Now showing items 13545-13564 of 40250

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      Environmental Standards, Wage Incomes and the Location of Polluting Firms 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Garzón San Felipe, María Begoña ORCID (2000-03)
      The purpose of this paper is to study how the choice of environmental standards by governments is affected by the existence of wage incomes when firms' location is endogenous. In developed countries labor is unionized, ...
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      Environmental sustainability and their factors in SMEs: A multiple case study of Spain and Chile 

      Villegas Pinuer, Francisco; Valenzuela Fernández, Leslier; Llonch Andreu, Joan; López Belbeze, Pilar (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU), 2022-02-10)
      [EN] Environmental Sustainability (ES) is a growing concern for society’s development while identifying companies’ need to define sustainability-based strategies. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have an essential ...
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      Environmental Taxes and Cross-Ownership 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Campo Corredera, María Luz ORCID (Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Economía y Empresa, 2011-12-01)
      Este artículo analiza el efecto de la propiedad cruzada de las empresas sobre el nivel de protección ambiental que fija un gobierno a través de impuestos medioambientales. Suponemos que hay dos empresas y dos accionistas, ...
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      Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance criteria: Analysis of the Banking Industry 

      Larrañaga Eguiguren, Miren (2020-02-05)
      Environmental unconsciousness, social problems and corporate misconduct have been and are present in our community and society. Perhaps, environmentally friendly actions have increased among individuals, families and ...
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      Environmental,social and governance (E.S.G.). Enpresa inbertsio ereduaren osagai sozialaren azterketa. 

      Pikatza Gorrotxategi, Naiara ORCID (2022-12-21)
      Nos encontramos en un contexto de globalización en el que, además, la interacción bidireccional entre las empresas y su entorno es constante. Las empresas practican la innovación abierta (OI) con universidades y centros ...
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      Environmentally Sustainable Green Roof Design for Energy Demand Reduction 

      Azkorra Larrinaga, Zaloa; Romero Antón, Naiara; Martín Escudero, Koldobika ORCID; López Ruiz, Gontzal (MDPI, 2023-07-21)
      Green roofs are artificial ecosystems that provide a nature-based solution to environmental problems such as climate change and the urban heat island effect by absorbing solar radiation and helping to alleviate urban ...
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      Environmentally sustainable investment: Dynamics between global thematic indices 

      Gabriel, Vítor (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU), 2018-11)
      [EN] This study analyses the long-term and short-term dynamics established between environmentally sustainable investment segments, applying a diverse methodological proposal based on the Johansen cointegration approach, ...
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      La envolvente de los edificios como generador de calor y energía eléctrica 

      Pérez Armesto, Asier (2015-01-30)
      [ES]El presente documento analiza las principales funciones que se le exigen actualmente a un sistema constructivo; concretamente, a la envolvente de los edificios. Se plantean inicialmente las causas y necesidades que han ...
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      Enzymatic modulation of nanomaterials and its application to biosensing 

      Díez Buitrago, Beatriz (2020-04-07)
      La creciente demanda de dispositivos para la detección y monitorización de sustancias bio(químicas) ha llevado al estudio y desarrollo de nuevas plataformas para cubrir estas necesidades. En el ámbito de la salud, los ...
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      Enzymatic upgrading of nanochitin using an ancient lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase 

      Barandiaran, Leire; Alonso Lerma, Borja; Reifs, Antonio; Larraza Arocena, Izaskun; Olmos Juste, Raquel; Fernández Calvo, Alba; Jabalera, Ylenia; Eceiza Mendiguren, María Aranzazu; Pérez Jiménez, Raúl (Springer Nature, 2022-08-15)
      Numerous enzymes have the potential to upgrade biomass, converting it into high-tech materials for new applications. However, the features of natural enzymes often limit their use beyond chemical conversion of the substrate. ...
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      Enzymatically produced cellulose nanocrystals as reinforcement for waterborne polyurethane and its applications 

      Alonso Lerma, Borja; Larraza Arocena, Izaskun; Barandiaran Larrea, Leyre; Ugarte Soraluce, Lorena; Saralegui Otamendi, Ainara; Corcuera Maeso, María Ángeles; Pérez Jiménez, Raúl; Eceiza Mendiguren, María Aranzazu (Elsevier Ltd., 2021-02)
      [EN] Waterborne polyurethanes (WBPUs) have been proposed as ecofriendly elastomers with several applications in coatings and adhesives. WBPU’s physicochemical properties can be enhanced by the addition of cellulose ...
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      Enzyme Therapy: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives 

