Now showing items 8011-8030 of 40241

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      Corruption perception following privatization reforms: the moderating role of governance 

      Cuadrado Ballesteros, Beatriz; Peña Miguel, Noemí ORCID (Universidad de Murcia, 2020-01-01)
      Este estudio analiza la corrupción percibida tras las reformas de privatización, teniendo en cuenta el papel del buen gobierno, en 22 países europeos entre 2002 y 2013. Un primer análisis inicial no revela cambios relevante ...
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      CorTen steel: a solution to atmospheric degradation in acid and marine environments 

      Ruiz Galende, Patricia ORCID (Euskal Herriko Ubibertsitatea/Universidad del País Vasco, 2018)
      [EN] Weathering steel has a special resistance against the atmospheric corrosion through the formation of a protective layer. This layer is formed, among others, due to the reaction of some alloy elements present in the ...
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      Cortesía verbal en Lisias: un estudio del modal χρή 

      Fornieles Sánchez, Raquel (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2022)
      The modal χρή expresses deontic modality, which includes the directive value for the expression of directive speech acts. This paper analyzes both the cases of directive deontic and non-directive deontic χρή. special ...
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      Cortical thinning over two years after first-episode psychosis depends on age of onset. 

      Pina Camacho, Laura; Martínez, Kenia; Díaz Caneja, Covadonga; Mezquida, Gisela; Cuesta, Manuel J.; Moreno, Carmen; Amoretti, Silvia; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID; Arango, Celso; Vieta, Eduard; Castro Fornieles, Josefina; Lobo, Antonio; Fraguas, David; Bernardo, Miguel; Janssen, Joost; Parellada, Mara; Zorrilla Martínez, Iñaki; PEPs Group (Nature Portfolio, 2022-03-11)
      [EN] First-episode psychosis (FEP) patients show structural brain abnormalities at the first episode. Whether the cortical changes that follow a FEP are progressive and whether age at onset modulates these changes remains ...
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      Cortical tracking of lexical speech units in a multi-talker background is immature in school-aged children 

      Niesen, Maxime; Bourguignon, Mathieu; Bertels, Julie; Vander Ghinst, Marc; Wens, Vincent; Goldman, Serge; De Tiège, Xavier (ELSEVIER, 2023)
      Children have more difficulty perceiving speech in noise than adults. Whether this difficulty relates to an immature processing of prosodic or linguistic elements of the attended speech is still unclear. To address the ...
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      Cortical tracking of speech in noise accounts for reading strategies in children 

      Destoky, Florian; Bertels, Julie; Niesen, Maxime; Wens, Vincent; Vander Ghinst, Marc; Leybaert, Jacqueline; Lallier, Marie; Ince, Robin A. A.; Gross, Joachim; De Tiège, Xavier; Bourguignon, Mathieu (PLOS BIOLOGY, 2020)
      Humans’ propensity to acquire literacy relates to several factors, including the ability to understand speech in noise (SiN). Still, the nature of the relation between reading and SiN perception abilities remains poorly ...
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      Cortical Tracking of Speech-in-Noise Develops from Childhood to Adulthood 

      Vander Ghinst, Marc; Bourguignon, Mathieu; Niesen, Maxime; Wens, Vincent; Hassid, Sergio; Choufani, Georges; Jousmäki, Veikko; Hari, Riitta; Goldman, Serge; De Tiège, Xavier (The Journal of Neuroscience,, 2019)
      In multitalker backgrounds, the auditory cortex of adult humans tracks the attended speech stream rather than the global auditory scene. Still, it is unknown whether such preferential tracking also occurs in children whose ...
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      Corticokinematic coherence as a new marker for somatosensory afference in newborns 

      Smeds, Eero; Vanhatalo, Sampsa; Piitulainen, Harri; Bourguignon, Mathieu; Jousmäki, Veikko; Hari, Riitta (Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017)
      Objective Somatosensory evoked potentials have high prognostic value in neonatal intensive care, but their recording from infants is challenging. Here, we studied the possibility to elicit cortical responses in newborns ...
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      Las corveas, servidumbre en trabajo y su redención en Navarra durante la Baja Edad Media 

      Rodríguez Gauna, María (2020-12-21)
      Las corveas o prestaciones en trabajo no han suscitado un interés particular en la historiografía medieval navarra como lo han realizado otras manifestaciones del señorío, pese a su cotidianidad y pese a que fueron un ...
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      La cosa de la pintura 

