Matrize polimerikodun konposite magnetikoen sorrera
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Aketxe Bilbao, Eneko Ander
Ruiz Rubio, Leire
Veloso Fernández, Antonio
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Ekaia 42 : 107-125 (2022)
Konpositeak propietate desberdinak dituzten bi konposatuz (edo gehiagoz) osatutako materialak dira, gaur egun oso erabiliak. Normalean, konposatu ugarienari matrizea deritzo, eta han barreiatzen den konposatuari gehigarria edo karga deitzen zaio. Material hauen erabilpena hainbat esparrutara zabaltzen da, esaterako eraikuntzetako hormigoi armatuetara eta surf oholen beiradun plastikoetara. Hau da, ia toki guztietan aurkitu daitezke material konposatuak, eta gaur egungo teknologia-garapenaren ikerketa-arloan ere ez dira salbuespen. Ikerketa hauetan gehienbat matrize polimerikodun konpositeetan ikertu dira, matrize polimerikoak eskaintzen dituen propietateak oso aplikazio tarte zabala dakarrelako. Matrize polimerikodun hauen artean poliuretanoen erabilpena gero eta gehiago sustatzen ari da, dituen propietate elastikoengatik eta sortzeko errazak direlako, naturan inpaktu handirik izan barik. Horrekin batera, gaur egungo poliuretanoen garapena asko handitu da, dituzten aldakortasun eta aplikazio ugariei esker. Bestalde, estimulu magnetikoei erantzuna emateko eta material adimenduak garatzeko partikula magnetikoak konpositeetan barreiatzea oso interesgarria da. Partikula magnetikoen pro- pietateak, egitura, tamaina eta sortuak izateko jasan duten tratamenduek determinatzen dituzte, eta, horren arabera, izaera ezberdinekoak izan daitezke: paramagnetikoak, ferromagnetikoak, ferrimagnetikoak, diamagnetikoak edo antiferromagnetikoak. Lan honetan, film itxurako konpositeak sortu eta aztertu dira, eta poliuretanozko matrizean kobaltozko ferritak (CoFe2o4), partikula ferromagnetikoak barreiatu dira. Materialak karakterizatzeko trakzio proba. Ekorketazko kalorimetria Diferentziala (DSC) eta Lagin Bibrazionaleko Magnetometria (VSM) teknikak erabili dira. Lortutako konpositeek, eremu magnetiko estimuluaren eraginez, bere gainazala eraldatzeko aukera izango dute. Beraz, konposite hauen erabilpena zabaldu daiteke energia garbiaren erauzketarako, mikrotxipetarako, ordenagailuetarako edo urpekaritza jantzietarako.; Composites are materials that are currently widely used and have two (or more) materials with different properties. Namely, they consist of a matrix and a dispersed material, an additive or filler. The use of these materials can be found from reinforced concrete in buildings to plastic glazing of surfboards. This means that composite materials can be found almost everywhere, and they are no exception in the field of current technology development research. In these studies it has been mostly investigated in polymeric matrix composites because the properties offered by the polymeric matrix lead to a very wide range of applications. Among these polymeric matrixes, the use of polyurethanes is increasingly being promoted due to their elastic properties and their ease of creation, without much impact on nature. Along with this, the development of current polyurethanes has greatly increased, thanks to their many variability and applications. On the other hand, it is very interesting to scatter magnetic particles in composites in response to magnetic stimuli and to develop intelligent materials. The properties of the magnetic particles are determined by the form, size and by the treatments they have undergone in order to be formed and according to this they can be of different nature: paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferromagnetic, diamagnetic or antiferromagnetic. In this work, film appearance composites have been created and analysed, in which the cobalt ferrites (CoFe2O4) ferromagnetic particles have been dispersed in the polyurethane matrix. Tensile testing, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Vibrational Sample Magnetometry (VSM) techniques were used to characterize the materials. The composites obtained will be able to transform their surface under the influence of a magnetic field stimulus. Therefore, the use of these composites can be extended to clean energy extraction, microchips, computer or diving suits.