Lipido-proteina elkarrekintzak autofagian
Ekaia 46 : 227-228 (2024)
Autophagy is an essential process for cell survival. The central event of the autophagic process is the generation of the socalled autophagosome (AP), a vesicle surrounded by a double membrane (two bilayers). The AP delivers its cargo to a lysosome for degradation and the hydrolysis products are reused as new building blocks. AP formation is a very complex event that requires dozens of specific proteins and involves numerous instances of biogenesis and membrane architecture, including membrane fusion and fission. Many stages of AP generation can be explained in terms of curvature changes, caused by the molecular geometry of lipids ("intrinsic curvature") or by changes in the overall curvature of the entire membrane. This contribution explores the biophysics and cell biology underlying the complex process of autophagy.; Autofagia funtsezko prozesua da zelulen biziraupenerako. Prozesu autofagikoaren gertaera nagusia autofagosomaren (AP) sorrera da, degradatu behar den materiala mintz bikoitz batez inguratzen duen besikula. AP lisosomekin fusionatzean hidrolasa eta lipasa lisosomalek barruko edukia degradatzen dute, energia lortu eta produktuak berrerabiltzea ahalbidetuz. AParen eraketa oso gertaera konplexua da, dozenaka proteina espezifiko behar ditu, eta biogenesi eta mintz-arkitektura kasu ugari biltzen ditu, mintzen fusioa eta fisioa barne. AParen sorreraren pauso asko mintzen kurbadura-aldaketen arabera azal daitezke, lipidoen geometria molekularrak edo mintz osoaren kurbadura orokorraren aldaketek eraginda. Ekarpen honetan, autofagiaren prozesu konplexuaren azpian dauden biofisika eta biologia zelularra aztertzen dira.