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dc.contributor.authorLopez, Ainara
dc.contributor.authorBarroeta Legarreta, Ziortza
dc.contributor.authorLopez de Calle, Sara
dc.contributor.authorJimeno Romero, Alba
dc.contributor.authorGonzález García, Bárbara Paola
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Santisteban, Iraia ORCID
dc.contributor.authorIrizar Loibide, Amaia
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 45 : 11-34 (2024)
dc.description.abstractEndometriosis (EM) is a highly prevalent disease that can cause disability and infertility among women. However, the factors in-fluencing its pathophysiology have not yet been elucidated. In recent years, published studies suggest that exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors (EDCs) may contribute to EM, and in order to identify the current evidence, the aim of this work is to carry out a systematic review. For this purpose, using the PRISMA methodology, a bibliographic search of studies on exposure to EDCs and EM between 2012-2022 was car-ried out in the PubMed, ScienceDirect and Scopus databases. A total of 26 articles that met the inclusion criteria were identified. Most studies reported a positive association between at least one EDC and EM. In the case of BPA, a positive association was found in five out of seven arti-cles, in the case of benzophenones in two out of three, and in all of the studies involving PFAS (PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA, PFBS). Parabens and organophosphate pesticides were studied in only one article and showed a positive association. On the other hand, the results for phthalates and metals in general have been contradictory. In the case of Pb, it is possible that it is a risk factor only at low levels. The results clearly show that there are still few studies investigating the effect of exposure to EDCs on EM. Although some studies suggest a relationship between certain EDCs and EM, due to bias problems and methodological differences between them, there is no strong epidemiological evidence. Further re-search is needed to examine the effect of exposure to the studied EDCs on EM and to elucidate the mechanisms involved.; Endometriosia (EM) emakumeen artean ezgaitasuna eta antzutasuna sor ditzakeen gaixotasun prebalentea den arren, oraindik ez da argitu zein diren bere fisiopatologian eragiten duten faktoreak. Azken urte hauetan argitaratutako ikerketek iradokitzen dute ingurumeneko disruptore endokrinoekiko (EDC) esposizioak EMan eragin dezakeela, eta, orain arteko ebidentzia identifikatzeko, lan honen helburua berrikus-pen sistematiko bat gauzatzea da. Horretarako, PRISMA metodologia erabiliz, 2012-2022 bitartean EDCekiko esposizioa eta EMari buruz egin-dako ikerketen bilaketa bibliografiko bat egin zen PubMed, ScienceDirect eta Scopus datu-baseetan. Guztira, inklusio-irizpideak betetzen zituz-ten 26 artikulu identifikatu ziren. Ikerketa gehienetan, asoziazio positiboa gertatu zen gutxienez EDC baten eta EMaren artean. BPAren kasuan, zazpi artikuluetatik bostetan asoziazio positiboa gertatu zen, bentzofenonen kasuan hirutik bitan, eta PFAS (PFOS, PFOA , PFNA, PFDA, PFBS) kasu guztietan. Parabenoak eta pestizida organofosforatuak artikulu bakarrean aztertu ziren, asoziazio positiboa erakutsiz. Aldiz, ftalatoetan eta metaletan orokorrean emaitzak kontraesankorrak izan ziren. Pb-aren kasuan, posible da maila baxuetan soilik izatea arrisku-faktorea. Emaitzek argi erakusten dute oraindik ikerketa gutxi egin direla EMan EDCekiko esposizioak duen eragina aztertzen. Egin diren ikerketa batzuek eragina badela iradokitzen duten arren, alborapen-arazoak eta beren arteko desberdintasun metodologikoak direla eta, ebidentzia sendorik ez dagoela esan daiteke. Ikerketa gehiagoren beharra dago aztertu diren EDCekiko esposizioak EMan duen eragina aztertzeko eta mekanismoak argitzeko.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleDisruptore endokrinoek eragiten al dute endometriosian? Berrikuspen sistematikoa
dc.rights.holder© 2024 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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