Now showing items 166-185 of 685

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      Dissociable rhythmic mechanisms enhance memory forconscious and nonconscious perceptual contents 

      Cheng, Phillip (Xin); Grover, Shrey; Wen, Wen; Sankaranarayanan, Shruthi; Davies, Sierra; Fragetta, Justine; Soto, David ORCID; Reinhart, Robert M. G. (PNAS, 2022)
      Understanding the neural mechanisms of conscious and unconscious experience is amajor goal of fundamental and translational neuroscience. Here, we target the earlyvisual cortex with a protocol of noninvasive, high-resolution ...
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      Distinctive Frontal and Occipitotemporal Surface Features in Neglectful Parenting 

      León, Inmaculada; Rodrigo, María José; Quiñones, Ileana; Hernández‐Cabrera, Juan Andrés; García‐Pentón, Lorna (Brain sciences, 2021)
      Although the brain signatures of adaptive human parenting are well documented, the cortical features associated with maladaptive caregiving are underexplored. We investigated whether cortical thickness and surface area ...
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      Do alternating-color words facilitate reading aloud text in Chinese? Evidence with developing and adult readers 

      Perea, Manuel; Wang, Xiaoyun (Memory & Cognition, 2017)
      Prior research has shown that colors induce perceptual grouping and, hence, colors can be used as word dividers during reading (Pinna & Deiana, 2014). This issue is particularly important for those writing systems that do ...
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      Do Diacritical Marks Play a Role at the Early Stages of Word Recognition in Arabic? 

      Perea, Manuel; Abu Mallouh, Reem; Mohammed, Ahmed; Khalifa, Batoul; Carreiras, Manuel (Frontiers in Psychology, 2016)
      A crucial question in the domain of visual word recognition is whether letter similarity plays a role in the early stages of visual word processing. Here we focused on Arabic because in this language there are various ...
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      Do handwritten words magnify lexical effects in visual word recognition? 

      Perea, Manuel; Gil-López, Cristina; Beléndez, Victoria; Carreiras, Manuel (The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2016)
      An examination of how the word recognition system is able to process handwritten words is fundamental to formulate a comprehensive model of visual word recognition. Previous research has revealed that the magnitude of ...
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      Do They Know It's Christmash? Lexical Knowledge Directly Impacts Speech Perception 

      Crinnion, Anne Marie; Saltzman, David; Magnuson, James S. (WILEY, 2024)
      We recently reported strong, replicable (i.e., replicated) evidence for lexically mediated compensa-tion for coarticulation (LCfC; Luthra et al., 2021), whereby lexical knowledge influences a prelexicalprocess. Critically, ...
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      Does bilingual experience influence statistical language learning? 

      Aguasvivas, Jose A.; Cespón, Jesús; Carreiras, Manuel (ELSEVIER, 2024)
      Statistical language learning (SL) tasks measure different aspects of foreign language learning. Studies have used SL tasks to investigate whether bilingual experience confers advantages in acquiring additional languages ...
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      Does bilingualism shape inhibitory control in the elderly? 

      Antón Ustaritz, Eneko; Fernández García, Yuriem; Carreiras, Manuel; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (Journal of Memory and Language, 2016)
      Bilingualism has been argued to benefit executive functioning. However, recent research suggests that this advantage may stem from uncontrolled factors or incorrectly matched samples. In this study we test the effects of ...
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      Does consonant–vowel skeletal structure play a role early in lexical processing? Evidence from masked priming 

      Perea, Manuel; Marcet, Ana; Acha Morcillo, Joana ORCID (Applied Psycholinguistics, 2018)
      Is the specific consonant–vowel (CV) letter combination of a word a basic source of information for lexical access in the early stages of processing? We designed two masked priming lexical decision experiments to respond ...
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      Does incidental sequence learning allow us to better manage upcoming conflicting events? 

