Now showing items 966-985 of 3135

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      Euskal literatura beste hizkuntzetara itzulia 

      Manterola Agirrezabalaga, Elizabete ORCID (2007)
      [ES] Literatura vasca traducida En este artículo hemos estudiado la literatura vasca que se ha traducido a otras lenguas. Mediante este trabajo hemos querido saber qué es lo que se ha traducido del euskara y a qué ...
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      Euskal literatura itzuliari buruzko tesia 

      Manterola Agirrezabalaga, Elizabete ORCID (2012)
      [ES] Comparación entre distintos tipos de traducción de la obra de Bernardo Atxaga Este artículo resume la tesis doctoral titulada “Euskal literatura beste hizkuntza batzuetara itzulia. Bernardo Atxagaren lanen ...
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      Euskara eta gizakia: Hizkuntzaren prozesamendua 

      Laka Mugarza, Itziar ORCID (Universidad del País Vasco/ EHU, Euskara Institutoa-Instituto del Euskara, 2011)
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      Euskarazko post-edizioa: aurreiritziak, aplikazioa eta gogoetak Itzulpengintza eta Interpretazioko ikasleen artean 

      Irurzun Biain, Irati (2018-12-03)
      Euskarazko postedizioa izan da lan honen ardatza. Gure xedea euskarazko postedizioa zertan den aztertzea eta etorkizunean itzultzaile profesional izango direnen artean horren inguruko gogoeta bultzatzea da. Zehazki, ...
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      Eutanasia y criminalidad 

      García-Andrade, José Antonio (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1995)
      [ES] Se estudia el concepto de eutanasia como muerte sin agonía a través de la evolución histórica de los diferentes sistemas de ejecución. Asimismo se explican los problemas que pueden plantearse en la eutanasia en relación ...
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      Eutanasia y derecho 

      Díez Ripollés, José Luis (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1995)
      [ES] Tras exponer los puntos esenciales en la caracterización de la eutanasia y los criterios rectores de la identificación de sus diferentes clases, se analiza el tratamiento de la disponibilidad de la propia vida en ...
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      Eutanasia: el ejemplo holandés 

      Van Kalmthout, Anton M. (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1995)
      [ES] Se estudia la situación legal de la eutanasia, el auxilio al suicidio y la terminación activa de la vida con y sin petición del paciente, en los Países Bajos, explicando la práctica holandesa actual, el marco legal y ...
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      Evaluación de un programa de formación para fomentar la participación de los hijos en las tareas familiares 

      Bartau Rojas, Isabel Ana ORCID; Etxeberria Murgiondo, Juan ORCID (Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, 2007)
      Se presenta la evaluación del programa de formación parental «Corresponsabilidad familiar (COFAMI): fomentar la cooperación y responsabilidad de los hijos» (Maganto y Bartau, 2004) llevado a cabo en diversos grupos de ...
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      Evaluating governance and participatory processes in Natura 2000: lessons learned and guidance for future prospects 

      Díez López, María Ángeles; Etxano Gandariasbeitia, Iker ORCID; Garmendia Oleaga, Eneko (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2012-10)
      In recent years, participatory approaches have been incorporated in decision-making processes as a way to strengthen the bonds between diverse areas of knowledge and social actors in natural resources management and ...
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      Evaluating integrated impacts of low-emission transitions in the livestock sector 

      Spijker, E.; Anger-Kraavi, A.; Pollitt, H.; Van de Ven, Dirk-Jan Petrus Adrianus (Elsevier, 2020)
      This paper provides the results of a combined qualitative and quantitative assessment of key impacts for two low-emission transition pathways for the Dutch livestock sector. These impacts or side-effects can be positive ...
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      Evaluating social learning in participatory mapping of ecosystem services 

      García-Nieto, A.P.; Huland, E.; Quintas-Soriano, C.; Iniesta-Arandia, I.; García-Llorente, M.; Palomo, I.; Martín-López, B. (Taylor and Francis, 2019)
      Recent studies have shown the opportunities and limitations of participatory mapping for ecosystem services management, although it is an incipient research area. One of the research questions yet to be addressed is whether ...
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      Evaluating the Reliability of Human Brain White Matter Tractometry 

      Kruper, John; Yeatman, Jason D.; Richie-Halford, Adam; Bloom, David; Grotheer, Mareike; Caffarra, Sendy; Kiar, Gregory; Karipidis, Iliana I.; Roy, Ethan; Chandio, Bramsh Q.; Garyfallidis, Eleftherios; Rokem, Ariel (Minor White, 2021)
      The validity of research results depends on the reliability of analysis methods. In recent years, there have been concerns about the validity of research that uses diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) to understand human brain ...
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      Evaluating the role of energy efficiency labels in the prices of household appliances: the case of refrigerators 

      Galarraga, Ibon; González-Eguino, Mikel; Heres, David (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2011-04-28)
      This article uses an statisticalmethod to estimate the price premium paid for the highest energy-efficiency label (A+) in the refrigerators market of the Basque Autonomous Community (Spain). The estimated figure is 8.9% ...
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      Evaluating the Role of Energy Efficiency Labels: the Case of Dish Washers 

      Galarraga, Ibon; González-Eguino, Mikel; Markandya, Anil (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2010-05-17)
      This article uses the hedonic approach to estimate how much is paid for the energy efficiency label on the dishwasher market in Spain. The estimated figure is 15.6% of the final price. This accounts for about 80€ of ...
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      Evaluating the role of energy efficiency labels: the case of Dish Washers 

      Galarraga, Ibon; Markandya, Anil; González-Eguino, Mikel (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2010-09-23)
      This article uses the hedonic approach to estimate how much is paid for energy efficiency in the dishwasher market in Spain. The estimations suggest that 15.6% of the final price is paid for the characteristic represented ...
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      Evaluating three-pillar sustainability modelling approaches for dairy cattle production systems 

      De Otálora, D.; Del Prado, A.; Dragoni, F.; Estellés, F.; Amon, B. (Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021)
      Milk production in Europe is facing major challenges to ensure its economic, environmental, and social sustainability. It is essential that holistic concepts are developed to ensure the future sustainability of the sector ...
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      Evaluation of a cross-border electricity interconnection: The case of Spain-France 

      Abadie, L. M.; Chamorro, J. M. (Energy, 2021-10-15)
      This paper focuses on the economics of a cross-border transmission interconnector. The domestic spot electricity price is modelled as a stochastic process with mean reversion and jumps; it also includes a deterministic ...
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      Evaluation of habitat protection under the European Natura 2000 conservation network The example for Germany 

      Friedrichs, M.; Hermoso, V.; Bremerich, V.; Langhans, S.D. (PLoS One, 2018)
      The world´s largest network of protected areas Natura 2000 (N2000) has been implemented to protect Europe´s biodiversity. N2000 is built upon two cornerstones, the Birds Directive, which lists 691 bird species (plus one ...
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      Evaluation of multi-echo ICA denoising for task based fMRI studies: Block designs, rapid event-related designs, and cardiac-gated fMRI 

      Gonzalez-Castillo, Javier; Panwar, Puja; Buchanan, Laura C.; Caballero Gaudes, César; Handwerker, Daniel A.; Jangrawa, David C.; Zachariou, Valentinos; Inati, Souheil; Roopchansingh, Vinai (NeuroImage, 2016)
      Multi-echo fMRI, particularly the multi-echo independent component analysis (ME-ICA) algorithm, has previously proven useful for increasing the sensitivity and reducing false positives for functional MRI (fMRI) based resting ...