Now showing items 6833-6852 of 40250

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      Coexistence of the two dimensional electron gas and ferroelectric domains in ferroelectric thin films 

      Muñoz Basagoiti, Maitane (2018-04-17)
      [EN] Thin film ferroelectrics screen their in-built depolarizing electric filed by forming domains of opposite polarization within the film. Similar materials have been found to favour surface charge accumulation as screening ...
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      Las cofradías de la Península Ibérica en la Baja Edad Media 

      Ciarra Apestegui, Beñat (2020-11-20)
      El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprender algunos aspectos de las cofradías en la Baja Edad Media, con particular referencia a sus finalidades, su organización interna y los requisitos exigidos a sus miembros. El ...
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      Cogeneración con gas natural en una empresa de tratamientos térmicos 

      Gómez Rodríguez, Álvaro (2015-02-05)
      [ES]Diseño de una instalación de cogeneración basada en un motor de combustible gas natural para una empresa de tratamientos térmicos y superficiales. Para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de la planta, la potencia ...
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      Cogeneración de procesos en el desarrollo de una práctica escultórica 

      Achúcarro Yohn, Antonio; Garbayo Rández, Antonio; Garraza Salanueva, Angel José ORCID; Gómez Ruiz, Juan Antonio; Hernando López, José Marco; Herrera Jiménez, José María; Larrea Príncipe, Iratxe ORCID; Larroy Larroy, María Nieves ORCID; Lasa Garicano, José Ángel; Liceranzu Martínez, José Antonio; Moreno Martínez, Javier; Mujika Lardizabal, Ane (2014-05-15)
      Este libro recoje proyecto ha sido desarrollado por 12 profesores del Dpto. de Escultura de la Facultad de Bellas Artes UPV/EHU. en un proceso de investigación plástico desde el área de la cerámica y la escultura, con ...
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      Cognition in Recent Suicide Attempts: Altered Executive Function 

      Fernández Sevillano, Jessica; Alberich, Susana ORCID; Zorrilla Martínez, Iñaki; González Ortega, Itxaso; López Peña, María Purificación; Pérez, Víctor; Vieta, Eduard; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID; Saíz, Pilar (Frontiers Media, 2021-07-22)
      Background: Neuropsychological alterations can lead to inaccurate perception, interpretation, and response to environmental information, which could be a risk factor for suicide. Methods: Ninety-six subjects were recruited ...
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      Cognition, inflammation and related risk factors in suicide attempts 

      Fernández Sevillano, Jessica (2022-12-14)
      La conducta suicida es un problema de salud global que causa alrededor de 800.000 muertes anuales en el mundo y está asociada a discapacidad y deterioro funcional. De acuerdo al modelo de estrés-diátesis y el enfoque ...
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      Cognitive and neural mechanisms of voluntary versus forced language switching in Chinese–English bilinguals: an fMRI study 

      Geng, Libo; Zhao, Xinyu; Xu, Qihui; Haiyan, Wu; Hu, Xueping; Liu, Zhiyuan; Ming, Lili; Xue, Zixuan; Yue, Chenyi; Yang, Yiming (OXFORD, 2024)
      The ecological validity of bilingual code-switching has garnered increasing attention in recent years. Contrary to traditional studies that have focused on forced language switching, emerging theories posit that voluntary ...
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      Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Cannabis Use Cessation in First-Episode Psychosis Patients: A 1-Year Randomized Controlled Trial 

      González Ortega, Itxaso; Echeburúa Odriozola, Enrique ORCID; Alberich, Susana ORCID; Bernardo, Miquel; Vieta, Eduard; Salazar de Pablo, Gonzalo ORCID; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID (MDPI, 2022)
      Despite the negative influence of cannabis use on the development and prognosis of first-episode psychosis (FEP), there is little evidence on effective specific interventions for cannabis use cessation in FEP. The aim of ...
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      Cognitive behavioral therapy program for cannabis use cessation in first-episode psychosis patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 

      González Ortega, Itxaso; Echeburúa Odriozola, Enrique ORCID; García-Alocén, Adriana; Vega, Patricia; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID (Biomed Central, 2016-07-29)
      Background: The high rate of cannabis use among patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP), as well as the associated negative impact on illness course and treatment outcomes, underlines the need for effective interventions ...
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      Cognitive Enhancers in Schizophrenia: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Alpha-7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonists for Cognitive Deficits and Negative Symptoms 

