Konputazio Ingeniaritza eta Sistema Adimentsuak Unibertsitate Masterra;;Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Computacional y Sistemas Inteligentes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 5-8 of 86
Understanding the elementary landscape decomposition of the QAP and its effects on local search based algorithms
(2022-12-23)Elementary landscapes are a special type of combinatorial landscapes that have some properties that make them particularly suitable for working with meta-heuristic algorithms, specially local search based methods. In most ... -
Trenen trakzio profilen optimizazioa energia kontsumoa minimizatuz
(2022-12-23)[EU] Proiektu hau CAF-Signalling enpresak dituen beharrei erantzun bat emateko burutu da. Gaur egun energia kontsumoaren minimizazioa enpresa guztiek mahai gainean jarri behar duten gai bat da, eta bide horretan, tren ... -
Transformer-based architecture for 2D semantic segmentation of mitochondria
(2022-12-23)In this project, we have studied the state-of-the-art of semantic segmentation of biomedical images and compared the performance of a new Transformer-based architecture with the most used convolutional architecture for ... -
The “Extended Reach” method: exploring the neighbors of the neighbors to escape from local optima
(2022-12-23)[EN] Local search is a widely used meta-heuristic due to its simple yet effective approach for solving computationally hard optimization problems. Despite their popularity, hill-climbing algorithms get stuck in local optima, ...