Browsing INVESTIGACIÓN by Title
Now showing items 36077-36096 of 40408
T Cell Activation, Highly Armed Cytotoxic Cells and a Shift in Monocytes CD300 Receptors Expression Is Characteristic of Patients With Severe COVID-19
(Frontiers Media, 2021-03-11)COVID-19 manifests with a wide diversity of clinical phenotypes characterized by dysfunctional and exaggerated host immune responses. Many results have been described on the status of the immune system of patients infected ... -
(2017)Proyecto arquitectónico para un centro de alto rendimiento en un antiguo seminario Marista. -
T3 : Time To Train
(2016-12-01)En este proyecto se va a desarrollar una aplicación para dispositivos Android en la cual los usuarios podrán generar plantillas de entrenamiento y poder compartirlas. Dispone de un asistente de voz para llevar el ritmo de ... -
Tabako-ohitura eta bihotz-biriketako gaitasuna, hipertentsioa, gehiegizko pisua, bizimodu sedentarioa eta ez-aktiboa duten pertsonengan
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2023)Tabako-ohiturak gaixotasun kroniko gehienak pairatzeko arriskua areagotu dezakeen ohitura zabaldua da. Haien artean, hipertentsioaren eragilea izan daitekeela behatu da. Horrez gain, jarduera fisikoarekiko (JF) tolerantzian ... -
Tabako-ohitura eta bihotz-biriketako gaitasuna, hipertentsioa, gehiegizko pisua, bizimodu sedentarioa eta ez-aktiboak dituzten pertsonengan
(2022-04-13)SARRERA: Tabako-ohiturak gaixotasun kroniko gehienak pairatzeko arriskua areagotu dezakeen zabaldutako aztura da. Hauen artean, hipertentsioaren eragilea izan daitekeela behatu da. Honez gain, jarduera fisikoarekiko (JF) ... -
El tabaquismo en el ámbito de la salud pública
(Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2010)[ES] El tabaquismo constituye la segunda causa de muerte en el mundo siendo reconocida como epidemia por la OMS. En el presente trabajo se analizan los aspectos epidemiológicos del fenómeno, sus diversas etapas y las ... -
TABAR ANITUA, F. (coord.): Catálogo Monumental. Diócesis de Vitoria : Tomo X. Los valles occidentales entre el Zadorra, el Ayuda y el Inglares. La villa de La Puebla de Arganzón
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2013)... -
Tableaux and Sequent Calculi for CTL and ECTL: Satisfiability Test with Certifying Proofs and Models
(Elservier, 2022-10-21)Certifying proofs are automated deductive proofs obtained as outcomes of a formal verification of temporal properties, where model checking is one of the most promi- nent approaches. The satisfiability problem for the ... -
Tableaux for Realizability of Safety Specifications
(Springer, 2023-03-03)We introduce a tableau decision method for deciding realizability of specifications expressed in a safety fragment of LTL that includes bounded future temporal operators. Tableau decision procedures for temporal and modal ... -
Tackling Sexual Violence in Higher Education. reflections and Learnings from the Basque Country
(Peter Lang, 2019)The persistence and reproduction of sexual violence in our societies is one of the great challenges that we must face in the search for social justice. On the basis of the experience backed by the Universities Supporting ... -
Tackling the development of hormone therapy resistance in breast cancer through mathematical modelling
(2024-05-30)Patients suffering from estrogen-driven breast cancer frequently develop hardly predictable resistanceto hormone therapy, which creates a significant clinical challenge. Current approaches for tackling thisproblem include ... -
Tactical Analysis According to Age-level Groups during a 4 vs. 4 Plus Goalkeepers Small-sided Game
(MDPI, 2020-03-04)This study aimed to compare the collective dynamics of three different age-level groups (i.e., U13, U15 and U18) during a 4 vs. 4 plus goalkeepers small-sided game (SSG). Fifty-four male outfield soccer players aged between ... -
Tactile expectancy modulates occipital alpha oscillations in early blindness
(ELSEVIER, 2023)Alpha oscillatory activity is thought to contribute to visual expectancy through the engagement of task-relevant occipital regions. In early blindness, occipital alpha oscillations are systematically reduced, suggesting ... -
El taekwondo como deporte inclusivo para personas con discapacidad
(2021-06-30)[ES] Este trabajo se ha centrado en la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad a través de los deportes de lucha. De entrada, se ha obtenido información sobre los diferentes conceptos del deporte de lucha así como de ... -
Taekwondoko simulatutako konbate baten fisiologia: egoera aerobikoaren eragina.
(2019-01-15)[EUS] Taekwondoa mundu mailan ezaguna den borroka artea da, Korean jatorria duena. Bestelako borroka arte batzuekin alderatuta, sorrera nahiko berria du Taekwondoak, 1955. urtean Choi Jeneral Korearrak izena eman zionean ... -
Tahir, Nadia Argentine : mémoires de la dictature Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015, 264 pp
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2015)... -
Tailor-Made Synthesis of Hydrosilanols, Hydrosiloxanes, and Silanediols Catalyzed by di-Silyl Rhodium(III) and Iridium(III) Complexes
(ACS, 2023-02)Siloxanes and silanols containing Si–H units are important building blocks for the synthesis of functionalized siloxane materials, and their synthesis is a current challenge. Herein, we report the selective synthesis of ... -
Tailored Biodegradable and Electroactive Poly(Hydroxybutyrate-Co-Hydroxyvalerate) Based Morphologies for Tissue Engineering Applications
(MDPI, 2018-08)Polymer-based piezoelectric biomaterials have already proven their relevance for tissue engineering applications. Furthermore, the morphology of the scaffolds plays also an important role in cell proliferation and ... -
Tailored CO2-philic Anionic Poly(ionic liquid) Composite Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Transport Properties
(ACS, 2020-03-25)Polymeric membranes either containing, or built from, ionic liquids (ILs) are of great interest for enhanced CO2/light gas separation due to the stronger affinity of ILs toward quadrupolar CO2 molecules, and hence, high ...