Now showing items 1-10 of 236
Groups acting on regular rooted trees: congruence subgroup problem and portrait growth
Tesi honek zuhaitz errotu erregularren automorfismoen taldeen inguruko problema batzuk ebaztea du helburu. Talde hauek, Grigorchuk-en lehen taldea konkretuki, 80ko hamarkadan izan ziren lehenengoz definituak (ikus[26]), ...
Enhancing sampling in computational statistics using modified hamiltonians
The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) method has been recognized as a powerful sampling tool in computational statistics. In this thesis,we showthat performance ofHMCcan be dramatically improved by replacing Hamiltonians in ...
Modeling the Ascorbate-Glutathione Cycle in Chloroplasts under Light/Dark Conditions
(Biomed Central, 2016-01-22)
Background: Light/dark cycles are probably the most important environmental signals that regulate plant development. Light is essential for photosynthesis, but an excess, in combination with the unavoidable presence of ...
Equilibrium and transport properties of quantum many-body systems
Equilibrium and Transport Properties of Quantum Many-BodySystemsThis thesis is a study of equilibrium and dynamical properties ofmacroscopic quantum many-body problems. An important part of themanuscript concerns the study ...
Advances in Nonlinear Complexity Analysis for Partial Differential Equations
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013)
Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces with constant δ-invariant
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2003)
We completely classify constant mean curvature hypersurfaces (CMC) with constant
δ-invariant in the unit 4-sphere S4 and in the Euclidean 4-space E4.
On the controllability of Partial Differential Equations involving non-local terms and singular potentials
In this thesis, we investigate controllability and observability properties of Partial Differential Equations describing various phenomena appearing in several fields of the applied sciences such as elasticity theory, ...
Pseudospectral methods and numerical continuation for the analysis os structured population models.
En esta tesis se presentan nuevos métodos numéricos para el análisis de modelos en dinámica de poblaciones. Los métodos aproximan equilibrios y bifurcaciones en una clase de modelos conocidos como modelos de poblaciones ...
Cohomology of uniserial p-adic space groups and Carlson's conjecture
Sea p un número primo y sea F_p el cuerpo finito de p elementos. Sea G un p-grupo de orden p^n y clase de nilpotencia m. Entonces, la coclase de G es c=n-m. En 2005, J.F. Carlson, demuestra que sólo hay un número finito ...
Cell Motility and Cancer
(MDPI, 2020-08-05)
Cell migration is an essential systemic behavior, tightly regulated, of all living cells endowed with directional motility that is involved in the major developmental stages of all complex organisms such as morphogenesis, ...