Now showing items 926-945 of 999

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      Toward a just energy transition: A distributional analysis of low-carbon policies in the USA 

      García-Muros, X.; Morris, J.; Paltsev, S. (Energy Economics, 2022)
      Distributional impacts of environmental policies have become an increasingly important consideration in policymaking. To evaluate the distributional impacts of carbon pricing with different revenue recycling schemes for ...
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      Toward a normative land systems science 

      Nielsen, J.O.; de Bremond, A.; Roy, Chowdhury, R.; Friis, C.; Metternicht, G.; Meyfroidt, P.; Munroe, D.; Pascual, U.; Thomson, A. (Elsevier, 2019)
      Science should provide solutions for societal transformations toward sustainability in the face of global environmental change. Land system science, as a systemic science focused on complex socio-ecological interactions ...
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      Toward neuroprosthetic real-time communication from in silico to biological neuronal network via patterned optogenetic stimulation 

      Mosbacher, Yossi; Khoyratee, Farad; Goldin, Miri; Kanner, Sivan; Malakai, Yenehaetra; Silva, Moisés; Grassia, Filippo; Ben Simon, Yoav; Cortés Díaz, Jesús María; Barzilai, Ari; Levi, Timothée; Bonifazi, Paolo (Nature, 2020-05-05)
      Restoration of the communication between brain circuitry is a crucial step in the recovery of brain damage induced by traumatic injuries or neurological insults. In this work we present a study of real-time unidirectional ...
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      Toward Pricing Financial Derivatives with an IBM Quantum Computer 

      Martín Fernández, Ana ORCID; Candelas Peñalba, Bruno; Rodríguez Rozas, Ángel; Martín Guerrero, José David; Chen, Xi; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Orús, Román; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID (American Physical Society, 2021-02-22)
      Pricing interest-rate financial derivatives is a major problem in finance, in which it is crucial to accurately reproduce the time evolution of interest rates. Several stochastic dynamics have been proposed in the literature ...
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      Toward Supramolecular Nanozymes for the Photocatalytic Activation of Pt(IV) Anticancer Prodrugs 

      Mazzei, Laura Filomena; Martínez, Álvaro; Trevisan, Lucia; Rosa Gastaldo, Daniele; López Cortajarena, Aitziber ORCID; Mancin, Fabrizio; Salassa, Luca (Royal Society Of Chemistry, 2020-09-16)
      A supramolecular nanozyme for the photocatalytic conversion of a Pt(IV) anticancer complex to cisplatin is described herein. We employed 1.9 nm Au nanoparticles decorated with thiol ligands bearing a TACN (1,4,7-triazacyclononane) ...
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      Towards a green energy economy? Tracking the employment effects of low-carbon technologies in the European Union 

      Markandya, Anil; Arto Olaizola, Ignacio; González-Eguino, Mikel; Román, Maria V. (Elsevier, 2016-03-16)
      In the view of pressing unemployment and environmental problems, different policies have been proposed to create jobs in the transition to a green economy, including the so-called “green jobs”. There has been an intense ...
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      Towards a green recovery in the EU: Aligning further emissions reductions with short- and long-term energy-sector employment gains 

      Koasidis, K.; Nikas, A.; Van de Ven, D.J.; Xexakis, G.; Forouli, A.; Mittal, S.; Gambhir, A.; Koutsellis, T.; Doukas, H. (Energy Policy, 2022)
      To tackle the negative socioeconomic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union (EU) introduced the Recovery and Resilience Facility, a financial instrument to help Member States recover, on the basis that ...
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      Towards a High-Power Si@graphite Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries through a Wet Ball Milling Process 

      Cabello, Marta; Gucciardi, Emanuele; Herrán, Alvaro; Carriazo, Daniel; Villaverde, Aitor; Rojo Aparicio, Teófilo ORCID (MDPI, 2020-05-27)
      Silicon-based anodes are extensively studied as an alternative to graphite for lithium ion batteries. However, silicon particles suffer larges changes in their volume (about 280%) during cycling, which lead to particles ...
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      Towards a more precise therapy in cancer: Exploring epigenetic complexity 

      Cossío Mora, Fernando Pedro ORCID; Esteller, Manel; Berdasco, María (Elsevier, 2020-08)
      A plethora of preclinical evidences suggests that pharmacological targeting of epigenetic dysregulation is a potent strategy to combat human diseases. Nevertheless, the implementation of epidrugs in clinical practice is ...
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      Towards a multidimensional biodiversity index for national application 

