Now showing items 853-872 of 1000

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      Tailored CO2-philic Anionic Poly(ionic liquid) Composite Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Transport Properties 

      Kammakakam, Irshad; Bara, Jason E.; Jackson, Enrique M.; Lertxundi, Josu; Mecerreyes Molero, David; Tomé, Liliana C. (ACS, 2020-03-25)
      Polymeric membranes either containing, or built from, ionic liquids (ILs) are of great interest for enhanced CO2/light gas separation due to the stronger affinity of ILs toward quadrupolar CO2 molecules, and hence, high ...
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      Tailoring the isothermal crystallization kinetics of isodimorphic poly (butylene succinate-ran-butylene azelate) random copolymers by changing composition 

      Arandia Ariño, Idoia; Zaldua, Nerea; Maiz, Jon; Pérez Camargo, Ricardo Arpad; Mugica Iztueta, Miren Agurtzane; Zubitur Soroa, María Manuela; Mincheva, Rosica; Dubois, Philippe; Müller Sánchez, Alejandro Jesús ORCID (Elsevier, 2019-10-07)
      A detailed isothermal crystallization study of biobased and biodegradable isodimorphic poly (butylene succinate-ran-butylene azelate) random copolyesters (PBS-ran-PBAz) with a wide composition range has been carried out ...
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      Targeting Galectins With Glycomimetics 

      Bertuzzi, Sara; Quintana, Jon I.; Ardá, Ana ORCID; Gimeno, Ana; Jiménez Barbero, Jesús ORCID (Frontiers Media, 2020-08-07)
      Among glycan-binding proteins, galectins, beta-galactoside-binding lectins, exhibit relevant biological roles and are implicated in many diseases, such as cancer and inflammation. Their involvement in crucial pathologies ...
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      Targeting PML in triple negative breast cancer elicits growth suppression and senescence 

      Arreal López, Leire; Piva, Marco; Fernández Ruiz, Sonia; Revandkar, Ajinkya; Schaub Clerigué, Ariane; Villanueva, Josep; Zabala Letona, Amaia; Pujana Vaquerizo, Mikel; Astobiza Pérez, Janire; Cortázar, Ana Rosa; Hermanova, Ivana; Bozal Basterra, Laura; Arruabarrena Aristorena, Amaia; Crespo, Jana R.; Valcárcel Jiménez, Lorea; Zuñiga García, Patricia; Canals, Francesc; Torrano Moya, Verónica; Barrio Olano, María Rosa; Sutherland, James D.; Alimonti, Andrea; Martín Martín, Natalia; Carracedo Pérez, Arkaitz ORCID (Nature, 2020-04)
      Oncogene addiction postulates that the survival and growth of certain tumor cells is dependent upon the activity of one oncogene, despite their multiple genetic and epigenetic abnormalities. This phenomenon provides a ...
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      Temperature Dependence of the Hyperfine Magnetic Field at Fe Sites in Ba-Doped BiFeO3 Thin Films Studied by Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy 

      Heiniger-Schell, Juliana; Bharuth-Ram, Krish; Naicker, Kimara; Masondo, Vusumuzi; Dang, Thien Thanh; Escobar, Marianela; Díaz-Guerra, Carlos; Marschick, Georg; Masenda, Hilary; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur P.; Qi, Bingcui; Unzueta Solozabal, Iraultza ORCID; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Adhikari, Rajdeep; Peters, Gerrard; Naidoo, Deena; Schaaf, Peter; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Johnston, Karl; Becker, Sven; Jakob, Gerhard (MDPI, 2023-04-25)
      Emission 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS), following the implantation of radioactive 57Mn+ ions, has been used to study the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field at Fe sites in Ba-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) thin ...
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      Temperature responsive PEG-based polyurethanes “ a la carte” 

      Ronco, Ludmila Irene; Basterrechea Gorostiza, Andere; Mantione, Daniele; Hernández Aguirresarobe, Roberto; Minari, Roque Javier; Gugliotta, Luis Marcelino; Mecerreyes Molero, David; Sardon Muguruza, Haritz (Elsevier, 2017-06-22)
      Temperature responsive polymers able to alter their chemical or physical properties have been extensively investigated. Most of these polymers have an alkane polymer backbone with only carbon-carbon bonds. In this sense, ...
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      Ten facts about land systems for sustainability 

