670-tik 447-466 emaitza erakusten

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      Plural values of nature help to understand contested pathways to sustainability 

      Martin, A.; Gomez-Baggethun, E.; Quaas, M.; Rozzi, R.; Faith, D.P.; Kumar, R.; O'Farrell, P.; Pascual, U. (One Earth, 2024-05-17)
      Despite globally agreed sustainability goals, advocacy for specific pathways of action remains highly contested. Disagreement about how best to advance sustainability can produce constructive debate but can also lead to ...
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      Pluralizing environmental values for urban planning: How to uncover the diversity of imaginaries about socio-natures from Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country, Spain) 

      Neidig, J.; Anguelovski, I.; Lliso, B.; Pascual, U. (People and Nature, 2023-08-01)
      Cities have pushed forward re-naturing initiatives in local planning agendas. Discourses and rationales for such interventions tend to follow instrumental framings often narrowed down to the economic, health and ecological ...
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      Pollination supply models from a local to global scale 

      Giménez-García, A.; Allen-Perkins, A.; Bartomeus, I.; Balbi, S.; Knapp, J.L.; Hevia, V.; Woodcock, B.A.; Smagghe, G.; Miñarro, M.; Eeraerts, M.; Colville, J.F.; Hipólito, J.; Cavigliasso, P.; Nates-Parra, G.; Herrera, J.M.; Cusser, S.; Simmons, B.I.; Wolters, V.; Jha, S.; Freitas, B.M.; Horgan, F.G.; Artz, A.R.; Sidhu, C.S.; Otieno, M.; Boreux, V.; Biddinger, D.J.; Klein, A.M.; Joshi, N.K.; Stewart, R.I.A.; Albrecht, M.; Nicholson, C.C.; O'Reilly, A.D.; Crowder, D.W.; Burns, K.L.W.; Nabaes Jodar, D.N.; Garibaldi, L.A.; Sutter, L.; Dupont, Y.L.; Dalsgaard, B.; Da Encarnação Coutinho, J.G.; Lázaro, A.; Andersson, G.K.S.; Raine, N.E.; Krishnan, S.; Dainese, M.; Van Der Werf, W.; Smith, H.G.; Magrach, A. (Web Ecology, 2023-10-14)
      Ecological intensification has been embraced with great interest by the academic sector but is still rarely taken up by farmers because monitoring the state of different ecological functions is not straightforward. Modelling ...
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      Post-2020 biodiversity targets need to embrace climate change 

      Arneth, A.; Shin, Y.; Leadley, P.; Rondinini, C.; Bukvareva, E.; Kolb, M.; Midgley, G.F.; Oberdorff, T.; Palomo, I.; Saito, O. (PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF; AMERICA, 2020)
      Recent assessment reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) have highlighted the risks to humanity ...
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      Post-conflict area-based regeneration policy in deprived urban neighbourhoods 

      Mohan, G.; Longo, A.; Kee, F. (Regional Studies, 2020-06-02)
      Neighbourhood Renewal is the main area-based urban regeneration initiative in Northern Ireland. The region is a unique setting for urban regeneration because of an enduring legacy of ethno-religious conflict. Using ...
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      Powering newly constructed vessels to comply with ECA regulations under fuel market prices uncertainty: Diesel or dual fuel engine? 

      Abadie, Luis María; Goicoechea Larracoechea, Nestor (Elsevier, 2019)
      Over the last decade, marine engine engineering has evolved considerably, to the point where engine technology can be considered mature and reliable using LNG as fuel without affecting safety at sea. This paper analyses ...
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      Practical solutions for bottlenecks in ecosystem services mapping 

      Palomo, I.; Willemen, L.; Drakou, E.; Burkhard, B.; Crossman, N.; Bellamy C., C.; Burkhard, K.; Campagne, C.; Dangol, A.; Franke, J.; Kulczyk, S.; Solen Le;, Le; Malak, Dania Abdul; Muñoz, L; Narusevicius, V.; Ottoy, S.; Roelens, J.; Sing, L.; Thomas, A.; Meerbeek, K; Verweij, P. (2018)
      A selection of commonly encountered ES mapping bottlenecks that relate to seven themes: i) map-maker map-user interaction; ii) nomenclature and ontologies; iii) skills and background; iv) data and maps availability; v) ...
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      Predicting resilience through the lens of competing adjustments to vegetation function 

      Sabot, M.E.B; De Kauwe, M.G.; Pitman, A.J.; Ellsworth, D.S.; Medlyn, B.E.; Caldararu, S.; Zaehle, S.; Crous, K.Y.; Gimeno, T.E.; Wujeska-Klause, A.; Mu, M.; Yang, J. (Plant Cell and Environment, 2022-09-01)
      There is a pressing need to better understand ecosystem resilience to droughts and heatwaves. Eco-evolutionary optimization approaches have been proposed as means to build this understanding in land surface models and ...
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      de Murieta, E. S.; Galarraga, I. (Ekonomiaz: Revista Vasca De Economía, 2020-01-01)
      El cambio climático es uno de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan nuestras sociedades. Muchos de los cambios previstos por la ciencia son ya evidentes y el Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC, ...
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      Presión antrópica sobre cuencas de drenaje en ecosistemas frágiles: variaciones en las existencias (stock) de carbono orgánico asociadas a cambios morfológicos fluviales 

      Halifa-Marín, A.; Pérez-Cutillas, P.; Almagro, M.; Boix-Fayos, C. (Universidad de La Rioja, 2019)
      Anthropic changes in the drainage area of catchments can influence dominant erosion processes and sediment sources and mobilize specific carbon pools. It also causes changes in the sedimentary dynamics and thus in the ...
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      Pricing policies for efficient demand side management in liberalized electricity markets 

