Examinar por departamento (cas.) "Políticas Públicas e Historia Económica"
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
Acercándonos al mirador. El salto a la interdisciplinariedad del nuevo milenio
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2022)[ES] Este capítulo introductorio argumenta que los grandes avances en el conocimiento sobre la formación de la sociedad de al-Andalus están estrechamente ligados a una orientación interdisciplinar. Por consiguiente, se ... -
An efficient portfolio approach towards ecosystem-based fisheries governance in EU
(Elsevier, 2022-10)In the framework of multispecies fisheries governance, the main objective of this paper is to apply modern portfolio theory (MPT) to the North-East Atlantic European fisheries, including all the key commercial fish species ... -
An empirical analysis of Colombia's trade liberalisation and its effect on the equilibrium of its structural trade deficit
(Wiley, 2022-05)The article examines the extent to which Colombia's trade liberalisation, as a government strategy to boost its exports, has helped to balance its structural trade deficit. Based on the trade gravity model theory, we derive ... -
Analysis of the Consciousness of University Undergraduates for Sustainable Consumption
(MDPI, 2019-08-23)This research seeks to measure the degree of consciousness for sustainable consumption in a wide sample of university students. The interest of this study is to analyze if students’ choice of degree, as well as their ... -
Arqueología del conflicto Carlista en Bizkaia y Araba
(2023-05-15)En la presente tesis doctoral se estudia la materialidad arqueológica de las guerras carlistas en Bizkaia y Araba.Los tres primeros capítulos sirven de introducción al tema de investigación. En ellos se sintetiza el contexto ... -
Arts, Culture and Creativity as Drivers for Territorial Development, Innovation and Competitiveness
(Springer, 2017-07-04)Notwithstanding the heterogeneity of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) sectors, all of them exhibit similar causes of market failure and face similar challenges related to the digital shift and to increasing ... -
Bilbao Case Study
(Routledge, 2016)Remaking Post-Industrial Cities: Lessons from North America and Europe examines the transformation of post-industrial cities after the precipitous collapse of big industry in the 1980s on both sides of the Atlantic, ... -
Circular economy: On the road to ISO 59000 family of standards
(Wiley, 2024-05)The article aims to analyse the experience regarding the adoption of the voluntary French standard XP X30-901, used as the main reference point to design the ISO 59004 that will define the terminology, principles and ... -
La colaboración entre las instituciones cristianas y el poder omeya desde la óptica de Eliberri y Urci
(University of California Santa Barbara, 2019)El artículo analiza la trayectoria de las instituciones cristianas en al-Andalus en época omeya, centrándose en la evolución de la red episcopal. Los obispos cooperaron estrechamente con los Omeyas, para quienes desempeñaron ... -
La construcción del poder omeya. Recursos, costes y ciclo productivo arquitectónico de Madinat al-Zahra
(Archaeopress, 2023)[EN] Recent research within the framework of Architectural Energetics is making it possible to analyse the time and costs of a growing number of pre-industrial construction projects. However, most of these theoretical ... -
Dataset for the Life Cycle Assessment of the High Speed Rail Network in Spain
(Elsevier, 2021-04-12)A life cycle assessment (LCA) of the Spanish high speed rail (HSR) network in service in 2016 (2583 km) was conducted. Life cycle inventory (LCI) data related to the construction and maintenance phases of the infrastructure ... -
Decentralization: A handicap in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic? The response of the regional governments in Spain
(Wiley, 2023-05)The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an ultimate testing ground for evaluating the resilience and effectiveness of federal and decentralized systems. The article analyses how the Spanish asymmetrical system of decentralization ... -
Decentralized Web3 Reshaping Internet Governance: Towards the Emergence of New Forms of Nation-Statehood?
(MDPI, 2024-10-04)This article explores how decentralized Web3 is reshaping Internet governance by enabling the emergence of new forms of nation-statehood and redefining traditional concepts of state sovereignty. Based on fieldwork conducted ... -
Determinantes del seguro médico privado y del uso de urgencias
(ALdE, 2015)El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los factores que determinan la demanda de seguro médico privado y el uso de urgencias en España. El análisis de la demanda de seguro médico privado se realiza con un modelo logit ... -
Do individuals' health preferences validate the decentralisation of the public health system in Spain?
(Elsevier, 2022-07)The objective of this paper is to estimate individuals' preferences about public health services in two Spanish regions, the Basque Country (BC) and Canary Islands (CI) and analyse whether they differ. This work was motivated ... -
Does employment protection legislation affect employment and unemployment?
(Elsevier, 2023-09)The article analyses the impact of employment protection legislation (EPL) on labour market outcomes. Despite widespread reforms that have reduced employment protection, the evidence on the effects of such reforms is ... -
Does the monetary policy regime matter in the effect of credit on growth?
(Wiley, 2022)This study sheds light on the finance–growth link by (i) carefully taking into account the lessons learned from the empirical literature, (ii) extending the period of analysis to include the years following the global ... -
Domesticidad y familia: ambigüedad y contradicción en los modelos de feminidad en el franquismo
(Universidad de Alicante, 2014)La instauración de la dictadura franquista significó la consolidación de un modelo de familia que, mediante la combinación de elementos católicos y falangistas, se convir- tió en la base legitimadora del nuevo régimen. ... -
Evolución del modelo sanitario de Osakidetza desde la perspectiva organizacional, principios informadores y sostenibilidad económico-financiera.
(2023-10-20)El objeto principal consiste en verificar cómo Osakidetza (OSK), en el ejercicio y despliegue de su actividad de provisión de servicios sanitarios públicos en el País Vasco o Euskadi, da cumplimiento a los principios que ... -
External debt burden and economic growth: evidence from Central Asia
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-07-19)The main goal of this paper is to analyze the effects of external debt accumulation on economic growth amongst Central Asian countries. We have applied a time series methodology utilizing annual data from 2000 to 2017 to ...