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Zumaiako eta Getariako hizkeren "bitxikeriyak", "bitxikerixak" edota "bitxikeridxak"
(2024-05-06)[EUS] Zumaia eta Getaria mugakide diren herriak dira eta hizkera aldetik ezberdintasunak topa badaitezke ere, herri arrantzale hauek zenbait ezaugarritan bat datoz. Azterlan hau, hain zuzen, Urola Kostako bi herri hauetako ... -
The Queer West: Homophobia in The Power of the Dog and Brokeback Mountain
(2024-05-06)[EN] The cinematographic success of the 2005 film Brokeback Mountain and the 2021 film The Power of the Dog symbolises the public’s interest in LGBTQ+ stories about the American West and the need for appreciation and ... -
The Curse of the House of Agamemnon: Revisiting the Characters of Orestes and Elektra in Colm Tóibín's House of Names (2018) and Jennifer Saint's Elektra (2022)
(2024-05-06)[EN] Throughout the years, numerous pieces of literature have been written using as basis the ancient Greek myths of Electra and Orestes as transmitted by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. This paper will analyze two of ... -
The construction of madness in Hercules: a comparison between Euripides’ Heracles and Seneca’s Hercules furens
(2024-05-06)[EN] Hercules is probably the best-known hero in Greek and Roman mythology, not only for his feats, but also for the interest his madness has aroused. In previous research, where the insanity of the hero has been studied, ...