      Jiménez, Luis; Abrahamse, Elger L.; Méndez, Cástor; Braem, Senne (Psychological Research, 2020)
      Recent proposals emphasize the role of learning in empirical markers of conflict adaptation. Some of these proposals are rooted in the assumption that contingency learning works not only on stimulus–response events but ...
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      Does learning a language in the elderly enhance switching ability? 

      Ramos, Sara; Fernández García, Yuriem; Antón Ustaritz, Eneko; Casaponsa, Aina; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2017)
      The bilingual advantage has been subject of research repeatedly over the last decade. Many studies have supported the idea of the existence of a higher functioning in domain general cognitive abilities among bilingual ...
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      Does letter rotation slow down orthographic processing in word recognition? 

      Perea, Manuel; Marcet, Ana; Fernández-López, María (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2018)
      Leading neural models of visual word recognition assume that letter rotation slows down the conversion of the visual input to a stable orthographic representation (e.g., local detectors combination model; Dehaene, Cohen, ...
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      Does Location Uncertainty in Letter Position Coding Emerge Because of Literacy Training? 

      Perea, Manuel; Jiménez, María; Gómez, Pablo (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2016)
      In the quest to unveil the nature of the orthographic code, a useful strategy is to examine the transposed-letter effect (e.g., JUGDE is more confusable with its base word, JUDGE, than the replacement-letter nonword ...
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      Does narrator variability facilitate incidental word learning in the classroom? 

      Tapia, José Luis; Rocabado, Francisco; Vergara-Martínez, Marta; Perea, Manuel (SPRINGER, 2022)
      Recent studies have revealed that presenting novel words across various contexts (i.e., contextual diversity) helps to consolidate the meaning of these words both in adults and children. This effect has been typically ...
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      Does orthographic processing emerge rapidly after learning a new script? 

      Fernández-López, María; Marcet, Ana; Perea, Manuel (British Journal of Psychology, 2021)
      Orthographic processing is characterized by location-invariant and location-specific processing (Grainger, 2018): (1) strings of letters are more vulnerable to transposition effects than the strings of symbols in same-different ...
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      Does seeing an Asian face make speech sound more accented? 

      Zheng, Yi; Samuel, Arthur G. (Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2017)
      Prior studies have reported that seeing an Asian face makes American English sound more accented. The current study investigates whether this effect is perceptual, or if it instead occurs at a later decision stage. We ...
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      Does signal reduction imply predictive coding in models of spoken word recognition? 

      Luthra, Sahil; Li, Monica Y. C.; You, Heejo; Brodbeck, Christian; Magnuson, James S. (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2021)
      Pervasive behavioral and neural evidence for predictive processing has led to claims that language processing depends upon predictive coding. Formally, predictive coding is a computational mechanism where only deviations ...
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      Does the Visual Attention Span Play a Role in Reading in Arabic? 

      Lallier, Marie; Abu Mallouh, Reem; Mohammed, Ahmed M.; Khalifa, Batoul; Perea, Manuel; Carreiras, Manuel (Scientific Studies of Reading, 2018)
      It is unclear whether the association between the visual attention (VA) span and reading differs across languages. Here we studied this relationship in Arabic, where the use of specific reading strategies depends on the ...
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      Does the visual attention span play a role in the morphological processing of orthographic stimuli? 

      Antzaka, Alexia; Acha Morcillo, Joana ORCID; Carreiras, Manuel; Lallier, Marie (Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2019)
      We investigated whether the link between visual attention (VA) span and reading is modulated by the presence of morphemes. Second and fourth grade children, with Basque as their first language, named morphologically complex ...
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      Does visual letter similarity modulate masked form priming in young readers of Arabic? 

      Perea, Manuel; Abu Mallouh, Reem; Mohammed, Ahmed; Khalifa, Batoul; Carreiras, Manuel (Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2018)
      We carried out a masked priming lexical decision experiment to study whether visual letter similarity plays a role during the initial phases of word processing in young readers of Arabic (fifth graders). Arabic is ideally ...