Espektro zabaleko antigorputzen rola GIBaren aurkako terapian eta prebentzioan
Ekaia 46 : 239-254 (2024)
The introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) brought about a revolution in HIV infection treatment and prevention. However, ART is unable to completely eliminate established infections, and the global rates of new HIV cases have continued to decline at a slow pace. Therefore, there is a pressing need to explore new approaches for both preventing and treating HIV. Antibodies have emerged as a promising therapeutic option against HIV due to their ability to specifically target viral epitopes and leverage the body’s immune responses. Over the past few years, several Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies (bnAbs) with different envelope specificities have undergone clinical evaluation. In this work, we will focus on the potential clinical applications of bnAbs in the context of HIV, specifically those that have entered clinical trials, and address the existing obstacles in the clinical development of these antibodies.; Terapia antirretrobiral konbinatuaren erabilera iraultza bat izan zen GIBaren infekzioaren tratamenduan eta prebentzioan. Hala ere, terapia hau ez da gai birusa organismotik erabat ezabatzeko, eta GIB infekzio kasu berrien munduko tasak mantso jaisten jarraitu du. Beraz, GIBaren prebentzio eta tratamendurako ikuspegi berriak aztertzeko beharra dago. Antigorputzak GIBaren aurkako aukera terapeutiko gisa proposatuak izan dira, epitopo biralak blokeatzeaz gain ostalariaren immunitate sistemarekin elkar ekiteko gaitasuna dutelako. Azken urteotan, GIBaren fusio proteinaren eskualde desberdinak ezagutzen dituzten espektro zabaleko zenbait antigorputz neutralizatzaile (bnAb) saio klinikoetan ebaluatuak izan dira. Lan honetan, GIBaren testuinguruan bnAb-ek eskaintzen dituzten aukerak eta beren garapen klinikoan ager daitezkeen oztopoak aztertuko dira.