Now showing items 16116-16135 of 40253

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      Fase hautagailua urrutiko babeserako 

      Dávila Peña, Asier (2019-12-19)
      Lan honen helburua irakurleari fase hautagailu bat zer den, nola funtzionatzen duen eta oinarritzen diren printzipioen azalpen bat ematea da. Ulermen on bat burutzeko, fase hautagailu erreal baten simulazioak gehitu dira, ...
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      Fase solidoko mikroerauzketan oinarritutako metodoen garapena hidrokarburo aromatiko polizikloen determinaziorako : aplikazioa eta ebaluazioa ingurumen laginetan 

      Zuazagoitia Rey-Baltar, Daniel ORCID (2012-07-04)
      El presente trabajo propone varios métodos para el análisis de Hidrocarburos Aromáticos Policíclicos en aguas, lixiviados, suelos y sedimentos mediante la técnica de preconcentración de Miicroextracción en Fase Sólida y ...
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      Fast and efficient address search in System-on-a-Programmable-Chip using binary trees 

      Lázaro Arrotegui, Jesús; Bidarte Peraita, Unai ORCID; Muguira Urtubi, Leire ORCID; Cuadrado, Carlos; Jiménez Verde, Jaime (Elsevier, 2021-12)
      One processing task in Ethernet nodes is to manage Media Access Control (MAC) addresses: search, insert new, and delete old ones. For this purpose, Content-Addressable Memorys (CAMs) offer low latency and no collisions; ...
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      Fast and Efficient Neural Conversion of Human Hematopoietic Cells 

      Castaño, Julio; Menéndez, Pablo; Bruzos Cidón, Cristina ORCID; Straccia, Marco; Sousa, Amaia; Zabaleta, Lorea; Vázquez, Nerea; Zubiarrain, Amaia; Sonntag, Kai-Christian; Ugedo Urruela, Luisa; Carvajal Vergara, Xonia; Canals, Josep Maria; Torrecilla Sesma, María ORCID; Sánchez-Pernaute, Rosario; Giorgetti, Alessandra (Cell Press, 2014-12-09)
      Neurons obtained directly from human somatic cells hold great promise for disease modeling and drug screening. Available protocols rely on overexpression of transcription factors using integrative vectors and are often ...
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      Fast and sequence-adaptive whole-brain segmentation using parametric Bayesian modeling 

      Puonti, Oula; Iglesias, Juan Eugenio; Van Leemput, Koen (NeuroImage, 2016)
      Quantitative analysis of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain requires accurate automated segmentation of anatomical structures. A desirable feature for such segmentation methods is to be robust against ...
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      Fast atom transport and launching in a nonrigid trap 

      Tobalina Novo, Ander ORCID; Palmero Lazcoz, Mikel; Martínez Garaot, Sofía ORCID; Muga Francisco, Juan Gonzalo (Springer Nature, 2017-07-18)
      We study the shuttling of an atom in a trap with controllable position and frequency. Using invariant-based inverse engineering, protocols in which the trap is simultaneously displaced and expanded are proposed to speed ...
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      Fast correction of errors in the DFT-calculated energies of gaseous nitrogen-containing species 

      Urrego Ortiz, Ricardo; Builes, Santiago; Calle Vallejo, Federico (Wiley, 2021-03-03)
      Modeling adsorption phenomena on surfaces by DFT calculations often involves substantial errors, resulting in inaccurate predictions of catalytic activities. Such errors partly stem from the inaccurate description of the ...
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      Fast driving between arbitrary states of a quantum particle by trap deformation 

      Martínez Garaot, Sofía ORCID; Palmero Lazcoz, Mikel; Muga Francisco, Juan Gonzalo; Guéry-Odelin, David (2016-12-22)
      By performing a slow adiabatic change between two traps of a quantum particle, it is possible to transform an eigenstate of the original trap into the corresponding eigenstate of the final trap. If no level crossings are ...
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      Fast Driving of a Particle in Two Dimensions without Final Excitation 

      Lu, Xiao-Jing; Palmero Lazcoz, Mikel; Lizuain Lilly, Ion; Muga Francisco, Juan Gonzalo (MDPI, 2022-11-19)
      Controlling the motional state of a particle in a multidimensional space is key for fundamental science and quantum technologies. Applying a recently found two-dimensional invariant combined with linear invariants, we ...
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      Fast garaiaren inferentzia irakurketan: slow paradigmaren ifrentzua. Narratiba digital berriek sortutako ikuspegien azterketa 

      Goikoetxea Bilbao, Udane (2021-12-14)
      La tesis aborda el paradigma informativo dentro del marco de la posmodernidad con la lectura como tema central. En la controversia del fast y del sow journalism la tesis trata de alcanzar el denominado tempo giusto de los ...
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      FAST kodearen egokitzapena haize errota flotatzaileentzat 

