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dc.contributor.authorGarcía Gallastegui, Patricia ORCID
dc.contributor.authorCrende Arruabarrena, Olatz
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 36 : 163-174 (2019)
dc.description.abstractMammalian salivary gland is an epithelial structure that is highly branched during development and is designed to produce and secrete saliva in the body. There are three main types of salivary glands; however, the most commonly studied is submandibular salivary gland. This review describes the different stages of the mouse embryo salivary gland development. At the same time, it summarizes the basic signaling pathways and mechanisms that guide this development process; FGF, Shh, Notch, Wnt, Eda, ECMs and the nervous system. Understanding the mechanisms that operate during development is essential for the design of effective therapies for affected gland and regeneration.; Ugaztunen listu-guruina egitura epitelial bat da, oso adarkatuta garatzen dena eta listua ekoizteko eta jariatzeko diseinatuta dagoena. Gizakietan hiru listu-guruin nagusi daude. Hala ere, barailapeko listu-guruina da aztertuena. Berrikuspen honetan, saguaren barailapeko listu-guruinaren enbrioi-garapeneko garaiak azaltzen dira. Aldi berean, garapeneko prozesu honek gidatzen dituen oinarrizko seinalizazio-bideak eta mekanismoak laburbiltzen dira: FGF, Shh, Notch, Wnt, Eda, ECMak eta nerbio-sistema. Garapenean zehar agertzen diren mekanismoak hobeto ulertzea funtsezkoa da kaltetutako guruinaren birsorkuntza-terapia eraginkorrak diseinatzeko.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleListu-guruinaren enbriogenesia eta seinalizazio-bideak.
dc.rights.holder© 2019 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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