Now showing items 41-60 of 670

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      The natural capital accounting opportunity: Let s really do the numbers 

      Boyd, J.W.; Bagstad, K.J.; Ingram, J.C.; Shapiro, C.D.; Adkins, J.E.; Frank, Casey C.; Duke, C.S.; Glynn, P.D.; Goldman, E.; Grasso, M.; Hass, J.L.; Johnson, J.A.; Lange, G.-M.; Matuszak, J.; Miller, A.; Oleson, K.L.L.; Posner, S.M.; Rhodes, C.; Soulard, F.; Vardon, M.; Villa, F.; Voigt, B.; Wentland, S. (Oxford University Press, 2018)
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      Landscape-scale modelling of agroforestry ecosystems services in Swiss orchards: a methodological approach 

      Kay, S.; Crous-Duran, J.; García de Jalón, S.; Graves, A.; Palma, J.H.N.; Roces-Díaz, J.V.; Szerencsits, E.; Weibel, R.; Herzog, F. (Springer, 2018)
      Context: Agroforestry systems in temperate Europe are known to provide both, provisioning and regulating ecosystem services (ES). Yet, it is poorly understood how these systems affect ES provision at a landscape scale in ...
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      Stakeholders perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept: Results from 27 case studies 

      Dick, J.; Turkelboom, F.; Woods, H.; Iniesta-Arandia, I.; Primmer, E.; Saarela, S.-R.; Bezák, P.; Mederly, P.; Leone, M.; Verheyden, W.; Kelemen, E.; Hauck, J.; Andrews, C.; Antunes, P.; Aszalós, R.; Baró, F.; Barton, D.N.; Berry, P.; Bugter, R.; Carvalho, L.; Czúcz, B.; Dunford, R.; Garcia Blanco, G.; Geamana, N.; Giuca, R.; Grizzetti, B.; Izakovicová, Z.; Kertész, M.; Kopperoinen, L.; Langemeyer, J.; Montenegro Lapola, D.; Liquete, C.; Luque, S.; Martínez Pastur, G.; Martin-Lopez, B.; Mukhopadhyay, R.; Niemela, J.; Odee, D.; Peri, P.L.; Pinho, P.; Patrício-Roberto, G.B.; Preda, E.; Priess, J.; Röckmann, C.; Santos, R.; Silaghi, D.; Smith, R.; Vadineanu, A.; van der Wal, J.T.; Arany, I.; Badea, O.; Bela, G.; Boros, E.; Bucur, M.; Blumentrath, S.; Calvache, M.; Carmen, E.; Clemente, P.; Fernandes, J.; Ferraz, D.; Fongar, C.; García-Llorente, M.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Gundersen, V.; Haavardsholm, O.; Kalóczkai, Á.; Khalalwe, T.; Kiss, G.; Köhler, B.; Lazányi, O.; Lellei-Kovács, E.; Lichungu, R.; Lindhjem, H.; Magare, C.; Mustajoki, J.; Ndege, C.; Nowell, M.; Nuss, Girona, S.; Ochieng, J.; Often, A.; Palomo, I.; Pataki, G.; Reinvang, R.; Rusch, G.; Saarikoski, H.; Smith, A.; Soy Massoni, E.; Stange, E.; Vågnes Traaholt, N.; Vári, Á.; Verweij, P.; Vikström, S.; Yli-Pelkonen, V.; Zulian, G. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The ecosystem service (ES) concept is becoming mainstream in policy and planning, but operational influence on practice is seldom reported. Here, we report the practitioners perspectives on the practical implementation ...
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      When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning 

      Turkelboom, F.; Leone, M.; Jacobs, S.; Kelemen, E.; García-Llorente, M.; Baró, F.; Termansen, M.; Barton, D.N.; Berry, P.; Stange, E.; Thoonen, M.; Kalóczkai, Á.; Vadineanu, A.; Castro, A.J.; Czúcz, B.; Röckmann, C.; Wurbs, D.; Odee, D.; Preda, E.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Rusch, G.M.; Pastur, G.M.; Palomo, I.; Dick, J.; Casaer, J.; van Dijk, J.; Priess, J.A.; Langemeyer, J.; Mustajoki, J.; Kopperoinen, L.; Baptist, M.J.; Peri, P.L.; Mukhopadhyay, R.; Aszalós, R.; Roy, S.B.; Luque, S.; Rusch, V. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Spatial planning has to deal with trade-offs between various stakeholders wishes and needs as part of planning and management of landscapes, natural resources and/or biodiversity. To make ecosystem services (ES) trade-off ...
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      Border Carbon Adjustments Based on Avoided Emissions: Addressing the Challenge of Its Design 

      Rocchi, P.; Serrano, M.; Roca, J.; Arto, I. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Carbon pricing is an essential instrument to address climate change. However international differences in carbon control policies may cause not only carbon leakage but also competitiveness disadvantages. In this context, ...
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      Elevated CO2 did not affect the hydrological balance of a mature native Eucalyptus woodland 

      Gimeno, T.E.; McVicar, T.R.; O'Grady, A.P.; Tissue, D.T.; Ellsworth, D.S. (John Wiley and Sons, 2018)
      Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCa) might reduce forest water-use, due to decreased transpiration, following partial stomatal closure, thus enhancing water-use efficiency and productivity at low water availability. ...
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      Modeling regional effects of climate change on soil organic carbon in Spain 

      Jebari, Asma; del Prado, Agustin; Pardo, Guillermo; Martín Rodríguez, Antonio, José; Álvaro-Fuentes, Jorge (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science and Soil Science, 2018)
      Soil organic C (SOC) stock assessments at the regional scale under climate change scenarios are of paramount importance in implementing soil management practices to mitigate climate change. In this study, we estimated the ...
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      Competitive ability, stress tolerance and plant interactions along stress gradients 

