dc.description.abstract | Alcohol consumption is very accepted and highly developed in our society; and its overconsume has economic, social and health consequences. In most cases the onset of consumption occurs during adolescence. Since, the brain is an organ that is still maturing, it is clear that alcohol consumption has consequences for its development. Due to its biological characteristics, the adolescent brain is not able to foresee the consequences of an action. This increases the risk for consumption of alcohol and other addictive substances. Therefore, it is necessary to make adolescents aware of the harmful consequences of excessive alcohol consumption, so that they can change their consumption pattern. For this purpose, in the present work we begin explaining the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption in the adult brain, and some characteristics of the adolescent brain, to end with the consequences of drinking in the adolescent brain.; Jakina da gure gizartean alkoholaren kontsumoa oso hedatuta eta onartuta dagoela; eta horren gehiegizko kontsumoak eragin ekonomikoak, sozialak eta osasunekoak ditu. Gehienetan alkoholaren lehendabiziko kontsumoa nerabezaroan gertatzen da. Jakinda garun nerabea heltzen ari den organoa dela, argi dago alkoholaren kontsumoak eraginak dituela haren garapenean. Haren ezaugarri biologikoak direla eta, garun nerabeak ez du gaitasun nahikoa ekintzen ondorioak aurreikusteko, eta horrek handitu egiten du alkoholaz gain beste droga batzuk gehiegi kontsumitzeko arriskua. Beraz, beharrezkoa egiten da nerabeei ezagutaraztea zeintzuk diren alkohola edatearen eragin kaltegarriak, beren kontsumo patroia alda dezaten. Horretarako, lan honetan alkoholaren gehiegizko kontsumoak garun helduan dituen eraginak azaltzen hasten gara, eta garun nerabean dituen eraginak azalduz amaituko dugu, tartean garun nerabeak dituen hainbat ezaugarri aipatuz. | |