Browsing Artículos-La Mente Bilingüe by Title
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Ari progresiboaz: euskararen kasu markak
(Arabako Foru Aldundia, Diputación Foral de Alava,, 2003)... -
Bilingual Lexicography:Relevance of Corpora. The Example of German-Basque as Language Pair
(2014-06-11)[EN] Lexicography over the last decades has incorporated Corpus Linguistics methods. Lexicographers who start to work on an electronic dictionary, starting from scratch as Computational Linguists, and with little or no ... -
A Brief Grammar of Euskara, the Basque Language
(Universidad del País Vasco, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Euskarazko Errektoreordetza, 1996)This is a short grammar of the Basque language, or Euskara as it is called by its speakers. What follows is a partial description of the syntax of Euskara. The text has been arranged in the following fashion: there is ... -
EHME: A new word database for research in Basque language
(Cambridge University Press, 2014)[EN] This article presents EHME, the frequency dictionary of Basque structure, an online program that enables researchers in psycholinguistics to extract word and nonword stimuli, based on a broad range of statistics ... -
Ergatiboa definitzen: lehengo saioa gramatika sortzailean
(Universidad del País Vasco, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2002)... -
Euskal Gramatika prozesatzen: Hastapenetako zenbait emaitza
(Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia ; UPV/EHUren Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2009)[EN] After a brief introduction to ERP methods in the study of language, we report some recent results from a set of experiments investigating morphosyntactic processing in Basque. First we report results from experiments ... -
Euskara eta gizakia: Hizkuntzaren prozesamendua
(Universidad del País Vasco/ EHU, Euskara Institutoa-Instituto del Euskara, 2011)... -
Hizkuntza postpositiboa
(Universidad del País Vasco/ EHU, Euskara Institutoa-Instituto del Euskara, 2011)[EUS] Euskara hizkuntza postpositiboa dela esaten dugu, atzizkiak erabiltzeko joera handia daukalako. Azaleko ezaugarri honek sustrai sakonak ditu euskararen sintaxi-egituran: euskararen sintagmak buru-azken dira, eta beraz ... -
Hizkuntzaren sustrai biologikoen inguruan
(Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2008)[EUS] Hizkuntzaren sustrai biologikoen ikerketak aurrerapausu handiak egin ditu azken urteotan. Ikerketa hau alorrartekoa da nahitaez, eta hizkuntzalaritza, psikologia, neurozientzia eta genetikaren arteko bilbatura batek ... -
Language distance and non-native syntactic processing: Evidence from event-related potentials
(Cambridge University Press, 2011)[EN] In this study, we explore native and non-native syntactic processing, paying special attention to the language distance factor. To this end, we compared how native speakers of Basque and highly proficient non-native ... -
More than one language in the brain
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012)[EN] What difference does it make to have one language in the brain or to have more than one? This is an intriguing and currently much inquired question, which can help us unravel more than one mystery concerning language ... -
On innate and specific aspects of human language
(Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2007)[EN] The claim that human language is largely dependent on innate mechanisms made in the late fifties by Noam Chomsky, though extremely controversial at the time, has become common ground in current language research. ... -
On language production principles and the form of language: a más cómo, menos por qué
(Frontiers Editorial (Lausanne), 2013-04-30)... -
Processing Facilitation Strategies in OV and VO Languages: A Corpus Study
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013)The present corpus study aimed to examine whether Basque (OV) resorts more often than Spanish (VO) to certain grammatical operations, in order to minimi ze the number of arguments to be processed before the verb. Ueno & ... -
Senezkotasuna hizkuntzan: Gramatika unibertsalaren inguruko gogoeta
(Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2008)[EUS] XX. mendearen bigarren erdialdean, hizkuntza eta, oro har, giza gogoa aztergai zuten pentsamoldek ia bat-bateko iraultza jasan zuten; Noam Chomsky hizkuntzalariaren ideia eta hausnarketek bultzatu zuten aldaketa hau ... -
Sentence comprehension before and after 1970: Topics, debates and techniques
(Oxford University Press, 2013)[EN] Language Down the Garden Path traces the lines of research that grew out of Bever's classic paper. Leading scientists review over 40 years of debates on the factors at play in language comprehension, production, and ... -
Simetria ala simetria eza? Hitzordenaz hausnarrean
(Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2008)[EUS] Lan honetan, giza hizkuntzek ageri duten hurrenkeratzea azaltzeko asmotan garatu diren buru-parametroaren eta antisimetriaren hipotesiaren inguruko hausnarketat eskaintzen dut, batik bat hizkuntzaren jabekuntzan eta ... -
Word frequency cues word order in adults: cross-linguistic evidence
(Frontiers Editorial (Lausanne), 2013)[EN] One universal feature of human languages is the division between grammatical functors and content words. From a learnability point of view, functors might provide entry points or anchors into the syntactic structure ... -