      Candaulap Guinea, Luis (2020-07-14)
      El escrito pretende rodear con una serie de conceptos el núcleo de publicaciones presentado, resultante de un trabajo de más de 30 años en el campo de la pintura. Para ello nos basamos en dos conceptos base, que remiten a ...
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      Cosas, personas y espacio social en el estudio de la desigualdad social. La trama de las relaciones en una sociedad diferenciada en la región andina de Argentina (S. VI a X d.C) 

      Laguens, Andrés (Arkeogazte: Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores en Arqueología Prehistórica e Histórica, 2014)
      [ES] Una manera de caracterizar diferenciaciones sociales en arqueología ha sido en base a la distribución y acceso diferencial a bienes. Proponemos pensar el problema desde una perspectiva relacional considerando la ...
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      Cosecha de microalgas con nanopartículas magnéticas 

      Diez García, Sandra (2015-04-01)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es sintetizar nanopartículas de magnetita con grupos hidroxilo y con grupos amino, y estudiar el uso de ambas en la cosecha de dos especies distintas de microalgas creciendo con distintas fuentes ...
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      Cosiendo Gasteiz 

      Ancín Azcona, Alvaro (2018-07-11)
      Proyecto arquitectónico en Gasteiz
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      Cosificación de las adolescentes en las redes sociales digitales 

      Urdangarin Aranbarri, Garazi (2015-11-19)
      La cosificación se refiere a la representación de una mujer a través de su cuerpo o partes de éste. La utilización masiva por parte de adolescentes de las Redes Sociales Digitales, hacen de éste fenómeno una forma tangible ...
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      Cosméticos María D'uol: Gulliver en el país de los gigantes 

      Lafuente Ruiz de Sabando, Amaia ORCID (Vicerrectorado de Calidad e Innovación Docente, 2015-06-24)
      En este Caso se traslada al alumnado a un momento de tiempo en el que la empresa Laboratorios María D’uol adquiere una dimensión considerablemente mayor que la de los años precedentes. Su equipo humano crece y se profesionaliza, ...
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      Cosmological constrains on fast transition Unified Dark Matter models 

      Lazcoz Sáez, Ruth ORCID; Leanizbarrutia Alonso, Iker; Salzano, Vincenzo (IOP Publishing, 2015)
      In this work we show the results obtained applying a Unified Dark Matter (UDM) model with a fast transition to a set of cosmological data. Two different functions to model the transition are tested, and the feasibility of ...
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      Cosmological Perturbations in Phantom Dark Energy Models 

      Albarran, Imanol; Bouhmadi López, Mariam ORCID; Morais, Joao (MDPI, 2017-03-06)
      The CDM paradigm, characterised by a constant equation of state w = -1 for dark energy, is the model that better fits observations. However, the same observations strongly support the possibility of a dark energy content ...
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      Cosmology in an accelerated universe: observations and phenomenology 

      Sendra Server, Irene (2012-07-27)
      En las últimas décadas la cosmología ha experimentado notables avances como consecuencia del desarrollo de nuevos experimentos que nos han abastecido con precisos datos observacionales. La calidad de estos datos ha permitido ...
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      Cosmopolitan Distribution of Endozoicomonas-Like Organisms and Other Intracellular Microcolonies of Bacteria Causing Infection in Marine Mollusks 

      Cano, Irene; Ryder, David; Webb, Steve C.; Jones, Brian J.; Brosnahan, Cara L.; Carrasco, Noelia; Bodinier, Barbara; Furones, Dolors; Pretto, Tobia; Carella, Francesca; Chollet, Bruno; Arzul, Isabelle; Cheslett, Deborah; Collins, Evelyn; Lohrmann, Karin B.; Valdivia, Ana L.; Ward, Georgia; Carballal, Maria J.; Villalba, Antonio; Marigómez Allende, Juan Antonio ORCID; Mortensen, Stein; Christison, Kevin; Kevin, Wakeman C.; Bustos, Eduardo; Christie, Lyndsay; Green, Matthew; Feist, Stephen W. (Frontiers Media, 2020-10-30)
      Intracellular microcolonies of bacteria (IMC), in some cases developing large extracellular cysts (bacterial aggregates), infecting primarily gill and digestive gland, have been historically reported in a wide diversity ...
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      Cosserat thermo-mechanics under finite deformations: theory and finite element implementation 

      Russo, Raffaele ORCID (2022-05-23)
      The objective of this thesis is to propose a theory that is able to capture specific phenomena during machining operations on metals. Recent investigations proved that dislocations-driven mechanisms at molecular or atomic ...