Now showing items 29-32 of 35

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      Composite beta-AgVO3@V5+1.6V4+0.4O4.8 hydrogels and xerogels for catalytic applications 

      Serrano Larrea, Edurne; Fernández de Luis, Roberto; Iglesias, Marta; Arriortua Marcaida, María Isabel ORCID (2016-04-07)
      Silver vanadium oxides and vanadium oxides, and concretely β-AgVO3 phase, have received considerable attention in the last decade due to their unique physical and chemical properties, including electrochemical and ...
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      Effect of the A cation size disorder and synthesis conditions on the properties of an iron perovskite series 

      Vidal García, Karmele; Larrañaga Varga, Aitor; Morán Ruiz, Aroa; Laguna-Bercero, Miguel Angel; Calvino, J.J.; Arriortua Marcaida, María Isabel ORCID (2015-11-18)
      Solid state chemistry thrives on a rich variety of solids that can be synthesized using a wide range of techniques. It is well known that the preparative route plays a critical role on the physical and chemical properties ...
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      Influence of synthetic method on the properties of La0.5Ba0.5FeO3 SOFC cathode 

      Ecija, A.; Vidal García, Karmele; Larrañaga Varga, Aitor; Ortega San Martín, Luis; Arriortua Marcaida, María Isabel ORCID (2015-11-17)
      Perovskite type (ABO3) oxides have been widely studied as SOFC cathode materials at high temperatures. Given that several of the challenges hindering SOFC technology are consequence of the high operation temperature (about ...
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      Auto-ensamblaje de unidades porfirínicas para la obtención de dispositivos supramoleculares 

      Fidalgo Marijuan, Arkaitz; Bazán Blau, Begoña del Pilar ORCID; Barandika Argoitia, Miren Gotzone ORCID; Urtiaga Greaves, Miren Karmele ORCID; Arriortua Marcaida, María Isabel ORCID (2015-10-23)
      Las entidades supramoleculares basadas en el auto-ensamblaje de metaloporfirinas son ejemplos paradigmáticos de la gran eficiencia de los nanodispositivos empleados por los seres vivos para el almacenamiento y el transporte ...