Artikuluak, Komunikazioak, Liburuak;;Artículos, Comunicaciones, Libros: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-4 de 13689
Influence of the manufacturing strategy on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Invar 36 alloy parts manufactured by CMT-WAAM
(Springer Nature, 2025)The influence of the manufacturing strategy of Invar 36 alloy parts manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition by Arc (DED-Arc) also known as wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) using cold metal transfer (CMT) ... -
Effect of vanadia loading on acidic and redox properties of VOx/TiO2 for the simultaneous abatement of PCDD/Fs and NOx
(Elsevier, 2019-09-27)[EN] The effect of vanadia loading on the acidic and redox properties of VOx/TiO2 catalyst and their role in the simultaneous reduction of NO with NH3 and oxidation of o-DCB is studied. Catalyst samples with different ... -
Influence of patient gender on in-hospital mortality: A population-based cross-sectional study
(Wiley, 2025-01)Aim To analyse the association between gender and in-hospital mortality odds ratios among patients in the Basque Country. Design Cross-sectional study. Methods Admission data pertaining to the period between 1 ... -
Should the third Newton’s law be the first one? A TLS on dynamics for upper secondary school
(IOP, 2021-06-21)In this paper we are presenting the design and evaluation process of a Teaching Learning Sequence (TLS) following Design Based Research (DBR) methodology. The TLS was designed for the upper secondary school students on ...