru kutsatuen kudeaketa iraunkorrerako estrategia gisa
dc.rights.holder© 2019 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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