      Reinicke Telleria, Fermín (2020-11-05)
      Egungo gizartearen energia-eskaria oso handia da, eta urtero gora egiten du. Eskari izugarri hori asetzeko, agerian geratzen ari da iturri fosiletatik energia-iturri berriztagarrietarako trantsizioaren beharra; ez bakarrik ...
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      Fast one-dimensional finite element approximation of geophysical measurements 

      Shahriari Shourabi, Mostafa (2018-11-14)
      When inverting Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) resistivity measurements, it is a common practice to consider a one-dimensional (1D) layered media to reduce the problem dimensionality using a Hankel transform. Using orthogonality ...
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      Fast quasiadiabatic dynamics 

      Martínez Garaot, Sofía ORCID; Ruschhaupt, Andreas; Gillet, J.; Busch, Thomas; Muga Francisco, Juan Gonzalo (2015-10-07)
      We work out the theory and applications of a fast quasiadiabatic approach to speed up slow adiabatic manipulations of quantum systems by driving a control parameter as near to the adiabatic limit as possible over the entire ...
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      Fast sizing of the width of infinite vertical cracks using constant velocity Flying-Spot thermography 

      González, Jorge; Mendioroz Astigarraga, María Aránzazu ORCID; Sommier, Alain; Batsale, Jean-Christophe; Pradere, Christophe; Salazar Hernández, Agustín ORCID (Elsevier, 2019-03-19)
      Constant Velocity Flying-Spot thermography consists in scanning the sample surface by a focused CW-laser spot moving at constant speed. This technique was designed to study large surfaces in short times. In this work, we ...
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      Fast state and trap rotation of a particle in an anisotropic potential 

      Lizuain Lilly, Ion; Tobalina Novo, Ander ORCID; Rodríguez Prieto, Álvaro; Muga Francisco, Juan Gonzalo (IOP Publishing, 2019-10-21)
      We study the dynamics of a quantum or classical particle in a two-dimensional rotating anisotropic harmonic potential. By a sequence of symplectic transformations for constant rotation velocity we find uncoupled normal ...
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      Fast successive self-nucleation and annealing (SSA) thermal fractionation protocol for the characterization of polyolefin blends from mechanical recycling 

      Góra, Magdalena; Tranchida, Davide; Albrecht, Albert; Müller Sánchez, Alejandro Jesús ORCID; Cavallo, Dario (Wiley, 2022-04-29)
      The sorting stage of mechanical recycling of post-consumer polyolefins has severe challenges. Polypropylene (PP) is often contaminated with polyethylene (PE) and vice versa. To meet quality requirements, characterization ...
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      Fast transport of Bose-Einstein condensates in anharmonic traps 

      Li, Jing; Chen, Xi; Ruschhaupt, Andreas (Royal Society, 2022-12)
      We present a method to transport Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in anharmonic traps and in the presence of atom-atom interactions in short times without residual excitation. Using a combination of a variational approach ...
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      Fast Visible-Light 3D Printing of Conductive PEDOT:PSS Hydrogels 

      López Larrea, Naroa; Gallastegui, Antonela; Lezama Diago, Luis María; Criado González, Miryam; Casado Pérez, Nerea; Mecerreyes Molero, David (Wiley, 2024-01)
      Functional inks for light-based 3D printing are actively being searched for being able to exploit all the potentialities of additive manufacturing. Herein, a fast visible-light photopolymerization process is showed of ...
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      Fast Visible-Light Photopolymerization in the Presence of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Toward 3D Printing Conducting Nanocomposites 

      Gallastegui, Antonela; Domínguez Alfaro, Antonio; Lezama Diago, Luis María; Alegret Ramón, Nuria; Prato, Maurizio; Gómez, M. Lorena; Mecerreyes Molero, David (American Chemical Society, 2022-02)
      [EN] A new photoinitiator system (PIS) based on riboflavin (Rf), triethanolamine, and multiwalled carbon nanobutes (MWCNTs) is presented for visible-light-induced photopolymerization of acrylic monomers. Using this PIS, ...
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      Fast-running theropods tracks from the Early Cretaceous of La Rioja, Spain 

      Navarro Lorbes, Pablo; Ruiz Pérez, Javier; Díaz Martínez, Ignacio; Isasmendi Mata, Erik; Sáez Benito, Patxi; Viera Ausejo, Luis Ignacio; Pereda Suberbiola, Xabier; Torices, Angélica (Nature Research, 2021-12-09)
      [EN]Theropod behaviour and biodynamics are intriguing questions that paleontology has been trying to resolve for a long time. The lack of extant groups with similar bipedalism has made it hard to answer some of the questions ...