      Meyfroidt, P.; de Bremond, A.; Ryan, C. M.; Aspinall, R.; Archer, E.; Chhabra, A.; Camara, G.; Corbera, E.; DeFries, R.; Díaz, S.; Dong, J.; Ellis, E. C.; Erb, K. H.; Fisher, J. A.; Garrett, R. D.; Golubiewski, N. E.; Grau, H. R.; Haberl, H.; Grove, J. M.; Heinimann, A.; Hostert, P.; Jobbágy, E. G.; Kerr, S.; Kuemmerle, T.; Lambin, E. F.; Lavorel, S.; Lele, S.; Mertz, O.; Messerli, P.; Metternicht, G.; Munroe, D. K.; Nagendra, H.; Nielsen, J. Ø; Ojima, D. S.; Parker, D. C.; Pascual, U.; Porter, J. R.; Ramankutty, N.; Reenberg, A.; Chowdhury, R. R.; Seto, K. C.; Seufert, V.; Shibata, H.; Thomson, A.; Turner, B. L.; Veldkamp, T.; Urabe, J.; Verburg, P. H.; Zeleke, G.; zu Ermgassen, E. K. H. J. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022-02-15)
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      Ten lessons for good practice for the INHERIT triple win: Health, equity, and environmental sustainability 

      Bell, R.; Khan, M.; Romeo-Velilla, M.; Stegeman, I.; Godfrey, A.; Taylor, T.; Morris, G.; Staatsen, B.; Van der, Vliet, N.; Kruize, H.; Anthun, K.S.; Lillefjell, M.; Espnes, G.A.; Chiabai, A.; de Jalón, S.G.; Quiroga, S.; Martinez-Juarez, P.; Máca, V.; Zverinová, I.; Scasny, M.; Marques, S.; Craveiro, D.; Westerink, J.; Spelt, H.; Karnaki, P.; Strube, R.; Merritt, A.-S.; Friberg, M.; Bélorgey, N.; Vos, M.; Gjorgjev, D.; Upelniece, I.; Costongs, C. (MDPI, 2019)
      The world s challenges of climate change, damage to ecosystems, and social and health inequalities require changes in human behaviours at every level of organisation, among governments, business, communities, and individuals. ...
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      The 2021 room-temperature superconductivity roadmap 

      Boeri, Lilia; Hennig, Richard; Hirschfeld, Peter; Profeta, Gianni; Sanna, Antonio; Zurek, Eva; Pickett, Warren E.; Amsler, Maximilian; Dias, Ranga; Eremets, Mikhail I.; Heil, Christoph; Hemley, Russell J.; Liu, Hanyu; Ma, Yanming; Pierleoni, Carlo; Kolmogorov, Aleksey N.; Rybin, Nikita; Dmitry, Novoselov; Anisimov, Vladimir; Oganov, Artem R.; Pickard, Chris J.; Bi, Tiange; Arita, Ryotaro; Errea Lope, Ion ORCID; Pellegrini, Camilla; Requist, Ryan; Gross, E.K.U.; Margine, Elena Roxana; Xie, Stephen R.; Quan, Yundi; Hire, Ajinkya; Fanfarillo, Laura; Stewart, G. R.; Hamlin, J. J.; Stanev, Valentin; Gonnelli, Renato S.; Piatti, Erik; Romanin, Davide; Daghero, Dario; Valenti, Roser (IOP, 2022-03-03)
      Designing materials with advanced functionalities is the main focus of contemporary solid-state physics and chemistry. Research efforts worldwide are funneled into a few high-end goals, one of the oldest, and most fascinating ...
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      The 2022 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: towards a climate resilient future 