      Qi, M.; Sun, T.; Xue, S.; Yang, W.; Shao, D.; Martínez-López, J. (Ecological Society of America, 2018)
      Exceptions to the generality of the stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) may be reconciled by considering species-specific traits and stress tolerance strategies. Studies have tested stress tolerance and competitive ability ...
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      Integrating belowground carbon dynamics into Yield-SAFE, a parameter sparse agroforestry model 

      Palma, J.H.N.; Crous-Duran, J.; Graves, A.R.; de Jalon, S.G.; Upson, M.; Oliveira, T.S.; Paulo, J.A.; Ferreiro-Domínguez, N.; Moreno, G.; Burgess, P.J. (Springer, 2018)
      Agroforestry combines perennial woody elements (e.g. trees) with an agricultural understory (e.g. wheat, pasture) which can also potentially be used by a livestock component. In recent decades, modern agroforestry systems ...
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      Assessing nature s contributions to people: Recognizing culture, and diverse sources of knowledge, can improve assessments 

      Díaz, S.; Pascual, U.; Stenseke, M.; Martín-López, B.; Watson, R.T.; Molnár, Z.; Hill, R.; Chan, K.M.A.; Baste, I.A.; Brauman, K.A.; Polasky, S.; Church, A.; Lonsdale, M.; Larigauderie, A.; Leadley, P.W.; Van Oudenhoven, A.P.E.; Van Der Plaat, F.; Schröter, M.; Lavorel, S.; Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y.; Bukvareva, E.; Davies, K.; Demissew, S.; Erpul, G.; Failler, P.; Guerra, C.A.; Hewitt, C.L.; Keune, H.; Lindley, S.; Shirayama, Y. (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2018)
      [No abstract available]
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      Free satellite data key to conservation 

      Buchanan, G.M.; Beresford, A.E.; Hebblewhite, M.; Escobedo, F.J.; De Klerk, H.M.; Donald, P.F.; Escribano, P.; Koh, L.P.; Martínez-López, J.; Pettorelli, N.; Skidmore, A.K.; Szantoi, Z.; Tabor, K.; Wegmann, M.; Wich, S. (AAAS, 2018)
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      What can conservation strategies learn from the ecosystem services approach? Insights from ecosystem assessments in two Spanish protected areas 

      García Llorente, Marina; Harrison, P.A.; Berry, P.; Palomo, Ignacio; Gómez Baggethun, Erik; Iniesta Arandia, Irene.; Montes del Olmo, Carlos.; García del Amo, David; Martín López, Berta (Springer, 2018)
      Biodiversity conservation strategies that overlook the interests of local people are prone to create conflicts. The ecosystem service approach holds potential for more comprehensively integrating the social dimension into ...
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      Transparency and Reproducibility in Participatory Systems Modelling: the Case of Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping 

      Olazabal, M.; Neumann, M.B.; Foudi, S.; Chiabai, A. (John Wiley and Sons, 2018)
      By aggregating semi-quantitative mind maps from multiple agents, fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) allows developing an integrated, cross-sectoral understanding of complex systems. However, and especially for FCM based on ...
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      The potential of behavioural change for climate change mitigation: a case study for the European Union 

      Van de Ven, Dirk-Jan Petrus Adrianus; González-Eguino, M.; Arto, I. (Springer, 2018)
      Mainstream literature on climate change concentrates overwhelmingly on technological solutions for this global long-term problem, while a change towards climate-friendly behaviour could play a role in emission reduction ...
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      Agent-based modelling to assess community food security and sustainable livelihoods 

      Dobbie, S.; Schreckenberg, K.; Dyke, J.G.; Schaafsma, M.; Balbi, S. (SimSoc Consortium, 2018)
      We present a methodological approach for constructing an agent-based model (ABM) to assess community food security and variation among livelihood trajectories, using rural Malawi as a case study. The approach integrates ...
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      Emergence of new knowledge for climate change adaptation 

      Olazabal, M.; Chiabai, A.; Foudi, S.; Neumann, M.B. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Decision-making for climate change adaptation requires an integrated and cross-sectoral approach to adequately capture the complexity of interconnected systems. More meaningful decisions can be taken in an arena where ...
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      The nexus between climate change, ecosystem services and human health: Towards a conceptual framework 

      Chiabai, A.; Quiroga, S.; Martinez-Juarez, P.; Higgins, S.; Taylor, T. (Elsevier, 2018)
      This paper addresses the impact that changes in natural ecosystems can have on health and wellbeing focusing on the potential co-benefits that green spaces could provide when introduced as climate change adaptation measures. ...
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      Adaptation to Climate Change in Rainfed Agriculture in the Global South: Soil Biodiversity as Natural Insurance 

      Sidibé, Y.; Foudi, S.; Pascual, U.; Termansen, M. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Increased drought frequency in many parts of the world, especially in the global South, is expected due to accelerating climate change. We present a bioeconomic model that unpacks the role of soil biodiversity as contributing ...
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      Finance, energy and the decoupling: an empirical study 

      Kovacic, Z.; Spanò, M.; Piano, S.L.; Sorman, A.H. (Springer-Verlag, 2018)
      This paper investigates the empirical and theoretical basis of the decoupling between energy throughput and economic growth, with a critical view of the use of the decoupling concept as a policy priority. We provide an ...
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      Isótopos de Neodimio y Estroncio como indicadores del área fuente del material terrígeno depositado en el NE de Brasil 

      Ruiz, I.; Pena, L. (Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana, 2018)
      This study investigates the sedimentary origin of materials deposited by the Amazon River over the last 30 kyr BP and reconstructs the precipitation pattern of the source area at the time of the erosion. For this purpose, ...