      De la Fuente López, Miguel; Lombardero, Laura; Gómez-González, Alfonso; Solari, Cristina; Angulo Barturen, Iñigo; Acera Osa, Arantxa; Vecino Cordero, Elena ORCID; Astigarraga, Egoitz; Barreda Gómez, Gabriel (MDPI, 2021-08-25)
      In recent years, enzymes have risen as promising therapeutic tools for different pathologies, from metabolic deficiencies, such as fibrosis conditions, ocular pathologies or joint problems, to cancer or cardiovascular ...
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      Enzyme-Catalyzed Polymerization of Kraft Lignin from Eucalyptus globulus: Comparison of Bacterial and Fungal Laccases Efficacy 

      García Fuentevilla, Luisa; Domínguez, Gabriela; Martín Sampedro, Raquel; Hernández, Manuel; Arias, María E.; Santos González, José Ignacio; Ibarra, David; Eugenio, María E. (MDPI, 2023-01-18)
      Kraft lignin, a side-stream from the pulp and paper industry, can be modified by laccases for the synthesis of high added-value products. This work aims to study different laccase sources, including a bacterial laccase ...
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      Eocene paleoclimatic record in deep marine sedimentary successsions from the north iberian continental margin 

      Martínez Braceras, Naroa (2019-06-06)
      El Eoceno constituye uno de los mejores análogos para entender el cambio climático actual. Además de registrar una alta concentración de gases invernadero en la atmósfera y las temperaturas más altas de los últimos 80 ...
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      Eólica e hidrógeno 

      Ansoleaga Ávila, Iñigo (2016-10-17)
      [ES]Se analiza el dimensionamiento de un sistema de producción eléctrica híbrido sostenible. Consta de dos subsistemas: un aerogenerador, que aporta toda la energía, y un sistema de almacenamiento de hidrógeno. Juntos ...
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      EPDM-zko norabide hauts babesle baten balioztatzea eta propietate fisiko-kimikoen eragina aplikazioan 

      Plaza Aguirre, Ainara (2020-01-16)
      [EUS] Lan honetan norabide hauts babesle jakin batzuen balioztapena burutu da. Piezen balioztapena, bezero batek eskatutako piezek bere funtzioa betetzeko dituzten propietateak egokiak direla baieztatzea da. Gainera, ...
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      Ephemeral rivers, geomorfphological evolution and mapping. A case study in NE Iberian Peninsula 

      Ibisate González de Matauco, Askoa ORCID; García, Jesús Horacio; Ollero, Alfredo; Ortiz Martínez de Lahidalga, Josu; Gómez Gutiérrez, Álvaro; Sáenz de Olazagoitia Blanco, Ana (International Association of Geomorphology, 2022-09)
      Ephemeral rivers (IRES – Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams) differ from perennial rivers in that they do not have a base flow, therefore, when direct flow stop, they dry up. This condition is spatially accentuated ...
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      La epidemia de cólera de 1834 en Álava 

      Ferreiro Ardións, Manuel ORCID (Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2013)
      Este artículo recoge las principales conclusiones del estudio "El cólera en las transformaciones del siglo XIX en Álava. La epidemia de 1834" disponible en <>.
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      Epidemiological Analysis of Symmetry in Transmission of the Ebola Virus with Power Law Kernel 

      Hasan, Ali; Akgül, Ali; Farman, Muhammad; Chaudhry, Faryal; Sultan, Muhammad; De la Sen Parte, Manuel ORCID (MDPI, 2023-03-06)
      This study presents a mathematical model of non-integer order through the fractal fractional Caputo operator to determine the development of Ebola virus infections. To construct the model and conduct analysis, all Ebola ...
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      Epidemiological and molecular analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes isolates causing invasive disease in Spain (1998-2009): comparison with non-invasive isolates 

      Montes, Milagrosa; Ardanuy, Carmen; Tamayo Oya, Esther; Doménech, Arnau; Liñares, Josefina; Pérez Trallero, Emilio (Springer, 2011-10-01)
      The incidence, clinical manifestations, and circulating clones involved in Streptococcus pyogenes invasive disease was analyzed in two regions of Spain between 1998 and 2009. The annual average incidence of invasive disease ...