Now showing items 24145-24164 of 39809

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      Local Perceptions of Ecosystem Services Across Multiple Ecosystem Types in Spain 

      García Llorente, Marina; Castro Martínez, Antonio Jesús; Quintas Soriano, Cristina; Oteros Rozas, Elisa; Iniesta Arandia, Irene; González Novoa, José Antonio; García del Amo, David; Hernández Arroyo, Marta; Casado Arzuaga, Izaskun; Palomo, Ignacio; Gómez Baggethun, Erik; Onaindia Olalde, Miren; Montes del Olmo, Carlos; Martín López, Berta (MDPI, 2020-09-18)
      Combining socio-cultural valuations of ecosystem services with ecological and monetary assessments is critical to informing decision making with an integrative and multi-pronged approach. This study examined differences ...
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      Local Productive Arrangements and local development in non-metropolitan municipalities of Sao Paulo, Brazil 

      Alderete, María Verónica; Bacic, Miguel Juan (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU), 2017-11)
      [EN] The objective of this paper consists in analysing whether Local Productive Arrangements (APLs) - the Brazilian version of a cluster- can improve the local development of their host municipalities. Most studies concern ...
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      Local renin angiotensin system and sperm DNA fragmentation. 

      Aparicio Prieto, Mª Victoria; Rodríguez Gallego, María Victoria; Valdivia Palacin, Asier ORCID; Franco Iriarte, Yosu; Hervás Bárbara, Gotzone; Echevarría Orella, Enrique ORCID; Casis Sáenz, Luis (Wolters Kluwer, 2022)
      [EN] The renin angiotensin system (RAS) appears to influence male fertility at multiple levels. In this work, we analyzed the relationship between the RAS and DNA integrity. Fifty male volunteers were divided into two ...
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      Local Structure and Protons in Non-Stoichiometric Pseudo-Cubic Pollucite Mineral by Multinuclear NMR 

      Sánchez Muñoz, Luis; Santos González, José Ignacio; Simmons, William B.; Florian, Pierre (MDPI, 2022-09-20)
      The pollucite structure is considered as a candidate ceramic crystalline matrix for the ceramic immobilization and long-term storage of 135Cs and 137Cs fission products, and thus, their structural characteristics have ...
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      Local sustainability processes worldwide: a systematic review of the literature and research agenda 

      Etxebarria Miguel, María Carmen ORCID; Barrutia Legarreta, José María; Eletxigerra Hernández, Ainhize ORCID; Hartmann, Patrick; Apaolaza Ibáñez, Vanesa (Taylor & Francis, 2017-07-13)
      This article presents a systematic literature review of 109 articles (1992–2015) dealing with Local Agenda 21 processes worldwide. It analyzes two essential elements of Local Agenda 21: (1) the holistic approach of the ...
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      Local Temporal Regularities in Child-Directed Speech in Spanish 

      Pérez-Navarro, Jose; Lallier, Marie; Clark, Catherine; Flanagan, Sheila; Goswami, Usha (ASHA, 2022)
      Purpose: The purpose of this study is to characterize the local (utterance-level) temporal regularities of child-directed speech (CDS) that might facilitate phonological development in Spanish, classically termed a ...
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      Local translation in nervous system pathologies 

      Gamarra, María; De la Cruz Gambra, Aida; Blanco Urrejola, Maite; Baleriola, Jimena (Frontiers Media, 2021-06-29)
      [EN] Dendrites and axons can extend dozens to hundreds of centimeters away from the cell body so that a single neuron can sense and respond to thousands of stimuli. Thus, for an accurate function of dendrites and axons ...
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      Local Whittle estimation of long memory: Standard versus bias-reducing techniques 

      García Enríquez, Javier ORCID; Hualde Bilbao, Javier (Elsevier, 2019)
      [EN] Frequency domain semiparametric estimation of memory parameters belongs to the standard toolkit of applied time series researchers. These methods are based on a local approximation of the spectral density, which ...
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      Localic separation and the duality between closedness and fittedness 

      Arrieta Torres, Igor (Elsevier, 2023-12-07)
      [EN] There are a number of localic separation axioms which are roughly analogous to the T1-axiom from classical topology. For instance, besides the well-known subfitness and fitness, there are also Rosický-Šmarda's ...
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      Localización de páginas web optimizadas para motores de búsqueda 

      Peralta Garnateo, Kevin
      [ES] La globalización de los mercados nace de la pretensión de intentar hacer llegar sus productos a un público más amplio. De este intento surgen la internacionalización y la localización de los productos. La localización, ...
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      Localización gráfica de los expedientes patrimoniales de Vitoria en el AHPA 

      Ibáñez Villar, Amaya; Solagaistua Ortega, Nagore (2013-07-11)
      [ES] Georreferenciación de proyectos de edificios históricos conservados en el Archivo Municipal Pilar Aróstegui y comprendidos entre los siglos XVII y XIX de la ciudad de Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava). Mediante un sistema de ...
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      Localización por imagen de alta resolución del sistema cannabinoide endógeno en la mitocondria del músculo estriado de roedor 