      Soto-Navarro, C. A,; Harfoot, M.; Hill, S. L. L.; Campbell, J.; Mora, F.; Campos, C.; Pretorius, C.; Pascual, U.; Kapos, V.; Allison, H.; Burgess, N. D. (Nature Sustainability, 2021-11-01)
      The lack of urgent action to reverse biodiversity loss is partly due to the complex nature of biodiversity as a feature of our planet. Subsequently, policymakers receive an often-confusing variety of narratives on why ...
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      Towards globally customizable ecosystem service models 

      Martínez-López, J.; Bagstad, K.J.; Balbi, S.; Magrach, A.; Voigt, B.; Athanasiadis, I.; Pascual, M.; Willcock, S.; Villa, F. (Elsevier, 2019-02-10)
      Scientists, stakeholders and decision makers face trade-offs between adopting simple or complex approaches when modeling ecosystem services (ES). Complex approaches may be time- and data-intensive, making them more challenging ...
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      Toxicity to sea urchin embryos of crude and bunker oils weathered under ice alone and mixed with dispersant 

      De Miguel Jiménez, Laura ORCID; Etxebarria Loizate, Nestor; Reinardy, Helena C.; Lecube Iturrioz, Xabier; Marigómez Allende, Juan Antonio ORCID; Izaguirre Aramayona, Urtzi (Elsevier, 2022)
      [EN] A multi-index approach (larval lenghthening and malformations, developmental disruption, and genotoxicity) was applied using sea-urchin embryos as test-organisms. PAH levels measured in the under-ice weathered aqueous ...
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      Trace Elements Analysis of Tunisian and European Extra Virgin Olive Oils by ICP-MS and Chemometrics for Geographical Discrimination 

      Nasr, Emna G.; Epova, Ekaterina N.; De Diego Rodríguez, Alberto ORCID; Souissi, Radhia; Hammami, Mohamed; Abderrazak, Houyem; F. X. Donard, Olivier (MDPI, 2021-12-29)
      The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of trace elements in olive oils from different locations and their use for geographical authentication. Concentrations of seventeen elements were determined in a total ...
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      Tracking the Expression of Annoyance in Call Centers 

      Irastorza, Jon; Torres Barañano, María Inés ORCID (Springer, 2018-08-26)
      Machine learning researchers have dealt with the identification of emo- tional cues from speech since it is research domain showing a large number of po- tential applications. Many acoustic parameters have been analyzed ...
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      Transfer learning in hierarchical dialogue topic classification with neural networks 

      Montenegro Portillo, César; Santana Hermida, Roberto ORCID; Lozano Alonso, José Antonio (IEEE, 2020-09-28)
      Knowledge transfer between tasks can significantly improve the efficiency of machine learning algorithms. In supervised natural language understanding problems, this sort of improvement is critical since the availability ...
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      Translating big data to better treatment in bipolar disorder - a manifesto for coordinated action 

      Manchia, Mirko; Vieta, Eduard; Smeland, Olav B.; Altimus, Cara; Bechdolf, Andreas; Bellivier, Frank; Bergink, Veerle; Fagiolini, Andrea; Geddes, John; Hajek, Tomas; Henry, Chantal; Kupka, Ralph; Lagerberg, Trine V.; Licht, Rasmus W.; Martínez Cengotitabengoa, Mónica ORCID; Morken, Gunnar; Nielsen, René E.; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID; Reif, Andreas; Rietschel, Marcella; Ritter, Philipp; Schulze, Thomas G.; Scott, Jan; Severus, Emanuel; Yildiz, Aysegul; Kessing, Lars Vedel; Bauer, Michael; Goodwin, Guy M.; Andreassen, Ole A. (Elsevier, 2020-06-12)
      [EN] Bipolar disorder (BD) is a major healthcare and socio-economic challenge. Despite its substan- tial burden on society, the research activity in BD is much smaller than its economic impact appears to demand. There is ...
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      Transparency and Reproducibility in Participatory Systems Modelling: the Case of Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping 

      Olazabal, M.; Neumann, M.B.; Foudi, S.; Chiabai, A. (John Wiley and Sons, 2018)
      By aggregating semi-quantitative mind maps from multiple agents, fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) allows developing an integrated, cross-sectoral understanding of complex systems. However, and especially for FCM based on ...
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      Transverse momentum dependent distributions in dijet and heavy hadron pair production at EIC 