      van Daalen, K.R.; Romanello, M.; Rocklöv, J.; Semenza, J.C.; Tonne, C.; Markandya, A.; Dasandi, N.; Jankin, S.; Achebak, H.; Ballester, J.; Bechara, H.; Callaghan, M.W.; Chambers, J.; Dasgupta, S.; Drummond, P.; Farooq, Z.; Gasparyan, O.; Gonzalez-Reviriego, N.; Hamilton, I.; Hänninen, R.; Kazmierczak, A.; Kendrovski, V.; Kennard, H.; Kiesewetter, G.; Lloyd, S.J.; Lotto Batista, M.; Martinez-Urtaza, J.; Milà, C.; Minx, J.C.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Palamarchuk, J.; Quijal-Zamorano, M.; Robinson, E.J.Z.; Scamman, D.; Schmoll, O.; Sewe, M.O.; Sjödin, H.; Sofiev, M.; Solaraju-Murali, B.; Springmann, M.; Triñanes, J.; Anto, J.M.; Nilsson, M.; Lowe, R. (The Lancet Public Health, 2022)
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      The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: unprecedented warming demands unprecedented action 

      van Daalen, K.R.; Tonne, C.; Semenza, J.C.; Rocklöv, J.; Markandya, A.; Dasandi, N.; Jankin, S.; Achebak, H.; Ballester, J.; Bechara, H.; Beck, T.M.; Callaghan, M.W.; Carvalho, B.M.; Chambers, J.; Pradas, M.C.; Courtenay, O.; Dasgupta, S.; Eckelman, M.J.; Farooq, Z.; Fransson, P.; Gallo, E.; Gasparyan, O.; Gonzalez-Reviriego, N.; Hamilton, I.; Hänninen, R.; Hatfield, C.; He, K.; Kazmierczak, A.; Kendrovski, V.; Kennard, H.; Kiesewetter, G.; Kouznetsov, R.; Kriit, H.K.; Llabrés-Brustenga, A.; Lloyd, S.J.; Batista, M.L.; Maia, C.; Martinez-Urtaza, J.; Mi, Z.; Milà, C.; Minx, J.C.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; PalamarchukJ.; Pantera, D.K.; Quijal-Zamorano, M.; Rafaj, P.; Robinson, E.J.Z.; Sánchez-Valdivia, N.; Scamman, D.; Schmoll, O.; Sewe, M.O.; Sherman, J.D.; Singh, P.; Sirotkina, E.; Sjödin, H.; Sofiev, M.; Solaraju-Murali, B.; Springmann, M.; Treskova, M.; Triñanes, J.; Vanuytrecht, E.; Wagner, F.; Walawender, M.; Warnecke, L.; Zhang, R.; Romanello, M.; Antó, J.M.; Nilsson, M.; Lowe, R. (The Lancet Public Health, 2024-07-01)
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      The altered serum lipidome and its diagnostic potential for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL)-associated hepatocellular carcinoma 

      Lewinska, Monika; Santos Laso, Álvaro; Arretxe Oliden, Enara; Alonso, Cristina; Zhuravleva, Ekaterina; Jiménez Agüero, Raúl; Eizaguirre Letamendia, Emma; Pareja Megía, María J.; Romero Gómez, Manuel; Arrese, Marco; Suppli, Malte P.; Knop, Filip K.; Oversoe, Stine Karlsen; Villadsen, Gerda Elisabeth; Decaens, Thomas; Carrihlo, Flair Jose; Oliveira, Claudia P.M.S.; Sangro, Bruno; Rodríguez Macías, Rocío Isabel; Bañales Asurmendi, Jesús María ORCID; Andersen, Jesper B. (Elsevier, 2021-11)
      [EN]Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is affecting more people globally. Indeed, NAFLD is a spectrum of metabolic dysfunctions that can progress to hepatocellular carcinoma (NAFLD-HCC). This development ...
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      The case of a southern European glacier disappearing under recent warming that survived Roman and Medieval warm periods 

      Faria, S. H. (Cryosphere Discussions, 2020-06-08)
      Mountain glaciers have generally experienced an accelerated retreat over the last three decades as a rapid response to current global warming. However, the response to previous warm periods in the Holocene is not well-described ...
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      The cognitive and experiential effects of flood risk framings and experience, and their influence on adaptation investment behaviour 

      Markanday, A.; Galarraga, I. (Climate Risk Management, 2021-01-01)
      This study explores how decision makers invest in adaptation to protect against flood risks in response to a) different framings of flood risk information, and b) after experiencing losses from a hypothetical flood event. ...
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      The Construction of Biological ‘Inter-Identity’ as the Outcome of a Complex Process of Protocell Development in Prebiotic Evolution 