      Elorriaga García, Ricardo (2015-12-16)
      El sistema endocannabinoide es un sistema modulador versátil que se encuentra ampliamente distribuido en el sistema nervioso central (Chevaleyre y cols., 2006; Mackie, 2008; Heifets y Castillo, 2009; Kano y cols., 2009; ...
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      Localization accuracy of a common beamformer for the comparison of two conditions 

      Lucena Gómez, Gustavo; Peigneux, Philippe; Wens, Vincent; Bourguignon, Mathieu (NeuroImage, 2021)
      The linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer is frequently used to reconstruct sources underpinning neuromagnetic recordings. When reconstructions must be compared across conditions, it is considered good prac- ...
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      Localization and Function of the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor in the Anterolateral Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis 

      Puente Bustinza, Nagore ORCID; Elezgarai Gabantxo, Izaskun ORCID; Lafourcade, Mathieu; Reguero Acebal, Leire ORCID; Marsicano, Giovanni; Georges, François; Manzoni, Olivier J.; Grandes Moreno, Pedro Rolando ORCID (Public Library of Science, 2010-01-25)
      Background: The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is involved in behaviors related to natural reward, drug addiction and stress. In spite of the emerging role of the endogenous cannabinoid (eCB) system in these ...
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      Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in Metamaterials Composed of As1−zSbz Semimetal Nanoparticles in AlxGa1−xAs1−ySby Semiconductor Matrix 

      Silkin Silkina, Vyacheslav Mijailovich; Eremeev, Sergey V.; Ushanov, Vitalii I.; Chaldyshev, Vladimir V. (MDPI, 2023-04-13)
      We analyze the possibility to realize a localized surface plasmon resonance in metamaterials composed of As1−zSbz nanoparticles embedded in an AlxGa1−xAs1−ySby semiconductor matrix. To this end, we perform ab initio ...
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      Location of navigation menus in websites: an experimental study with Arabic users 

      Salmerón, Ladislao; Abu Mallouh, Reem; Kammerer, Yvonne (Universal Access in the Information Society, 2017)
      While Arabic users represent by far the fastest growing language population on the Internet, research about how the peculiarities of Arabic language may shape users’ web interactions is still scarce. The preferences of ...
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      Lockdown Duration and Training Intensity Affect Sleep Behavior in an International Sample of 1,454 Elite Athletes 

      Romdhani, Mohamed; Fullagar, Hugh H. K.; Vitale, Jacopo A.; Nédélec, Mathieu; Rae, Dale E.; Ammar, Achraf; Chtourou, Hamdi; Al Horani, Ramzi A.; Ben Saad, Helmi; Bragazzi, Nicola; Dönmez, Gürhan; Dergaa, Ismail; Driss, Tarak; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Hammouda, Omar; Harroum, Nesrine; Hassanmirzaei, Bahar; Khalladi, Karim; Khemila, Syrine; Mataruna Dos Santos, Leonardo Jose; Moussa Chamari, Imen; Mujika Antón, Iñigo ORCID; Muñoz Helú, Hussein; Fashkhami, Amin Norouzi; Paineiras Domingos, Laisa Liane; Khaneghah, Mehrshad Rahbari; Saita, Yoshimoto; Souissi, Nizar; Trabelsi, Khaled; Washif, Jad Adrian; Weber, Johanna; Zmijewski, Piotr; Taylor, Lee; Garbarino, Sergio; Chamari, Karim (Frontiers Media, 2022-06)
      Objective: To investigate the effect of 1) lockdown duration and 2) training intensity on sleep quality and insomnia symptoms in elite athletes.Methods: 1,454 elite athletes (24.1 +/- 6.7 years; 42% female; 41% individual ...
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      Locke y Putnam sobre la referencia 

      Fernández Moreno, Luis (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2010)
      La teoría causal formulada por Kripke y Putnam es la teoría semántica dominante de los términos de género natural y, en especial, de los términos de sustancia. La teoría semántica de los términos de sustancia de Locke ha ...
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      La "locura" como forma de exclusión jurídica: del ius commune a la actualidad 

      Fernández Tomé, Unai (2023-06-27)
      [ES] Apenas hay estudios que hayan considerado al enfermo mental como sujeto excluido de determinados derechos en el ámbito penal. Y resulta importante dado que es a raíz de la evolución histórica con la que se ha construido ...
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      Locus coeruleus norepinephrine activity mediates sensory-evoked awakenings from sleep 

      Hayat, Hanna; Regev, Noa; Matosevich, Noa; Sales, Anna; Paredes Rodríguez, Elena; Krom, Aaron J.; Berg, Lottem; Li, Yong; Lavigne, Marina; Kremer, Eric J.; Yizhar, Ofer; Pickering, Anthony E.; Nirl, Yuval (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2020-04-08)
      A defining feature of sleep is reduced responsiveness to external stimuli, but the mechanisms mediating sensory-evoked arousal remain unclear. We hypothesized that reduced locus coeruleus (LC) norepinephrine (NE) activity ...