Now showing items 324-343 of 1000

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      Estimated all-day and evening whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic fields doses, and sleep in preadolescents 

      Cabré Riera, Alba; Van Wel, Luuk; Liorni, Ilaria; Koopman Verhoeff, M. Elisabeth; Imaz, Liher; Ibarluzea Maurolagoitia, Jesús María; Huss, Anke; Wiart, Joe; Vermeulen, Roel; Joseph, Wout; Capstick, Myles; Vrijheid, Martine; Cardis, Elisabeth; Röösli, Martin; Eeftens, Marloes; Thielens, Arno; Tiemeier, Henning; Guxens, Mónica (Elsevier, 2022-03)
      [EN] Objective: To investigate the association of estimated all-day and evening whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) doses with sleep disturbances and objective sleep measures in preadolescents. Methods: ...
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      Estrategia de investigación e innovación para un sistema alimentario sostenible en Euskadi 2030: resultados del laboratorio de políticas Fit4Food2030 de Euskadi 

      Alberdi Aresti, Goiuri; Begiristain Zubillaga, Mirene (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2021)
      Entre los desafíos identificados por el marco de Horizonte Europa, la salud del suelo y los alimentos es uno de los ámbitos de misión junto con la agricultura vinculada al medio ambiente, los recursos y la alimentación, ...
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      Eurobalise-Train communication modelling to assess interferences in railway control signalling systems 

      Rodríguez, Lara; Pinedo Zamalloa, Christian ORCID; López Orbe, Igor ORCID; Aguado Castrillo, Marina ORCID; Astorga Burgo, Jasone ORCID; Higuero Aperribay, María Victoria ORCID; Adin, Iñigo; Bistué, Guillermo; Mendizabal, Jaizki (Macrothink Institute, 2016-05-10)
      The evolution of the railway sector depends, to a great extent, on the deployment of advanced railway signalling systems. These signalling systems are based on communication architectures that must cope with complex ...
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      European Cities in the Energy Transition: A Preliminary Analysis of 27 Cities 

      Villamor Lomas, Estitxu ORCID; Akizu Gardoki, Ortzi; Azurza Zubizarreta, Olatz; Urkidi Azkarraga, Leire ORCID; Campos Celador, Alvaro ORCID; Basurko, Izaro; Barcena Hynojal, Iñaki Bizente (MDPI, 2020-03-12)
      Nowadays, there is a wide scientific consensus about the unsustainability of the current energy system and at the same time, social awareness about climate change and the IPCC’s goals is increasing in Europe. Amongst ...
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      Euskadin 2030ean elikadura sistema iraunkorra izateko ikerketa eta berrikuntza estrategia: Euskadiko Fit4Food2030 politiken laborategiko emaitzak 

      Alberdi Aresti, Goiuri; Begiristain Zubillaga, Mirene (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2021)
      Horizonte Europa markoak identifikatutako erronken artean, lurzoruen osasuna eta elikagaiak dira misioaren arloetako bi, eta horiekin batera, ingurumenari, baliabideei eta elikadurari loturiko nekazaritza. Abiapuntu gisa ...
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      Euskaraz hitz egiten ikasten duten makina autodidaktak 

      López Zorrilla, Asier ORCID; De Velasco Vázquez, Mikel ORCID; Justo Blanco, Raquel ORCID (Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, 2019-05)
      Lan honetan sare neuronalen bidez euskaraz hitz egiten ikasten duen elkarrizketa sistema automatikoa aurkezten dugu. Horretarako, Turingen testaren ideia era konputazionalean inplementatzen duten sare neuronal sortzaile ...
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      Evaluation of habitat protection under the European Natura 2000 conservation network The example for Germany 

      Friedrichs, M.; Hermoso, V.; Bremerich, V.; Langhans, S.D. (PLoS One, 2018)
      The world´s largest network of protected areas Natura 2000 (N2000) has been implemented to protect Europe´s biodiversity. N2000 is built upon two cornerstones, the Birds Directive, which lists 691 bird species (plus one ...
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      Evaluation of the VISAGE Basic Tool for Appearance and Ancestry Prediction Using PowerSeq Chemistry on the MiSeq FGx System 

      Palencia Madrid, Leire ORCID; Xavier, Catarina; De la Puente, María; Hohoff, Carsten; Phillips, Christopher; Kayser, Manfred; Parson, Walther (MDPI, 2020-06-26)
      The study of DNA to predict externally visible characteristics (EVCs) and the biogeographical ancestry (BGA) from unknown samples is gaining relevance in forensic genetics. Technical developments in Massively Parallel ...
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      Even-odd Effect in Aliphatic Polycarbonates with Different Chain Lengths: from Poly (hexamethylene carbonate) to Poly (dodecamethylene carbonate) 

      Pérez Camargo, Ricardo Arpad; Meabe Iturbe, Leire; Sardon Muguruza, Haritz; Liu, Guoming; Zhao, Ying; Wang, Dujin; Müller Sánchez, Alejandro Jesús ORCID (ACS, 2020-12-17)
      We have characterized a series of aliphatic polycarbonates synthesized by organocatalysis containing a variable number of methylene groups (nCH2) in their repeat units ranging from nCH2 = 6 to 12. The melting and crystallization ...
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      Ex situ and in situ Magnetic Phase Synthesised Magneto-Driven Alginate Beads 

      Gunatilake, Udara Bimendra; Venkatesan, Munuswamy; Basabe Desmonts, Lourdes ORCID; Benito López, Fernando ORCID (Elsevier, 2022-03-15)
      [EN] Biocompatible magnetic hydrogels provide a great source of synthetic materials, which facilitate remote stimuli, enabling safer biological and environmental applications. Prominently, the ex situ and in situ magnetic ...
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      Excited-state band structure mapping 

