Now showing items 19071-19090 of 40263

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      Hot-Moments of Soil CO2 Efflux in a Water-Limited Grassland 

      Vargas, Rodrigo; Sánchez Cañete, P.; Serrano Ortiz, Penélope; Curiel Yuste, Jorge; Domingo, Francisco; López Ballesteros, Ana; Oyonarte, Cecilio (MDPI, 2018)
      The metabolic activity of water-limited ecosystems is strongly linked to the timing and magnitude of precipitation pulses that can trigger disproportionately high (i.e., hot-moments) ecosystem CO2 fluxes. We analyzed over ...
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      Hotel baten horniketa termiko eta elektrikoa energia berriztagarrien bitartez 

      Capanaga Velasco, Alain (2019-12-19)
      Proiektu honetan, hotel baten gaur egungo energia horniketaren iturrriak eta kostuak aztertzen dira. Ondoren, energia-iturri berriztagarrien ikasketa egiten da eta hotelaren ezaugarrientzako egokienak aukeratzen dira. ...
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      Hotela Bilboko Arriaga kalean 

      Lacalle Arbaiza, Maitane (2022-02-01)
      Arkitektura proiektua Bilbon.
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      Hots-aldaketaren inguruan 

      Oñederra Olaizola, Miren Lourdes ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      Hugo Schuchardt’s criticism of the neogrammarians in his "Über die Lautgesetze: Gegen die Junggrammatiker" is the starting point of this paper. In Schuchardt’s critical arguments interesting ideas may be found that still ...
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      Households WTP for the Reliability of Gas Supply 

      Chou, Wan-Jung; Bigano, Andrea; Hunt, Alistair; Branche, Stephane La; Markandya, Anil; Pierfederici, Roberta (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2011-07-07)
      The security of natural gas supply is an important issue for all EU countries due to the region’s heavy dependence on imported supply sources and in light of energy demand for gas that is continuously increasing. Discussions ...
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      Housing Tenure, Geographical Mobility and the Labour Market: the Role of the Employment Exit Rate 

      Vives Coscojuela, Cecilia (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2018-11)
      This paper studies the effect of home-owners' migration costs on unemployment in an economy where workers move both for work- and non-work-related reasons. To this end, a search model with heterogeneous locations is developed ...
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      How ageing changes the mnemonic bias of visual behaviour 

      Wedmore, Florence; Musil, Sofía; Soto, David ORCID (Visual Cognition, 2017)
      Ageing is associated with deficits in cognitive control, including attention and working memory processes. However, how ageing influences the interactions between these cognitive systems is not well understood. The present ...
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      How aging, seizures and ATP change the intrinsic properties of adult hippocampal neural stem cells. 

      Martín Suárez, Soraya (2018-12-14)
      El hipocampo del cerebro de la mayoría de los mamíferos, incluyendo humanos, es capaz de generar nuevas neuronas a partir de de células madre neurales (NSCs) lo largo de la vida adulta mediante un proceso llamado neurogénesis ...
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      How and When Does the Second Language Influence the Production of Native Speech Sounds: A Literature Review 

      Kartushina, Natalia; Frauenfelder, Ulrich H.; Golestani, Narly (Language Learning, 2016)
      In bilinguals and second language learners, the native (L1) and nonnative (L2) languages coexist and interact. The L1 influences L2 production via forward transfer, as is seen with foreign accents. However, language ...
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      How are cities planning to respond to climate change? Assessment of local climate plans from 885 cities in the EU-28 

      Reckien, D.; Salvia, M.; Heidrich, O.; Church, J.M.; Pietrapertosa, F.; De, Gregorio-Hurtado, S.; D'Alonzo, V.; Foley, A.; Simoes, S.G.; Krko?ka, Lorencová, E.; Orru, H.; Orru, K.; Wejs, A.; Flacke, J.; Olazabal, M.; Geneletti, D.; Feliu, E.; Vasilie, S.; Nador, C.; Krook-Riekkola, A.; Matosovic, M.; Fokaides, P.A.; Ioannou, B.I.; Flamos, A.; Spyridaki, N.-A.; Balzan, M.V.; Fülöp, O.; Paspaldzhiev, I.; Grafakos, S.; Dawson, R. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The Paris Agreement aims to limit global mean temperature rise this century to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. This target has wide-ranging implications for Europe and its cities, which are the source of ...
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      How are Italian and Spanish cities tackling climate change? A local comparative study 

