Now showing items 33-36 of 105

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      Un Modelo Lineal Generalizado Semiparametrico para Analisis de Duracion con Censura 

      Orbe Lizundia, Jesús María ORCID (2000-07)
      [EN] Aitkin and Clayton (1980) proposed to analyze duration models using generalized linear models. In this work we extend that methodology allowing for some nonspecified covariable effect. The model we propose is a ...
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      Mixed Duopoly, Merger and Multiproduct Firms 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Garzón San Felipe, María Begoña ORCID (2000-07)
      The literature on mergers has extensively analyzed the decision to merge by private firms but it has not considered the decision to merge by private and public firms. We assume that when a private firm and a public firm ...
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      Analysis of the relationship between International Immigration and Unemployement 

      Díaz-Emparanza Herrero, Ignacio ORCID; Miranda Espinosa, Alexandra (2000-10)
      [EN] The relationship between the unemployment and the international immigration is getting interest while the differences between poor and rich countries are stressed. The poor countries offer cheap work force to occupy ...
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      Analysis of Length of Time Spent in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy 

      Orbe Lizundia, Jesús María ORCID; Ferreira García, María Eva ORCID; Núñez Antón, Vicente Alfredo ORCID (2001-01)
      This paper investigates original issuers of high yield bonds in Chapter 11 bankruptcy to determine which factors affect the length of time spent in Chapter 11. In order to do this analysis we propose a flexible new duration ...