      Puppin, Michele; Nicholson, Christopher W.; Monney, Claude; Deng, Yunpei; Xiang, R. P.; Feldl, Johannes; Dong, Shuo; Domínguez García, Adriel; Hubener, Hannes; Rubio Secades, Angel; Wolf, M.; Rettig, Laurenz; Ernstorfer, Ralph (American Physical Society, 2022-02-15)
      [EN] Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is an extremely powerful probe of materials to access the occupied electronic structure with energy and momentum resolution. However, it remains blind to those dynamic states ...
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      Excitonic insulator to superconductor phase transition in ultra-compressed helium 

      Liu, Cong; Errea Lope, Ion ORCID; Ding, Chi; Pickard, Chris J.; Conway, Lewis J.; Monserrat, Bartomeu; Fang, Yue-Wen; Lu, Qing; Sun, Jian; Boronat, Jordi; Cazorla, Claudio (Springer Nature, 2023-07-25)
      Helium, the second most abundant element in the universe, exhibits an extremely large electronic band gap of about 20 eV at ambient pressures. While the metallization pressure of helium has been accurately determined, thus ...
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      Exclusive Substitutional Nitrogen Doping on Graphene Decoupled from an Insulating Substrate 

      Moreno López, Juan Carlos; Fedi, Filippo; Argentero, Giacomo; Carini, Marco; Chimborazo, Johnny; Meyer, Jannik; Pichler, Thomas; Mateo Alonso, Aurelio ORCID; Ayala, Paola (American Chemical Society, 2020-10-08)
      The on-surface synthesis of atomically flat N-doped graphene on oxidized copper is presented. Besides circumventing the almost standard use of metallic substrates for growth, this method allows producing graphene with ...
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      Experimental and Data Fitting Guidelines for the Determination of Polymer Crystallization Kinetics 

      Pérez Camargo, Ricardo Arpad; Liu, Guoming; Wang, Dujin; Müller Sánchez, Alejandro Jesús ORCID (Springer Nature, 2022-05-05)
      The crystallization kinetics of semicrystalline polymers is often studied with isothermal experiments and analyzed by fitting the data with analytical expressions of the Avrami and Lauritzen and Hoffman (LH) theories. To ...
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      Experimental Devices to Investigate the Long-Term Stability of Phase Change Materials under Application Conditions 

      Rathgeber, Christoph; Hiebler, Stefan; Bayón, Rocío; Cabeza, Luisa F.; Zsembinszki, Gabriel; Englmair, Gerald; Dannemand, Mark; Diarce Belloso, Gonzalo; Fellmann, Oliver; Ravotti, Rebecca; Groulx, Dominic; Kheirabadi, Ali C.; Gschwander, Stefan; Höhlein, Stephan; König Haagen, Andreas; Beaupere, Noé; Zalewski, Laurent (MDPI, 2020-11-10)
      An important prerequisite to select a reliable phase change material (PCM) for thermal energy storage applications is to test it under application conditions. In the case of solid–liquid PCM, a large amount of thermal ...
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      Experimental evaluation of cement mortars with recycled brass fibres from the electrical discharge machining process 

      Borinaga Treviño, Roque ORCID; Orbe Mateo, Aimar; Canales Abaitua, Javier ORCID; Norambuena Contreras, J. (Elsevier, 2020-06-20)
      This paper aims to evaluate the effect of recycled brass fibres on the physical, thermal and mechanical properties of cementitious mortars. For that purpose, seven different mortars, with the same water/cement ratio but ...
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      Experimental implementation of a catalytic membrane reactor for the direct synthesis of DME from H2+CO/CO2 

      Rodríguez Vega, Pablo; Ateka Bilbao, Ainara; Kumakiri, Izumi; Vicente García, Héctor; Ereña Loizaga, Javier; Aguayo Urquijo, Andrés Tomás ORCID; Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier (Elsevier, 2021-01-05)
      The direct synthesis of dimethyl ether (DME) by the hydrogenation of CO2 and CO2/COx mixtures has been studied in an original packed bed membrane reactor (PBMR). The role of the hydrophilic LTA zeolite membrane is to remove ...
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      Experimental implementation of precisely tailored light-matter interaction via inverse engineering 

      Yan, Ying; Shi, Chunyan; Kinos, Adam; Syed, Hafsa; Horvath, Sebastian P.; Walther, Andreas; Rippe, Lars; Chen, Xi; Kroll, Stefan (Springer Nature Limited, 2021-09-14)
      Accurate and efficient quantum control in the presence of constraints and decoherence is a requirement and a challenge in quantum information processing. Shortcuts to adiabaticity, originally proposed to speed up the slow ...
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      Experimental Semi-Autonomous Eigensolver Using Reinforcement Learning 

      Pan, C. Y.; Hao, M.; Barraza, N.; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Albarrán Arriagada, Francisco (Nature, 2021-06-10)
      The characterization of observables, expressed via Hermitian operators, is a crucial task in quantum mechanics. For this reason, an eigensolver is a fundamental algorithm for any quantum technology. In this work, we implement ...
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      Experimental study and modeling of biomass char gasification kinetics in a novel thermogravimetric flow reactor 

      Cortázar Dueñas, María ORCID; López Zabalbeitia, Gartzen ORCID; Álvarez Gordejuela, Jon; Arregi Joaristi, Aitor; Amutio Izaguirre, Maider; Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier; Olazar Aurrecoechea, Martin ORCID (Elsevier B.V., 2020-04-25)
      [EN]This work pursues the validation of a new reactor for the evaluation of char gasification kinetics. This novel reactor allows continuous gas flow through the fixed bed sample and accurately monitoring the mass loss ...