17 Zenbakia (2017);;Número 17 (2017): Recent submissions
Now showing items 5-8 of 15
Museo de Historia de la Farmacia de Sevilla. Una colección universitaria docente y de divulgación científica
(Centro de Recursos, Interpretación y Estudios de la Escuela, 2017)The Museum recreates a pharmacy of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The exhibition is designed to be understandable at all levels. The mission is to educate society. We work in the functions of any museographic ... -
Educación física en los libros de texto escolares anteriores al franquismo (II): Cartillas y manuales específicos
(Centro de Recursos, Interpretación y Estudios de la Escuela, 2017)Prior to 1939, most of Spanish textbooks specific for Physical Education matter in Elementary education mainly recommend games and gymnastics and to a smaller extent walks and outings, and singing and music; we also find ... -
Expresión musical y corporal en los batallones escolares a finales del siglo XIX: el batallón infantil de Huesca (1902-1905)
(Centro de Recursos, Interpretación y Estudios de la Escuela, 2017)This article, after a contextualization, presents the case of the infantile battalion in Huesca, disclosing its origin as well as its architects. In the same way, it underscores the activities performed by these school ... -
Entre lo impreso y lo manuscrito: viaje por España de la mano de un manual y un cuaderno escolar
(Centro de Recursos, Interpretación y Estudios de la Escuela, 2017)School textbooks and notebooks are the main sources to reconstruct the child to know both the culture and context of production and dissemination of the same as the uses, functions and meanings that children attribute to ...