Now showing items 242-261 of 1000

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      Crystallization-Induced Gelling as a Method to 4D Print Low-Water-Content Non-isocyanate Polyurethane Hydrogels 

      Fanjul Mosteirin, Marcos Noé; Aguirresarobe, Robert; Sadaba Larraona, Naroa; Larrañaga Espartero, Aitor ORCID; Marín Ameztoy, Edurne; Martín, Jaime; Ramos Gómez, Nicolás; Arno, Maria C.; Sardon Muguruza, Haritz; Dove, Andrew (American Chemical Society, 2021-09-14)
      [EN]The use of three-dimensional (3D) printable hydrogels for biomedical applications has attracted considerable attention as a consequence of the ability to precisely define the morphology of the printed object, allowing ...
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      Cultural keystone species as a tool for biocultural stewardship. A global review 

      Mattalia, G.; McAlvay, A.; Teixidor-Toneu, I.; Lukawiecki, J.; Moola, F.; Asfaw, Z.; Cámara-Leret, R.; Díaz, S.; Franco, F.M.; Halpern, B.S.; O'Hara, C.; Renard, D.; Uprety, Y.; Wall, J.; Zafra-Calvo, N.; Reyes-García, V. (People and Nature, 2024-01-01)
      The cultural keystone species (CKS) concept (i.e. ‘species that shape in a major way the cultural identity of a people’ as defined by Garibaldi and Turner in 2004) has been proposed as part of a common framing for the ...
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      Cultures of transformation: An integrated framework for transformative action 

      Parris, H.; Sorman, A.H.; Valor, C.; Tuerk, A.; Anger-Kraavi, A. (Environmental Science and Policy, 2022)
      The challenges posed by climate change have generated many initiatives that seek to implement societal transformations. In most cases, these focus on technology developments, adoption and diffusion but neglect the social ...
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      Data driven model for heat load prediction in buildings connected to District Heating by using smart heat meters 

      Lumbreras Mugaguren, Mikel ORCID; Garay Martínez, R.; Arregui, Beñat; Martín Escudero, Koldobika ORCID; Diarce Belloso, Gonzalo; Raud, Margus; Hagu, Indrek (Elsevier, 2022-01-15)
      [EN] An accurate characterization and prediction of heat loads in buildings connected to a District Heating (DH) network is crucial for the effective operation of these systems. The high variability of the heat production ...
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      Dealing with Energy-QoE Trade-Offs in Mobile Video 

      Liberal Malaina, Fidel; Taboada Puente, Ianire ORCID; Fajardo Portillo, José Oscar (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013)
      Scalable video coding allows an efficient provision of video services at different quality levels with different energy demands. According to the specific type of service and network scenario, end users and/or operators ...
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      Dealing with the Effects of Sensor Displacement in Wearable Activity Recognition 

      Baños, Oresti; Mate, Toth Attila; Damas, Miguel; Pomares, Héctor; Rojas, Ignacio (MDPI, 2014-06)
      Most wearable activity recognition systems assume a predefined sensor deployment that remains unchanged during runtime. However, this assumption does not reflect real-life conditions. During the normal use of such systems, ...
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      Decoupled Ion Mobility in Nano-Confined Ionic Plastic Crystal 

      Zhu, Haijin; Grzelak, Aleksandra; Yunis, Ruhamah; Martín Pérez, Jaime ORCID; Forsyth, Maria (Royal Society Of Chemistry, 2020-12-01)
      Nanoconfined ions have dramatically different local environments compared to the bulk, which profoundly affects the ion solvation and transport properties taking place in the confined space. Herein, we investigate the ...
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      Democratizing Energy, Energizing Democracy: Central Dimensions Surfacing in the Debate 

      Sorman, A.H.; Turhan, E.; Rosas-Casals, M. (Frontiers in Energy Research, 2020)
      This perspective piece sets out to contribute to the academic and practitioner debates around energy transitions and democracy initiatives in the age of a climate crisis. For tackling present-day energy challenges in a ...
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      Design of Waterborne Asymmetric Block Copolymers as Thermoresponsive Materials 

      Siljanovska Petreska, Gordana; Van Sluijs, Christof; Auschra, Clemens; Paulis Lumbreras, María (MDPI, 2020-05-30)
      AB diblock waterborne copolymers made of styrene (St) and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (2EHA) were synthesized by means of two-step reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) (mini)emulsion polymerization. Monofunctional ...
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      Designing Automated Deployment Strategies of Face Recognition Solutions in Heterogeneous IoT Platforms 

      Elordi Hidalgo, Unai; Lunerti, Chiara; Unzueta Irurtia, Luis; Goenetxea Imaz, Jon; Aranjuelo Ansa, Nerea; Bertelsen, Alvaro; Arganda Carreras, Ignacio (MDPI, 2021-12-20)
      In this paper, we tackle the problem of deploying face recognition (FR) solutions in heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. The main challenges are the optimal deployment of deep neural networks (DNNs) in the ...
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      Designing boron-based single-ion gel polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries by photopolymerization 

