Ba al dute erru sentimenduak, lotsak eta harrotasunak funtzio positiborik?
Pascual Jimeno, Aitziber
Conejero López, Susana
Zabala Arando, Jon
Mendia, Jara
Etxebarria Bilbao, Itziar
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Gogoa (20) : 3-12 (2019)
Guilt, shame and pride are usually classed as “self-conscious emotions” or “self-assessments”, since they are the result of an evaluation carried out by the self. Although these selfassessment emotions can sometimes be conflictive and may generate unpleasant consequences for the person who experiences them, they nevertheless perform a fundamental function in both the interpersonal and moral fields. Furthermore, they also serve as a vital guide for the self in terms of controlling behaviour, indicating whether or not a certain conduct is or is not appropriate or acceptable. When behaviour is appropriate, they indicate to the person that they should continue conducting themselves in that way (pride), and when it is inappropriate, they prompt them to behave differently (guilt and shame).; Erru sentimendua, lotsa eta harrotasuna “emozio auto-kontzientetzat” edo “autoebaluaziozkotzat” sailkatu ohi dira, norberaren edo Niaren ebaluazio baten ondorioz sortzen baitira. Auto-ebaluaziozko emozio horiek batzuetan gatazkatsuak izan daitezkeen arren, eta pertsonarentzat ondorio desatseginak izan ditzaketen arren, funtsezko funtzioak ere betetzen dituzte (bai pertsona arteko eremuan, baita eremu moralean ere). Bestalde, Niak jokabidearen kontrolerako dituen ezinbesteko gidak dira: jokabideak bide onetik doazen ala ez adierazten diote Niari. Jokabideak egokiak direnean, pertsonak norabide berean jarrai dezake (harrotasunaren kasua), eta, desegokiak direnean, norabide-aldaketa eskatzen diote (erru sentimenduaren eta lotsaren kasua).