Browsing Tesis Doctorales by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 4560
1, 2, 3 - Triazoles as key frameworks in drug discovery & metal catalysis
(2017-07-07)La tesis se enmarca dentro de la química de los 1H-1,2,3-triazoles y sus sales de N-alquil-triazolio. El trabajo realizado contempla los siguientes objetivos:1.- Sintetizar y estudiar los 1H-1,2,3-triazoles como plantillas ... -
1936ko gerra euskal nobelagintzan:memoria ikerketak narratologia kulturalaren ikuspegitik.
(2019-10-04)1936ko Gerrak euskal gizartean utzitako arrastoa handia izan da. Literaturak ere hartu dull hizpide gertakari historiko hura, eta euskal eleberrigintzak beraren inguruan ibilbide propioall e¿n duela ere esan liteke. ... -
2-Arakidonilglizerol endokannabinoidearen sintesi- eta degradazio-makineria neuronaren nukleoan: Diazilglizerol Lipasa alfa-ren konpartimentazioa eta aktibitate entzimatikoa
(2017-09-29)Ikerketa lan honetan, zatikapen azpizelularra, Western blot eta fluoreszentzia mikroskopia bidez, diazilglizerol lipasa ¿-ren (DAGL¿) presentzia frogatu dugu arratoi helduaren garun-kortexetik isolatutako nukleoetan. ... -
30 urte mihigintzan. Euskara elkarteek euskararen biziberritzean izan duten eragina: 1987-2017.
(2020-06-05)80 eta 90eko hamarkadetan sortu ziren euskara elkarteak. Orain arte gutxi ikertu izan dira, are gutxiago, mugimendu sozialen emaitzen argitara. Lan honek aztertu nahi ditu euskara elkarteek euskararen biziberritzeari ... -
3D Porous Graphene-Polymer Materials for CO2 capture
(2022-10-14)The era of energy demand will continue increasing in the next decades, and as a consequence, the emissions of pollutant greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Thus, there is a great interest in the development of efficient and ... -
3D printable polylactide-based functional systems with enhanced radiopacity and biological activity
(2021-05-17)La tesis titulada "3D printable polylactide-based functional systems with enhanced radiopacity and biological activity". se centra en la impresión 3D de composites basados en polylactide.Para ello, primeramente se hace un ... -
3D structures based on carbón materials and conducting polymers for electroresponsive cell cultures
(2021-01-13)El campo de la ingeniería de tejidos (TE) requiere la generación de nuevas plataformas tridimensionales como implantes o materiales tridimensionales para estudios de modelos. Dentro de todos los tejidos, nosotros nos hemos ... -
3D Topological Photonic Crystals: Theoretical Methods and Applications
(2023-12-13)The concept of topology has revolutionized our understanding of condensed matter physics, leading to the discovery of novel electronic phases and the emergence of topological materials. In recent years, this concept has ... -
A biomarker+histopathology toolbox in Solea spp. for the assessment of the biological effects of pollution in the context of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
(2020-01-24)La presente tesis doctoral enfoca en el estudio del lenguado como especie centinela para los programas de seguimiento de la contaminación marina basados en evaluaciones de efectos biológicos mediante biomarcadores y análisis ... -
A computational glance at organometallic cyclizations and coupling reactions
(2016-07-18)Organometallic chemistry is one of the main research topics in chemical science.Nowadays, organometallic reactions are the subject of intensive theoretical investigations.However, in many cases, only joint experimental and ... -
A concretizaçao dos direitos humanos dos migrantes pela jurisdiçao brasileira.
(2018-12-03)Todas las personas en movilidad internacional, independientemente de la condición migratoria o de ser migrantes voluntarios o forzados, son poseedores de derechos humanos, conforme se desprende del Derecho Internacional. ... -
A context -and template- based data compression approach to improve resource-constrained IoT systems interoperability.
(2019-03-15)El objetivo del Internet de las Cosas (the Internet of Things, IoT) es el de interconectar todo tipo de cosas, desde dispositivos simples, como una bombilla o un termostato, a elementos más complejos y abstractoscomo una ... -
A data-driven approach for a project management methodology for R&D Projects.
(2023-03-06)The thesis is based on the proposal of an R&D project management methodology based on the Earned Quality Method (EQM) and data analysis to improve the efficiency of R&D projects in a near-real production environment in a ... -
A framework for abstraction and virtualization of sensors in mobile context-aware computing
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2015-06-29)[EN] The latest mobile devices available nowadays are leading to the development of a new generation of mobile applications that are able to react to context. Context- awareness requires data from the environment, usually ... -
A framework for Traffic Engineering in software-defined networks with advance reservation capabilities
(2017-07-12)En esta tesis doctoral se presenta una arquitectura software para facilitar la introducción de técnicas de ingeniería de tráfico en redes definidas por software. La arquitectura ha sido diseñada de forma modular, de manera ... -
A generational analysis of the social reproduction and legitimacy of political violence in teh Basque and Kurdish Cases.
(2021-05-27)This study analyzes the social reproduction and legitimacy of political violence through threeconsecutive generations of the long-lasting Basque and Kurdish conflicts in Spain and Turkey. Byadopting an approach based on ... -
A generic multi-robot architecture for mobile manipulator robots and its integration in the smart factory
(2023-11-03)Esta Tesis Doctoral se centra en dar solución a dos de las principales demandas de los sistemas de fabricación flexibles en el ámbito de los Robots Móviles de Manipulación (MMRs).Por un lado, se presenta Robotframework, ... -
A geometric and physical study of Riemann's non-diferentiable function.
(2020-07-08)Riemann's non-differentiable function is a classic example of a continuous but almost nowheredifferentiable function, whose analytic regularity has been widely studied since it was proposedin the second half of the 19th ... -
A high throughput experimental and computational approach for high voltage Mn based spinel materials exploration
(2023-11-30)Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) currently stand as the most performant rechargeable batteries in the market although increasing their energy density, durability, sustainability, and safety is still needed. To accelerate ... -
A Holistic DLT Architecture for Industry 4.0.
(2023-12-13)La Industria 4.0 representa una nueva etapa en la fabricación impulsada por tecnologías emergentes como la IA, IoT y Big Data. En este contexto, las fábricas y procesos pueden autoajustarse mediante análisis de datos en ...