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dc.contributor.advisorGarcía Velasco, Nerea ORCID
dc.contributor.advisorSoto López, Manuel ORCID
dc.contributor.authorUrionabarrenetxea Gorroño, Erik
dc.description297 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN]The anthropic activities during the last decade are causing damages on ecosystems. In fact, animal husbandry, agriculture, and industrial activities have increased the proportion of soils contaminated with pesticides and metals. The presence of pollutants could affect soil organisms and the Ecosystem Services provided; thus, a proper risk evaluation is required in order to assess the final environmental impacts of pollutants. In silico models are tools designed to predict environmental concentrations of released pollutants that could assist on substances evaluation and regulation. Meanwhile, the health paradigm, understanding the natural environment as an interrelated compartment, has been spread within the scientific community. Hence, the measurement of toxicological effects produced by contaminants on soil organisms (using in vivo tests and biomarkers) gained a high reputation for evaluating environmental health. This work presents different approaches, techniques, software, guidelines and tests for assessing contaminated soils; crucial for an integrative soil assessment.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EU]Azken hamarkadako jarduera antropikoek ekosistemetan desorekak sortzen-hasiak dira. Horrela, abeltzaintzak, nekazaritzak eta aktibitate industrialek pestizida eta-metalekin kutsaturiko lurzoruen proportzioa emendarazi dute. Kutsatzaileen-presentziak, lurzoruetan bizi diren organismoak eta beraz, lurzoruak eskaintzen dituen-Zerbitzu Ekosistemikoak erasatea ekarri dezake, arrisku ebaluazio egokien beharra-eskatuz. In silico modeloak, kutsatzaile baten aplikazio osteko ingurumen-kontzentrazioak aurreikusteko tresna egokiak dira, substantzien arrisku ebaluazioan eta-erregulazioan lagun dezaketenak. Bestetik, kutsatzaileak lurzoruan duten inpaktua-ebaluatze aldera, osasunaren paradigma ikuspuntua; hots, medio naturalak intererlazionatutako-konpartimentu gisa ulertzen dituena, hedatzen hasi da komunitate-zientifikoaren baitan. Era honetan, kutsatzaileek lurzoru organimoengan eragindako-efektu toxikologikoen neurketak (in vivo test-ak eta biomarkatzaileak erabiltzen-dituztenak) omen handia irabazi dute ingurumenaren osasuna ebaluatzerako orduan.-Lan honetan, kutsatutako lurzoruak ebaluatzeko ikuspuntu, teknika, software, gidalerro-eta test ezberdinak aurkezten dira; lurzoru ebaluazio integral bat burutzeko-beharrezkoak direnak.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was funded by EFSA European Food Safety Authority (NP/EFSA/AFSCO/2016/03); MINECO (CTM2017- 87766-R), Basque Government (Grupos Consolidados Tipo A. Refs. IT-810-13; IT-1302-19; and IHOBE-EcoInnovacion BIOREM17-); Gernika-Lumo Town Hall; UPV/EHU (PES17/10; 20/45).es_ES
dc.subjectsoil biologyes_ES
dc.titleEstres faktore anitzen ekotoxikotasuna lurzoru organismoetan, pasaia aldakortasunaren araberako kutsatzaileen arrisku ebaluazioa eta bioerremediazio teknologien aplikazioa araztegi lokatzak jaso dituzten lurretan: in vivo eta in silico fokatzeakes_ES
dc.title.alternativeEcotoxicity of multiple stressors on soil organisms, assessment of the risk of pollutants accounting for landscape variability and application of bioremediation technologies to sewage sludge deposition: in vivo and in silico approacheses_ES
dc.rights.holder(cc) 2021 Erik Urionabarrenetxea Gorroño (cc by-nc 4.0)*
dc.departamentoesZoología y biología celular animales_ES
dc.departamentoeuZoologia eta animalia zelulen biologiaes_ES

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(cc) 2021 Erik Urionabarrenetxea Gorroño (cc by-nc 4.0)
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as (cc) 2021 Erik Urionabarrenetxea Gorroño (cc by-nc 4.0)