Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Unibertsitate Masterra;;Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación: Recent submissions
Now showing items 49-52 of 112
Despliegue de una arquitectura de edge computing basada en Kubernetes aplicada a industria 4.0
(2021-11-22)RESUMEN: El presente proyecto pretende diseñar y desplegar una arquitectura de edge computing para industria 4.0 basada en Kubernetes (K8s), el sistema de orquestación de contenedores más adoptado hoy en día por las ... -
Availability of Voice Deepfake Technology and its Impact for Good and Evil
(2021-11-22)Artificial Intelligence and specially Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques are increasingly populating today’s technological and social landscape. These advancements have overwhelmingly contributed to the ... -
Development of a platform to manipulate multimodal data to evaluate the hemodynamic state of the patient during cardiac arrest using nonivasive sensors
(2021-08-05)Out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest (OHCA) is a sudden cardiovascular event that constitutes a major public health problem and is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The survival rate from OHCA decreases with time, ... -
Characterization of grid impedance variations and their influence on NB-PLC in the frequency range 10-500 kHz
(2021-08-05)[EN]PLC (Power Line Communications) is a technology that uses the electrical grid as a means of communication. Although it has many advantages, as that the electrical grid is already deployed, the noises introduced by the ...