Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      Convergence of Fourier series 

      Canto Llorente, Javier (2017-01-09)
      The main goal of this dissertation is to study the problem of convergence of Fourier series. This problem consists on, given a function f, deciding if its Fourier series converges to f. What conditions are necessary or ...
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      Distribution theory and fundamental solutions of differential operators 

      Eceizabarrena Pérez, Daniel (2016-04-27)
      The objective of this dissertation is to study the theory of distributions and some of its applications. Certain concepts which we would include in the theory of distributions nowadays have been widely used in several ...
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      Polinomio ortogonalak. Hermiteren polinomioak 

      Lasarte Etxarri, Unai (2017-01-10)
      Memoria hau polinomio ortogonalei eta, bereziki, Hermiteren polinomioeiburuzkoa da. Polinomio ortgonalak Hilberten espazio batean definituriko biderkadura eskalar batekiko ortogonalak diren polinomio-segidak ...