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dc.contributor.authorMoreno, Amaia
dc.contributor.authorVeloso Fernández, Antonio
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 42 : 87-106 (2022)
dc.description.abstractMaterial adimenduen presentzia gero eta nabarmenagoa da gaur egun, gehienbat ehungintzan. Material hauen artean poliuretanoak dira ezaugarri onenak aurkezten dituztenak, eta garrantzitsua da hauen trantsizio tenperatura gorputz tenperaturaren parekoa izatea, forma-memoria izaera aktibatzeko; beroa baita aplikatu beharreko kanpo estimuluetariko bat, aplikazio gisa biomedikuntzan edo arropetan erabili ahal izateko. Giza gorputzak berez orekako tenperatura bat dauka eta homeotermoa da, hala ere, naturak eskaintzen dituen mugak gaindi daitezke ehunetan fasez aldatzen diren materialak jarriz gero; modu horretan eramaileak konfort termikoa izanik momentu oro. Lan honetan, material konposatu edo konpositeak aztertuko dira, konkretuki polimeroz eta partikulaz osatuta daudenak; zuntzak edo hariak bilakatuko direnak estrusio prozesuaren bidez, amaieran, aipatutako propietateak eguneroko arropetan eraman ahal izateko.; The presence of smart materials are increasing now a days, especially in the textiles. Among these materials, polyurethanes have shown the best properties, and their transition temperature should be just like body temperature, to activate shape-memory effect; this is because the heat is one of the external stimuli which must be exposed to, in order to apply in biomedicine and clothing. The human body has a stable temperature, but the limits offered by nature can be exceeded by putting phase change materials in the fabric, so that the person who wears it has thermal comfort. The composite material or composites, which have been made of polymer and particles, are going to be studied in this work. This material has been become fibers through the extrusion technique, so the properties mentioned can be carried in everyday clothes.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleTenperatura aldaketak orekatzen dituen ehun adimenduna
dc.rights.holder© 2022 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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