Now showing items 1-13 of 13

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      A new view of Basque through eighteenth-century correspondence 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (John Benjamins, 2015)
      This contribution deals with a recently discovered Basque correspondence which poses new research questions. The letters, written in Labourdin dialect in 1757, provide insight into the practice of writing, depicting an ...
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      (Des)genitibizazioaren historiaz gehiago: genitibozko subjektu iragangaitzak (ISGEN) Ekialdeko euskaran 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2013)
      The genitive marking of transitive objects (TOGEN) in nominalized clauses has been described in northern varieties of Basque. It has traditionally been one of the features used to demonstrate that Basque syntax is accusative ...
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      Ekialdeko euskararen komitatiboa polimorfismoaz harago 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2016)
      Artikulu honetan ekialdeko euskararen komitatiboaren atzizkiak azterkatzen ditugu, nagusiki Zuberoako euskara historikoaren corpusaren argitara. Komitatiboaren aldakortasun morfologikoaren kontu zehatza errendatzeaz gainera, ...
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      Euskararen laguntzaile ahantziaz: *iron aditzaren historia 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Gobierno de Navarra, 2013)
      Los trabajos publicados hasta la fecha han dejado de lado un componente del sistema verbal del vascuence: el auxiliar *iron. Muy delimitado tanto geográfica como funcionalmente, este verbo se documenta históricamente en ...
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      Feitac espravi dutuçu: partizipio sail berri bat Zuberoan 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      During the last centuries Souletin Basque has developed a new group of verbs ended in -i. Romance-origin forms such as akabi ‘to end’, ataki ‘to attack’ or ezkapi ‘to escape’ differ from the ancient Basque participles ...
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      Geroaldiko partizipio prospektiboaren polimorfismoa eta -"n"-dun aditz klasea 

      Oihartzabal Bidegorri, Beñat; Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      This paper deals with the realisation of the prospective participle, the most common way to express the future in Basque. The authors start from present-day variation, as synthesised by the Royal Academy of the Basque ...
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      Le Dauphin itsasontziko gutuneria (1757) edo euskararen historia behetik 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Centre de recherche IKER, 2015)
      Lan honetan Le Dauphin-eko euskarazko gutuneriaren hainbat alderdi interesgarri aztertuko dugu. Hasteko, idazki pribatuen gaineko ikerketaren premia aipatuko dugu, batez ere maila apaleko jendearen ego-dokumentuei doakienean ...
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      Le Dauphin project: a micro-corpus of correspondence in Lapurdian Basque of 1757 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Peter Lang, 2015)
      As a result of a recent discovery, in this contribution the author presents the project of design of a micro-corpus of Basque correspondence of the 18th century. This little corpus reflects the language state of Lapurdian ...
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      Oloroeko diozesako euskal liburuak eta zuberera idatzia 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2015)
      Zuberoako euskararen corpus zaharrari heltzean, eta testu inprimatuei hertsatuko bagatzaizkie, markatzekoa da Oloroeko apezpikutzari lotuak diren liburuen proportzioa. Gure lanaren xedea Oloroeko diozesaren eta zubereraren ...
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      On Basque Non-finite Verbal Forms: Historical Morphology and the Beginnings of the Periphrastic Verb 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Peter Lang AG, 2013)
      In this chapter I shall focus on the history of Basque analytic verbs, their different parts and how they are combined. Each section will take present-day data as a starting point to describe the historical evolution of ...
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      Othoi çato etchera: Le Dauphin itsasontziaren euskarazko gutunak (1757). Correspondance basque du corsaire Le Dauphin (1757) 

      Lamikiz Gorostiaga, Xabier; Padilla Moyano, Manuel; Videgain Castet, Charles (IKER, 2015)
      Ce numéro de la revue Lapurdum est consacré à une correspondance en langue basque de 1757 découverte aux Archives de Londres (High Court of Admiralty) par Xabier Lamikiz, professeur d’histoire à l’Université du Pays ...
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      Zozo zuriaren xerka : euskararen optatiboaren historia 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (Gobierno de Navarra, 2016)
      Though all languages are able to convey hopes and desires, only some among them have a specific verbal inflection for this purpose, the optative mood. Up to now, every grammatical description of Souletin Basque (Eastern ...
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      Zuberoako euskararen azterketa diakronikoa: XVI-XIX. mendeak 

      Padilla Moyano, Manuel (2017-06-02)
      Tesi honek ekialdeko euskararen mintzo nagusiaren historiaren berri ematen du lau mendeetako testuetan gaindi (1616-1899). Horrek lan filologiko sakona eskatu du, Zuberoako euskararen corpusa definitu, ikertu eta bera ...