Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Coherent coupling between vortex bound states and magnetic impurities in 2D layered superconductors 

      Park, Sunghun; Barrena, Víctor; Mañas-Valero, Samuel; Baldoví, José J.; Fente, Antón; Herrera, Edwin; Mompeán, Federico; García-Hernández, Mar; Rubio Secades, Angel; Coronado, Eugenio; Guillamón, Isabel; Levy Yeyati, Alfredo; Suderow, Hermann (Nature, 2021-08-03)
      Bound states in superconductors are expected to exhibit a spatially resolved electron-hole asymmetry which is the hallmark of their quantum nature. This asymmetry manifests as oscillations at the Fermi wavelength, which ...
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      Out-of-Plane Transport of 1T-TaS2/Graphene-Based van der Waals Heterostructures 

      Boix-Constant, Carla; Mañas-Valero, Samuel; Córdoba, Rosa; Baldoví, José J.; Rubio Secades, Angel; Coronado, Eugenio (American Chemical Society, 2021-07-27)
      Due to their anisotropy, layered materials are excellent candidates for studying the interplay between the inplane and out-of-plane entanglement in strongly correlated systems. A relevant example is provided by 1T-TaS2, ...