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      Emotions as aesthetic properties of absolute music 

      Aguirrebalzategui Azcarate, Ana Jesús (2017-09-20)
      This work studies the relation between emotions and music, the place that emotive properties occupy in it. I hold that music expressiveness cannot be explained appealing to what listeners or composers feel, but just to ...
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      Euskal aditz jokatua: gertaeren gaineko ikuspegi sistema (edo TAM sistema 

      Coterón Agorria, Ibon (2015-07-24)
      Euskal aditz jokatua: gertaeren gaineko ikuspegi sistema (edo TAM sistema). Euskal aditz jokaera oparoa eraikita dago marka morfologiko gutxiren gainean. Pertsona eta numero markaz kanpokoak tempus-aspektu-modu sistemari ...
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      Explaining culture. A constraint-based approach 

      Acosta Calvo, Josu (2017-09-21)
      The three main naturalistic approaches to culture¿the Epidemiological account (Sperber 1996; Atran 1990, 2002; Sperber and Claidière 2006), Memetics (Dawkins 2006 [1976], Dennett 1996) and the Standard Evolutionary approach ...
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      The appreciative experience of dance as art: a conceptual and empirical investigation. 

      Fernández Cotarelo, Aida (2021-01-21)
      Despite the growing research on dance appreciation in psychology and philosophy, there is no comprehensive interdisciplinary approach, and there are still pending areas that merit further study. Based on current theoretical ...