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dc.contributor.advisorGrandes Moreno, Pedro Rolando ORCID
dc.contributor.advisorRico Barrio, Irantzu
dc.contributor.authorSerrano Murgia, Maitane ORCID
dc.descriptionTesis inglés 181 p.;; tesis euskera 185 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN]Alcohol (OH) abuse is a worldwide public health concern because it is responsible of 13.5% of deaths among young people. Adolescents are significantly more likely to engage in a pattern of OH use and abuse known as binge drinking. Because this is a growing social and health problem worldwide, my laboratory team is interested in the study of the long-term impact of adolescent binge drinking on brain functions. We are focused on how this pattern of OH intake affects the endocannabinoid system (ECS) because, 1) ECS is involved in brain synaptic plasticity, cognition and behavior through the activation of cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptors localized at specific subcellular compartments of neurons and glial cells, 2) OH intake impacts negatively on the ECS and 3) the reciprocal interactions between the ECS and OH have been taken as targets for treating OH addiction.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EU]Nerabezaroko gehiegizko alkohol (OH) kontsumoa munduko osasun arazo larria da, gazteen heriotzen %13,5a eragiten baitu. Nerabeek joera handiagoa dute betekadan oinarritutako botiloi OH kontsumoaren patroia jarraitzeko. Gainera, OH kontsumitzen den drogarik arruntenetakoa da eta gaixotasunen eragile zein arrisku-faktore nagusietakoa. Aurrekari horiek aintzat hartuta, gure ikerketa taldeak interesa adierazi zuen nerabeen gehiegizko OH-kontsumoak garuneko funtzioetan eragindako kalteak epe-luzera aztertzeko. Zehazki OH kontsumo eredu horrek sistema endokannabinoideari (ECS) nola eragiten dion aztertu dugu, izan ere, 1) ECS garuneko plastikotasun sinaptikoan, kognizioan eta portaeran inplikatuta dago, 1 motako kanabinoide-hartzaileen (CB1) bidez, 2) OHk ECSn kalteak eragiten ditu eta 3) ECSren eta OHren arteko elkarreraginaren ondorioz, ECS OH mendekotasuna tratatzeko itu gisa identifikatu da.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThe author was financially supported by a PhD contract (PIF 19/164) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) This work was supported by The Basque Government (IT1230-19 and IT1620-22); Red de Investigación en Atención Primaria de Adicciones (RIAPAd), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD21/0009/0006) and Ministry of science and Innovation (PID2019-107548RB-I00).es_ES
dc.subjectnutrition scienceses_ES
dc.titleEffect of omega-3 fatty acids on the endocannabinoid system of the adult male mouse brain after binge drinking during adolescencees_ES
dc.title.alternativeOmega-3 gantz-azidoen eragina nerabezaroko botiloi ohiturak kaltetutako sagu ar helduen garuneko sistema endokannabinoideanes_ES
dc.rights.holder(c) 2024 Maitane Serrano Murgia

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