Examinar INVESTIGACIÓN por departamento (cas.) "Arquitectura"
Now showing items 1-20 of 222
A methodological proposal for the analysis of disused railway lines as territorial structuring elements: The case study of the Vasco-Navarro railway
(Elsevier, 2019-12-06)The thousands of kilometres of disused railway lines that make up a fascinating body of heritage have been the subject of studies by several authors over recent decades. Several interventions for their reuse and reconversion ... -
A Methodology to Regulate Transformation of a City's Appearance Due to Energy Efficiency Building Renovations: A Case Study: Errenteria (Spain)
(MDPI, 2023-08-26)The need to improve the energy performance of European buildings is beyond all doubt, as indicated by the different regulatory determinations on energy and climate change adopted by different public administrations in ... -
A Multi-Criteria Analysis GIS Tool for Measuring the Vulnerability of the Residential Stock Based on Multidimensional Indices
(MDPI, 2023-08-04)There is extensive scientific evidence showing that the characteristics of the urban and residential environment directly affect people’s quality of life and health. In this framework, numerous building renovation policies ... -
Activación de los núcleos rurales a través del diálogo social para la gestión sostenible del paisaje en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai (RBU)
(Asociación española de ecología terrestre, 2020-03-16)El artículo presenta la metodología y resultados de la primera fase de diagnóstico del proceso de socialización Mugi Paisaia, llevado a cabo en dos núcleos rurales de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai, Ibarruri y ... -
Advanced daytime radiative cooling: worldwide potential in the builtenvironment
(2021-10-04)La tesis "Advanced Daytime Radiative Cooling: Worldwide Potential in the Built-Environment" tiene como objetivo calcular el potencial mundial de enfriamiento radiativo para su futura aplicación en arquitectura. Para ello, ... -
Advanced intervention protocol in the Energy rehabilitation of heritage buildings: A Miñones Barracks case study
(MDPI, 2020-08-04)Bearing in mind that dwellings generate a high environmental impact, the aim of this research is to improve their energy efficiency. The incorporation of an insulating layer in the extrados of the building envelope is the ... -
Advanced Techniques for Fast and Accurate Heritage Digitisation in Multiple Case Studies
(MDPI, 2020-07-28)All elements of heritage are exposed to more or less predictable risks. Even though they are in a good state of conservation with economic support for their repair or maintenance, they can suffer sudden accidents leading ... -
Airtightness Analysis of the Built Heritage–Field Measurements of Nineteenth Century Buildings through Blower Door Tests
(MDPI, 2020-12-20)Airtightness is a major issue in architectural design and it has a significant impact on the energy performance of buildings. Moreover, the energy behaviour of built heritage is due, to its singular characteristics, still ... -
La alargada huella de la Plaza de Polota. Permanencias y procesos de transformación en la trama urbana de las villas guipuzcoanas
(2016-02-04)Análisis del proceso de génesis, desarrollo, permanencias y procesos de transformación de la pieza urbana de la ¿Plaza de Pelota¿ en la trama urbana de las villas medievales guipuzcoanas.- Estudio de la implantación de la ... -
Ambiente interior en vivienda social: percepción del confort y diversidad de comportamientos
(2024-04-17)Investigaciones previas han demostrado que pueden existir diferencias en las preferencias, hábitos y usos en edificios con características similares, lo cual puede influir en el comportamiento energético y ambiental de los ... -
An Integrated Approach to Transportation and Land-Use Planning for the Analysis of Former Railway Nodes in Sustainable Transport Development: The Case of the Vasco-Navarro Railway
(MDPI, 2020-12-31)The disappearance of kilometers of railways that once structured their surrounding territory has become an alarming issue in the last decades. These days, several disused railway infrastructures have been converted into ... -
Analysis and influence on hygrothermal comfort and ventilation in educational centres in the Basque Country
(2024-04-19)Multiple research studies have evaluated indoor comfort in the last decades by measuring different environmental conditions. These conditions are called Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), which groups together thermal ... -
Analysis of Energy Retrofit Assessment Methodologies in Buildings by European Research Projects
(Sciendo, 2021-01)Energy retrofit of existing buildings is one of the main keys to achieve European Union's decarbonising objectives defined in the European Green Deal. In order to proceed into them, European policy has been adapted and ... -
Analysis of Planar Double-Layer Timber Spatial Frames by Using Parametric Tools
(MDPI, 2024-07-23)It is in the preliminary design phase of a project that the designer makes decisions concerning the global geometry of the structure. When working with space frames, the choice of the frame topology is key for the structural ... -
Analysis of the State of Building Conservation through Study of Damage and Its Evolution with the State of Conservation Assessment BIM Model (SCABIM)
(MDPI, 2022)Residential building inspections are periodically required by public authorities. However, current approaches to storing and viewing data concerning an inspection are often collected in reports whose form and limited content ... -
Análisis de la geometría de superficies entretejidas en cestería de tira plana de madera.
(2022-02-25)La investigación se centra en la innovación de arquitecturas entretejidas de pequeña escala, mediante la generación de nuevas formas con cestería de tira plana de madera de castaño (TPMC), que es la técnica predominante ... -
Análisis de sistemas de fijación bajo cargas sísmicas para diseño y construcción de entramado ligero con madera producida y comercializada en Costa Rica
(2024)[ES]La utilización del entramado ligero de madera como técnica constructiva se presenta como una valiosa oportunidad en Costa Rica, un país comprometido con políticas carbono neutrales y abundantemente provisto de plantaciones ... -
Andoain-Urnieta errepideko arkitektura industrialaren inbentario arrazoitua 1900-1960
(2016-01-28)Gipuzkoako lurralde guztian, komunikazio ardatz nagusien inguruangertatzen den industria eraikuntzen presentzia jarraia, paisaiarenbereizgarrietako bat da. Gipuzkoako hain fenomeno berezkoa denak,berariazko ondarezko ... -
Una aproximación perceptiva al entorno sonoro urbano , variante metodológica en el Casco Viejo de Bilbao
(2017-09-14)El ambiente es el espacio-tiempo capacitado que posibilita un acercamiento socio-estético elcual nos ayuda a recoger las diferentes atmósferas urbanas cotidianas, es lo que nos pone en relacióndirecta con nuestro entorno ... -
Arquitectura religiosa guipuzcoana desde la segunda mitad del siglo xx a nuestros días
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2014-07-01)Gipuzkoa carecía de un estudio pormenorizado y valorativo de su patrimonio artístico y arquitectónico, de los edificios religiosos desde mediados del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Se ha pretendido, que este trabajo ...