      Recio Barbero, María; Segarra Echevarria, Rafael; Zabala Rabadán, Arantzazu; González Fraile, Eduardo; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID; Ballesteros Rodríguez, Francisco Javier ORCID (Frontiers Media, 2021-04-06)
      Background: Schizophrenia is a severe and enduring disease and is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Cognitive impairment is a core clinical symptom that plays a crucial role in functional outcomes and ...
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      Cognitive predictors of language abilities in primary school children: A cascaded developmental view 

      Acha Morcillo, Joana ORCID; Agirregoikoa López, Ainhize; Barreto Zarza, Florencia Belén ORCID; Arranz Freijó, Enrique Bernardino (Cambridge University Press, 2023-03)
      This study investigated the longitudinal relationship between children's domain-general cognitive constraints underlying phonological and sentence processing development in a big sample of typically developing children. ...
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      Cognitive profile for children with ADHD by using WISC-IV: subtype differences? 

      Fenollar Cortés, Javier; Navarro Soria, Ignasi; González Gómez, Carlota; García Sevilla, Julia (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2015)
      This study explores whether a specific cognitive profile for children with ADHD can be obtained through the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) and whether this profile is capable of differentiating ...
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      Cognitive reserve counteracts typical neural activity changes related to ageing 

      Cespón, Jesús; Chupina, Irina; Carreiras, Manuel (ELSEVIER, 2023)
      Studies have shown that older adults with high Cognitive Reserve (HCR) exhibit better executive functioning than their low CR (LCR) counterparts. However, the neural processes linked to those differences are unclear. This ...
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      Cognitive Science and Semantic Representations 

      Le Ny, Jean-François (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 1990)
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      Cognitive stories and the image of mathematics 

      Wagner, Roy (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      This paper considers two models of embodied mathematical cognition (a modular model and a dynamic model), and analyses the image of mathematics that they support.; Este artículo considera dos modelos de cognición matemática ...
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      Cognitive, creative, functional, and clinical symptom improvements in schizophrenia after an integrative cognitive remediation program: a randomized controlled trial 

      Sampedro, Agurne; Peña Lasa, Javier; Sánchez Gómez, Pedro María ORCID; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Iriarte Yoller, Nagore; Pavón, Cristóbal; Tous Espelosin, Mikel ORCID; Ojeda, Natalia (Nature Research, 2021-10-28)
      [EN] This study analyzed the effectiveness of an integrative cognitive remediation program (REHACOP) in improving neurocognition, social cognition, creativity, functional outcome, and clinical symptoms in patients with ...
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      Coherencia de Políticas para el Desarrollo en Euskadi: diagnóstico y propuestas 

      Unceta Satrústegui, Koldobika Jokin ORCID; Millán, Natalia; Álvarez, Yesica; Amiano Bonachea, María Iratxe ORCID; Gutiérrez Goiria, Jorge ORCID; Labaien Egiguren, Irati ORCID; Martínez Herrero, María José ORCID; Sabalza Boj, Michel; Villena Camarero, Unai ORCID; Zabala Errazti, María Idoya (2015-12-21)
      El texto que aquí se presenta es un resumen del Informe encargado a Hegoa, Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional (Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU) por la Agencia Vasca de Cooperación para ...
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      Coherencia de Políticas para el Desarrollo: más allá de la AOD 

      Millán, Natalia; Gutiérrez Goiria, Jorge; Zabalza, Michel (HEGOA, Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional, Centro de Documentación, 2015-10)
      [ESP]La Coherencia de Políticas para el Desarrollo (CPD) surge como un concepto que supera la lógica de la AOD, para afrontar los problemas de desarrollo de manera comprehensiva a escala global. Más ...
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      Coherencia del modelo de intervención y eficacia de la institución 

      Heraut, Jean Charles (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1987)
      [ES] Análisis de las diferentes funciones e intervención de la Institución realizada a través de la evaluación de sus modelos de análisis.
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      Coherencia i integritat 

      Calsamiglia Blancafort, Albert (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 1992)