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dc.contributor.authorBastida Larrea, Libe
dc.identifier.citationGizaEkoA - Revista Vasca de Economía Social (21) : 149-181 (2024)
dc.description.abstractIn this article, a study was conducted on the perception and values that young people have of the meaning of work when choosing a job, in order to identify the main elements that influence it. Specifically, it has been sought to understand whether the Social and Solidarity Economy and Labor Societies are identified as a source to give meaning to the work. To do this, on the one hand, the theoretical concepts worked in the research have been developed: Social and Solidarity Economy, Labor Societies, Youth and their relationship with the SSE, Work and the Sense of Work. On the oher hand, a fieldwork with ASLE (Association of Labour Societies of the Basque Country) and SSE experts has been developed, analyzing the needs and perceptions of students of different degrees of IMH (Machine Tools ́ Institute) in relation to the values of Labour Societies. In this sense, it is important to note that although the field work has been carried out with some students of the IMH, the youth space that will be studied in the theoretical framework is that of Spain, with the objective of giving a global vision. This study has shown that the SSE, and specifically in the context of labor companies, can provide a response and a boost to the sense of work sought by young people today, identifying the levers that shape the sense of work and collaborating in their treatment.; Artikulu honetan gazteek enplegu bat hautatzerako orduan lanaren zentzuarekiko duten pertzepzio eta balioen inguruan azterketa bat egin da, bertan eragiten duten elementu nagusiak identifikatzeko helburuarekin. Zehazki, Ekonomia Sozial eta Solidarioak eta lan-sozietateek lanari zentzua emateko iturri gisa balio duten ulertu nahi izan da. Horretarako, batetik, zenbait kontzeptu teoriko eta begirada errebisatu dira: Ekonomia Sozial eta Solidarioa (ESS), Lan Sozietateak, Gazteak eta hauek ESS-rekiko duten lotura, Lana eta Lanaren zentzua. Bestetik, landa lana garatu da ASLE--ren (Euskadiko Lan Sozietateen Elkartea) eta ESS-ko adituen eskutik IMH-ko (Instituto de Máquina Herramienta) gradu desberdinetako ikasleek lan sozietateekiko dituzten balioen inguruan zer nolako behar eta pertzepzioak dituzten aztertuz. Zentzu honetan, garrantzitsua da esatea landa lana IMH-ko ikasle batzuekin egin den arren, marko teorikoan aztertuko den gazteriaren espazioa Espainia mai-lakoa dela, ikuspegi orokor bat emateko asmoz. Azterketa honen bitartez, ikusi da ESS, eta konkretuki lan sozietateen testuinguruan, erantzuna eta bulkada eman diezaiokela gaur egun gazteek bilatzen duten lan zentzuari, lanaren zentzua osatzen duten palankak identifikatuz eta horien jorraketan elkarlana eginez.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleEkonomia Sozial eta Solidarioa lanaren zentzu iturri gisa: gazteen ikuspegia lan sozietateen kasuan
dc.rights.holder© 2024 UPV/EHU Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional

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