      Ciarreta Antuñano, Aitor ORCID; Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID; Pizarro Irizar, María Cristina ORCID (Economic Modelling, 2023)
      International experience has shown that electricity consumers react to pricing policies by switching retailers or shifting part of their consumption from peak to off-peak hours. This behavior has a direct effect on the ...
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      Prioritization of Resilience Initiatives for Climate-Related Disasters in the Metropolitan City of Venice 

      Bonato, M.; Sambo, B.; Sperotto, A.; Lambert, J. H.; Linkov, I.; Critto, A.; Torresan, S.; Marcomini, A. (Risk Analysis, 2022-05-01)
      Increases in the magnitude and frequency of climate and other disruptive factors are placing environmental, economic, and social stresses on coastal systems. This is further exacerbated by land use transformations, ...
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      Progress toward Equitably Managed Protected Areas in Aichi Target 11: A Global Survey 

      Zafra Calvo, Noelia; Garmendia Oleaga, Eneko; Pascual, Unai; Palomo, Ignacio; Gross Camp, Nicole; Brockington, Daniel; Cortés Vázquez, José Antonio; Coolsaet, Brendan; Burgess, Neil David (Oxford University Press, 2019-03)
      The Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi Target 11 requires its 193 signatory parties to incorporate social equity into protected area (PA) management by 2020. However, there is limited evidence of progress toward this ...
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      Promoting energy efficiency at household level: a literature review 

      Solà, M.d.M; de Ayala, A.; Galarraga, I.; Escapa, M. (Energy Efficiency, 2021-01-01)
      The household sector is one of the most energy-intensive sectors in Europe, and thus a focal point for reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption. Energy efficiency is considered a key measure to ...
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      Pronounced northward shift of the westerlies during MIS 17 leading to the strong 100-kyr ice age cycles 

      Sánchez Goñi, M.F; Ferretti, P.; Polanco-Martínez, J.M.; Rodrigues, T.; Alonso-García, M.; Rodríguez Tovar, Francisco Javier; Dorador, J.; Desprat, S. (Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2019)
      The MIS 17 interglacial, ~715 675 ka, marks the end of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition as intensified, long and asymmetrical 100-kyr ice age cycles became eminently established. Increasing arrival of moisture to the Northern ...
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      Pronounced northward shift of the westerlies during MIS 17 leading to the strong 100-kyr ice age cycles 

      Sánchez Goñi, M. F.; Ferretti, P.; Polanco Martínez, Josué Moisés; Rodrigues, T.; Alonso-García, M.; Rodríguez Tovar, Francisco Javier; Dorador, J.; Desprat, S. (Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2019-10-01)
      The MIS 17 interglacial, ~715 675 ka, marks the end of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition as intensified, long and asymmetrical 100-kyr ice age cycles became eminently established. Increasing arrival of moisture to the Northern ...
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      Protected areas to deliver biodiversity need management effectiveness and equity 

      Zafra-Calvo, Z.; Geldmann, J. (Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020)
      It is widely recognized in science, policy, and practice that protected areas (PAs) that are equitably and effectively managed are essential for halting biodiversity loss. However, our understanding of the relationships ...
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      Providing access to urban green spaces: A participatory benefit-cost analysis in Spain 

      Garcia de Jalón, S.; Chiabai, A.; Tague, A.M.; Artaza, N.; De Ayala Bilbao, Amaya ORCID; Quiroga, S.; Kruize, H.; Suárez, C.; Bell, R.; Taylor, T. (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020)
      The opening up of green spaces could provide significant benefits to society. This study develops a framework to assess the economic benefits and costs of public interventions providing citizen access to urban green spaces. ...
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      Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time 

      Reckien, D; Buzasi, A.; Olazabal, M.; Spyridaki, N.A.; Eckersley, P.; Simoes, S.G.; Salvia, M.; Pietrapertosa, F.; Fokaides, P.; Goonesekera, S.M.; Tardieu, L.; Balzan, M.V.; de Boer, C.L.; De Gregorio Hurtado, S.; Feliu, E.; Flamos, A.; Foley, A.; Geneletti, D.; Grafakos, S.; Heidrich, O.; Ioannou, B.; Krook-Riekkola, A.; Matosovic, M.; Orru, K.; Paspaldzhiev, I.; Rižnar, K.; Smigaj, M.; Szalmáné Csete, M.; Viguié, V.; Wejs, A. (npj Urban Sustainability, 2023-12-01)
      Defining and measuring progress in adaptation are important questions for climate adaptation science, policy, and practice. Here, we assess the progress of urban adaptation planning in 327 European cities between 2005 and ...
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      Quantification of methane emitted by ruminants: a review of methods 

      Tedeschi, L.O.; Abdalla, A.L.; Álvarez, C.; Anuga, S.W.; Arango, J.; Beauchemin, K.A.; Becquet, P.; Berndt, A.; Burns, R.; De Camillis, C.; Chará, J.; Echazarreta, J.M.; Hassouna, M.D.s.; Kenny, D.; Mathot, M.; Mauricio, R.M.; Mcclelland, S.C.; Niu, M.; Onyango, A.A.; Parajuli, R.; Pereira, L.G.R.; Del Prado, A.; Paz Tieri, M.; Uwizeye, A.; Kebreab, E. (Journal of Animal Science, 2022)
      The contribution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ruminant production systems varies between countries and between regions within individual countries. The appropriate quantification of GHG emissions, specifically ...