Komunikazioak-IMaCris / MaKrisI ikerketa taldea;;Comunicaciones-Grupo de investigación IMaCris / MaKrisI: Recent submissions
Now showing items 9-12 of 35
Stability study of MOF@IL composite materials
(2017-03)Metal-organic frameworks (MOF) offer unique advantages for many applications due to their ordered structures, high thermal stability, tunable chemical functionality, ultra-high porosity and the availability of hundreds ... -
Scalable synthetic method for IT-SOFCs compounds
(2016-07-15)Economically competitive SOFC systems appear ready for commercialization, but widespread market penetration will require a broad inventory of key starting materials and fabrication processes to enhance systems and reduce ... -
Optimization of the large scale synthesis of the LSF-20 cathode material for SOFCs
(2016-06-24)Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) have the potential to be one of the cleanest and most efficient energy technologies for direct conversion of chemical fuels to electricity. Economically competitive SOFC systems appear poised ... -
Celdas de pilas de oxidó solido, avance en el procesado de materiales
(2016-06-24)Este trabajo está enfocado a la síntesis y al procesado de los componentes de las pilas de combustible de óxido sólido (SOFC). La configuración empleada consiste en celdas (ánodo/electrolito/cátodo) soportadas por el ...