Now showing items 1-4 of 4

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      Análisis hidráulico y modelización de geoceldas de drenaje subsuperficial en pavimentos permeables 

      Madrazo Uribeetxebarria, Eneko ORCID; Garmendia Antin, Maddi ORCID; Almandoz Berrondo, Francisco Javier; Andrés-Doménech, Ignacio (2019)
      Los pavimentos permeables son una de las soluciones por las que se puede optar para gestionar la escorrentía en entornos urbanos, tanto en cantidad como en calidad. Los tipos de pavimento permeable son múltiples, pero todos ...
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      Hydraulic Performance Of Permeable Asphalt And Picp In Swmm, Validated By Laboratory Data 

      Madrazo Uribeetxebarria, Eneko ORCID; Garmendia Antin, Maddi ORCID; Almandoz Berrondo, Jabier; Andrés-Doménech, Ignacio (WitPress, 2019)
      Traditional urban development practices disrupt the natural water cycle, increasing surface runoff volume/velocity and reducing water quality, amongst other impacts. Those negative impacts can be reduced adopting sustainable ...
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      Modelling impervious pavements with the Low Impact Development module of the Storm Water Management Model 

      Madrazo Uribeetxebarria, Eneko ORCID; Garmendia Antin, Maddi ORCID; Almandoz Berrondo, Francisco Javier; Andrés-Doménech, Ignacio (Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), 2021-02-12)
      During the last few decades, resolution for hydrologic models has increased considerably. In addition, the growing development of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) has led to the implementation of new parameters ...
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      Modelling Runoff from Permeable Pavements: A Link to the Curve Number Method 

      Madrazo Uribeetxebarria, Eneko ORCID; Garmendia Antin, Maddi ORCID; Almandoz Berrondo, Francisco Javier; Andrés-Doménech, Ignacio (MDPI, 2022-12-31)
      Permeable Pavement (PP) models are valuable tools for studying the implementation of PPs in urban environments. However, the runoff simulated by traditional models such as the Curve Number (CN) is different from that created ...