      Álvarez Tirado, Marta; Guzmán González, Gregorio; Vauthier, Soline; Cotte, Stéphane; Guéguen, Aurélie; Castro, Laurent; Mecerreyes Molero, David (Wiley, 2022-01-27)
      Single-ion lithium conducting polymer electrolytes based on delocalized borate groups have been designed and synthesized by rapid UV-photopolymerisation. For this purpose, three different functional lithium boron sp3 anionic ...
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      Detection of Sarcasm and Nastiness: New Resources for Spanish Language 

      Justo Blanco, Raquel ORCID; Alcaide Salinas, José María ORCID; Torres Barañano, María Inés ORCID; Walker, Marilyn (Springer, 2018-06-29)
      The main goal of this work is to provide the cognitive computing community with valuable resources to analyze and simulate the intentionality and/or emotions embedded in the language employed in social media. Specifically, ...
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      Determining discount rates for the evaluation of natural assets in land-use planning: An application of the Equivalency Principle 

      Markanday, A.; Galarraga, I.; Chiabai, A.; Sainz de Murieta Zugadi, Elisa; Lliso, B. (Elsevier, 2019)
      One of the most pressing issues when making decisions over long-term environmental problems is deciding on an appropriate discount rate. This can be a highly technical discussion. While some argue in favour of market rates, ...
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      Development and external validation of a faecal immunochemical test-based prediction model for colorectal cancer detection in symptomatic patients 

      Cubiella, Joaquín; Vega, Pablo; Salve, María; Díaz-Ondina, Marta; Alves, Maria Teresa; Quintero, Enrique; Álvarez-Sánchez, Victoria; Fernández-Bañares, Fernando; Boadas, Jaume; Campo, Rafel; Bujanda Fernández de Pierola, Luis ORCID; Clofent, Joan; Ferrandez, Ángel; Torrealba, Leyanira; Piñol, Virginia; Rodríguez-Alcalde, Daniel; Hernández, Vicent; Fernández-Seara, Javier; COLONPREDICT study investigators (Biomed Central, 2016-08-31)
      Background: Risk prediction models for colorectal cancer (CRC) detection in symptomatic patients based on available biomarkers may improve CRC diagnosis. Our aim was to develop, compare with the NICE referral criteria and ...
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      Differential Cellular Responses to Adhesive Interactions with Galectin-8 and Fibronectin Coated Substrates 

      Li, Wenhong; Sancho Erkizia, Ana ORCID; Chung, Wen-Lu; Vinik, Yaron; Groll, Jürgen; Zick, Yehiel; Medalia, Ohad; Bershadsky, Alexander D.; Geiger, Benjamin (The Company of Biologists, 2021-04-27)
      The mechanisms underlying the cellular response to extracellular matrices (ECM), consisting of multiple adhesive ligands, are still poorly understood. Here we address this topic by monitoring the differential cellular ...
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      ‘Digital pills’ for mental diseases: an ethical and social analysis of the issues behind the concept 

      De Miguel Beriain, Iñigo; Morla González, Marina (Oxford University Press, 2020-07-27)
      Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration has given a landmark approval to the very first digital pill with a sensor embedded in the inside. These are complex systems that include a drug and an electronic tracker that ...
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      Digital Quantum Rabi and Dicke Models in Superconducting Circuits 

      Mezzacapo, Antonio; Las Heras García, Urtzi; Simón Pedernales, Julen Jon; Di Carlo, L.; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-12-15)
      We propose the analog-digital quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi and Dicke models using circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). We find that all physical regimes, in particular those which are impossible to realize in ...
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      Digital Quantum Simulation of Spin Models with Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics 

      Salathé, Y.; Mondal, M.; Oppliger, M.; Heinsoo, J.; Kurpiers, P.; Potočnik, A.; Mezzacapo, Antonio; Las Heras García, Urtzi; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Filipp, S.; Wallraff, A. (American Physical Society, 2015-06-17)
      Systems of interacting quantum spins show a rich spectrum of quantum phases and display interesting many-body dynamics. Computing characteristics of even small systems on conventional computers poses significant challenges. ...
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      Dimerization Effects and Negative Strain Energy in Silicon Monosulfide Nanotubes 

      Alonso Lanza, Tomás; Aguilera Granja, Faustino; Ayuela Fernández, Andrés (MDPI, 2023-11-27)
      We report on the construction and characterization of silicon monosulfide nanotubes that were obtained by rolling up two-dimensional materials isoelectronic to phosphorene in the recently discovered layered Pmma and 𝛽 ...
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      Direct Ink Writing of PEDOT Eutectogels as Substrate-free Dry Electrodes for Electromyography 

      Aguzin, Ana; Domínguez Alfaro, Antonio; Criado González, Miryam; Velasco Bosom, Santiago; Picchio, Matías L.; Casado Pérez, Nerea; Mitoudi Vagourdi, Eleni; Minari, Roque Javier; Malliaras, George G.; Mecerreyes Molero, David (RSC, 2023-04-10)
      Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) are a new class of ionic conductive compounds attracting significant attention as greener alternatives to costly ionic liquids. Herein, we developed novel mixed ionic-electronic conducting ...