      Olazabal, Marta; de Gregorio Hurtado, Sonia; Olazabal, Eduardo; Pietrapertosa, Filomena; Salvia, Monica; Geneletti, Davide; D’Alonzo, Valentina; Feliú, Efrén; Di Leo, Senatro; Reckien, Diana (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2014-03-26)
      Cities are widely recognised as being pivotal to fight climate change. They magnify the drivers of climate change, experience the impacts and also concentrate the highest room for action. Although urban areas are broadly ...
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      How are visual words represented? Insights from EEG-based visual word decoding, feature derivation and image reconstruction 

      Ling, Shouyu; Lee, Andy C. H.; Armstrong, Blair C.; Nestor, Adrian (Human Brain Mapping, 2019)
      Investigations into the neural basis of reading have shed light on the cortical locus and the functional role of visual-orthographic processing. Yet, the fine-grained structure of neural representations subserving reading ...
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      How Aromatic Are Molecular Nanorings? The Case of a Six-Porphyrin Nanoring** 

      Casademont i Reig, Irene; Guerrero Avilés, Raúl Ignacio; Ramos Córdoba, Eloy; Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel; Matito Gras, Eduard (Wiley, 2021-11-02)
      Large conjugated rings with persistent currents are novel promising structures in molecular-scale electronics. A six-porphyrin nanoring structure that allegedly sustained an aromatic ring current involving 78 pi electrons ...
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      How believing can fail to be knowing 

      Ramachandran, Murali (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2006)
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      How Brain-Related Observations Can Be Used to Support Learners to Acquire Full Literacy? Brain-Related Research as a Support Mechanism to Help Learners to Acquire Full Literacy. 

      Lyytinen, Heikki; Louleli, Natalia (MDPI, 2023)
      Possibly some of the most important skills that one can have are those needed to become fully literate. We all wish our children to reach such a goal. Unfortunately, the focus of attention in reading research has been on ...
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      How can cities effectively contribute towards decarbonisation targets? A downscaling method to assess the alignment of local energy plans with national strategies 

      Muñoz Mateos, Iñigo; Hernández, Patxi; Pérez Iribarren, Estibaliz; García Gusano, Diego; Arrizabalaga Uriarte, Eneko (Elsevier, 2023-09)
      Following the example of national pledges and strategies to tackle climate change, cities are mobilising themselves towards decarbonisation, playing a key role in the achievement of those commitments due to their relevance ...
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      How can local energy communities promote sustainable development in European cities? 

      Otamendi Irizar, Irati ORCID; Grijalba Aseguinolaza, Olatz ORCID; Arias Royo, Alba Juncal ORCID; Pennese, Claudia ORCID; Hernández Minguillón, Rufino Javier ORCID (2022-02)
      n the context of the current planetary environmental and social emergency, it is essential to seek strategies for sustainable development. In line with the Social Development Goals (SDG), these strategies must facilitate ...
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      How can we all help conserve nature? 

      Muñoz, M.C.; Valle, V.; White, R.L.; Jaffé, R. (Frontiers for Young Minds, 2019)
      When we speak about conserving nature, we are really talking about taking care of our future, because nature provides essential resources for our survival and enjoyment. We asked an international group of scientists working ...
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      How central are clients in sexual networks created by commercial sex? 

      Hsieh, Chih-Sheng; Kovarik, Jaromir ORCID; Logan, Trevon (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-12-18)
      Sex workers are traditionally considered important vectors of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI). The role of clients is commonly overlooked, partially due to the lack of evidence on clients' position ...
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      How Circular Dichroism in Time and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Can Be Used to Spectroscopically Detect Transient Topological States in Graphene 

      Schuler, Michael; De Giovannini, Umberto; Huebener, Hannes; Rubio Secades, Angel; Sentef, Michael A.; Devereaux, Thomas P.; Werner, Philipp (American Physical Society, 2020-10-19)
      Pumping graphene with circularly polarized light is the archetype of light-tailoring topological bands. Realizing the induced Floquet-Chern-insulator state and demonstrating clear experimental evidence for its topological ...