      Ruiz Mirazo, Pedro; Shirt-Ediss, Benjamin John; Escribano Cabeza, Miguel; Moreno Bergareche, Álvaro Julián (Frontiers Media, 2020-05-26)
      The concept of identity is used both (i) to distinguish a system as a particular material entity that is conserved as such in a given environment (token-identity: i.e., identity as permanence or endurance over time), and ...
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      The contribution of carsharing to low carbon mobility: Complementarity and substitution with other modes 

      Silvestri, A.; Foudi, S.; Galarraga, Ibon; Ansuategui Cobo, José Alberto ORCID (Research in Transportation Economics, 2021)
      This paper analyses both the attributes of carsharing transport modes (station-based and free-floating) and their relationship with other transport modes. Users' and stakeholders’ perspectives are synthesized from in-depth ...
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      The Costs of Sea-Level Rise: Coastal Adaptation Investments vs. Inaction in Iberian Coastal Cities 

      Abadie, Luis María; Sainz de Murieta Zugadi, Elisa; Galarraga Gallastegui, Ibon (MDPI, 2020-04-24)
      Iberian coastal cities are subject to significant risks in the next decades due to climate change-induced sea-level rise. These risks are quite uncertain depending on several factors. In this article, we estimate potential ...
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      The effect of initial molecular weight on the structural evolution of Polyamide 1012 during high-temperature thermal treatments as revealed by Successive Self-Nucleation and Annealing 

      Li, Xuan; Li, Xueting; Wang, Yu; Zhu, Ping; Wang, Dujin; Müller Sánchez, Alejandro Jesús ORCID; Dong, Xia (ACS, 2022-08-24)
      Successive self-nucleation and annealing (SSA) can thermally fractionate semi-crystalline polymers, thus detecting the characteristic structural features that lead to specific melting point distributions (corresponding to ...
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      The Effect of Physical Activity and High Body Mass Index on Health-Related Quality of Life in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome 

      Marcos Delgado, Alba; Fernández Villa, Tania; Martínez González, Miguel Ángel; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Corella, Dolores; Castañer, Olga; Martínez, J. Alfredo; Alonso Gómez, Ángel María ORCID; Wärnberg, Julia; Vioque, Jesús; Romaguera, Dora; López Miranda, José; Estruch, Ramón; Tinahones, Francisco J.; Lapetra, José; Serra Majem, Lluís; García Molina, Laura; Tur, Josep A.; De Paz, José Antonio; Pintó, Xavier; Delgado Rodríguez, Miguel; Matía Martín, Pilar; Vidal, Josep; Vázquez, Clotilde; Daimiel, Lidia; Ros, Emilio; Babio, Nancy; Giménez Alba, Ignacio M; Toledo, Estefanía; Zomeño Fajardo, María Dolores; Zulet, M. Ángeles; Vaquero Luna, Jessica; Pérez López, Jessica; Pastor Morel, Ana; Galmes Panades, Aina María; García Ríos, Antonio; Casas, Rosa; Bernal López, María Rosa; Santos Lozano, José Manuel; Becerra Tomás, Nerea; Ortega Azorín, Carolina; Vázquez Ruiz, Zenaida; Pérez Vega, Karla Alejandra; Abete, Itziar; Sorto Sánchez, Carolina; Palau Galindo, Antoni; Galilea Zabalza, Iñigo; Muñoz Martínez, Júlia; Martín, Vicente (MDPI, 2020-05-25)
      The main objective of this study was to examine the relationship between the level of physical activity (PA) and the degree of obesity with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in individuals with metabolic syndrome ...
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      The Effect of Providing Monetary Information on Energy Savings for Household Appliances: A Field Trial in Spain 

      del Mar Solà, M.; de Ayala, A.; Galarraga, I. (Journal of Consumer Policy, 2021-06-01)
      Energy labels are one of the most widely used policies in the European Union for increasing the energy efficiency of household appliances. However, their effectiveness in promoting energy-efficient purchases has sometimes ...