      Del Castillo, Rafael F.; García Echevarria, Miguel; Makris, Yiannis; Scimemi, Ignazio (Springer, 2022)
      [EN] We discuss the measurement of gluon transverse momentum distribution (TMD) in dijet and heavy hadron pair (HHP) production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. The factorization of these processes in position ...
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      Transverse target single-spin asymmetry in inclusive electroproduction of charged pions and kaons 

      Airapetian, A.; Akopov, N.; Akopov, Z.; Aschenauer, E.C.; Augustynia, W.; Avakian, R.; Avetissian, A.; Avetisyan, E.; Belostotski, S.; Bianchi, N.; Blok, H.P.; Borissov, A.; Bowles, J.; Bryzgalov, V.; Burns, J.; Capiluppi, M.; Capitani, G.P.; Cisbani, E.; Ciullo, G.; Contalbrigo, M.; Dalpiaz, P.F.; Deconinck, W.; De Leo, R.; De Nardo, L.; De Sanctis, E.; Diefenthaler, M.; Di Nezza, P.; Dürenn, M.; Ehrenfried, M.; Elbakian, G.; Ellinghaus, F.; Fabbri, R.; Fantoni, A.; Felawka, L.; Frullani, S.; Gabberth, D.; Gapienko, G.; Gapienko, V.; Gavrilov, G.; Gharibyan, V.; Giordano, F.; Gliske, S.; Golembiovskaya, M.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hartig, M.; Hasch, D.; Hillenbrand, A.; Hoek, M.; Holler, Y.; Hristova, I.; Ivanilov, A.; Jackson, H.E.; Joosten, S.; Kaiser, R.; Karyan, G.; Keri, T.; Kinney, E.; Kisselev, A.; Korotkov, V.; Kozlov, V.; Kravchenko, P.; Krivokhijine, V.G.; Lagamba, L.; Lapikás, L.; Lehmann, I.; Lenisa, P.; López Ruiz, A.; Lorenzon, W.; Ma, B.-Q.; Mahon, D.; Makins, N.C.R.; Manaenkov, S.I.; Mao, Y.; Marianski, B.; Martínez de la Ossa, A.; Marukyan, H.; Miller, C.A.; Miyachi, Y.; Movsisyan, A.; Murray, M.; Mussgiller, A.; Nappi, E.; Naryshkin, Y.; Negodaev, M.; Nowak, W.-D.; Pappalardo, L.L.; Perez-Benito, R.; Petrosyan, A.; Raithel, M.; Reimer, P.E.; Reolon, A.R.; Riedl, C.; Rith, K.; Rosner, G.; Rostomyan, A.; Rubin, J.; Ryckbosch, D.; Salomatin, Y.; Sanftl, F.; Schäferv, A.; Schnell, Gunar; Seitz, B.; Shibata, T.-A.; Shutov, V.; Stancari, M.; Statera, M.; Steffens, E.; Steijger, J.J.M.; Stewart, J.; Stinzing, F.; Taroian, S.; Terkulov, A.; Truty, R.; Trzcinski, A.; Tytgat, M.; Van Haarlem, Y.; Van Hulse, Charlotte Barbara; Veretennikov, D.; Vikhrov, V.; Vilardi, I.; Wang, S.; Yaschenko, S.; Ye, Z.; Yen, S.; Yu, W.; Zagrebelnyy, V.; Zeiler, D.; Zihlmann, V.; Zupranski, P. (Elsevier, 2014-01-20)
      Single-spin asymmetries were investigated in inclusive electroproduction of charged pions and kaons from transversely polarized protons at the HERMES experiment. The asymmetries were studied as a function of the azimuthal ...
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      Tree growth response to drought partially explains regional-scale growth and mortality patterns in Iberian forests 

      Gazol, A.; Camarero, J. J.; Sánchez-Salguero, R.; Zavala, M. A.; Serra-Maluquer, X.; Gutiérrez, E.; de Luis, M.; Sangüesa-Barreda, G.; Novak, K.; Rozas, V.; Tíscar, P. A.; Linares, J. C.; Martínez del Castillo, E.; Ribas, M.; García-González, I.; Silla, F.; Camison, A.; Génova, M.; Olano, J. M.; Hereş, A. M.; Yuste, J. C.; Longares, L. A.; Hevia, A.; Galván, J. D.; Ruiz-Benito, P. (Ecological Applications, 2022-07-01)
      Tree-ring data has been widely used to inform about tree growth responses to drought at the individual scale, but less is known about how tree growth sensitivity to drought scales up driving changes in forest dynamics. ...