Now showing items 61-80 of 685

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      Beyond words: an investigation of fine motor skills and the verbal communication spectrum in autism 

      Simarro Gonzalez, Marian; Gessica, Ni; Lam, Valerie; Demopoulos, Carly (Frontiers, 2024)
      Introduction: This study investigated the associations between fine motor skills and expressive verbal abilities in a group of 97 autistic participants (age 8-17, mean=12.41) and 46 typically developing youth (age 8-17, ...
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      BIDScoin: A User-Friendly Application to Convert Source Data to Brain Imaging Data Structure 

      Zwiers, Marcel Peter; Moia, Stefano; Oostenveld, Robert (Frontiers, 2022)
      Analyses of brain function and anatomy using shared neuroimaging data is an important development, and have acquired the potential to be scaled up with the specification of a new Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) ...
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      Bilingual Grammar: Toward an Integrated Model 

      Tagarro, Pablo M.; Verbeni, Vicenzo (Taylor & Francis, 2024)
      LUIS LÓPEZ, Bilingual Grammar: Toward an Integrated Model. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2020. viii + 229 pp. This monograph constitutes an indispensable source of information for those interested in bilingualism, (formal) ...
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      Bilingual Infants Readily Orient to Novel Visual Stimuli 

      Singh, Leher; Kalashnikova, Marina; Quin, Paul C. (APA, 2023)
      Bilingualism has been shown to modify infants’ responses in a range of domains. In particular, early bilingual experience is associated with greater flexibility and openness in infant perception and learning. In this study, ...
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      Bilingual Preschoolers ’ Speech is Associated with Non-Native Maternal Language Input 

      Stoehr, Antje; Benders, Titia; van Hell, Janet G.; Fikkert, Paula (Language Learning and Development, 2019)
      Bilingual children are often exposed to non-native speech through their parents. Yet, little is known about the relation between bilingual preschoolers’ speech production and their speech input. The present study investigated ...
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      Bilinguals produce language-specific voice onset time in two true-voicing languages 

      Souganidis, Christoforos; Molinaro, Nicola; Stoehr, Antje (JOHN BENJAMINS, 2024)
      It is well established that early bilinguals who speak languages that differ in the phonetic implementation of the voicing contrast have language-specific voicing systems. This study investigates voicing separation in ...
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      Biomarkers for Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease 

      Delgado-Alvarado, Manuel; Gago, Belén; Navalpotro-Gomez, Irene; Jiménez-Urbieta, Haritz; Rodríguez-Oroz, María C. (Movement Disorders, 2016)
      Cognitive decline is one of the most frequent and disabling nonmotor features of Parkinson's disease. Around 30% of patients with Parkinson's disease experience mild cognitive impairment, a well-established risk factor for ...
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      Blue-Enriched Light Enhances Alertness but Impairs Accurate Performance in Evening Chronotypes Driving in the Morning 

      Rodríguez-Morilla, Beatriz; Madrid, Juan A.; Molina, Enrique; Pérez-Navarro, José; Correa, Ángel (Frontiers Psychology, 2018)
      Attention maintenance is highly demanding and typically leads to vigilance decrement along time on task. Therefore, performance in tasks involving vigilance maintenance for long periods, such as driving, tends to deteriorate ...
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      Body into Narrative: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Signatures of Action Text Processing After Ecological Motor Training 

      Cervetto, Sabrina; Birba, Agustina; Pérez, Gonzalo; Amoruso, Lucía; García, Adolfo M. (ELSEVIER, 2022)
      Embodied cognition research indicates that sensorimotor training can influence action concept processing. Yet, most studies employ isolated (pseudo)randomized stimuli and require repetitive single-effector responses, ...
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      Brain activity patterns of phonemic representations are atypical in beginning readers with family risk for dyslexia 

      Vandermosten, Maaike; Correia, João M.; Vanderauwera, Jolijn; Wouters, Jan; Bonte, Milene (Developmental Science, 2020)
      There is an ongoing debate whether phonological deficits in dyslexics should be attributed to (a) less specified representations of speech sounds, like suggested by studies in young children with a familial risk for ...
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      Brain Networks Modulation in Young and Old Subjects During Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Applied on Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex 

      Miraglia, Francesca; Vecchio, Fabrizio; Pellicciari, Maria Concetta; Cespon, Jesus; Rossini, Paolo Maria (World Scientific Publishing, 2022)
      Evidence indicates that the transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has the potential to transiently modulate cognitive function, including age-related changes in brain performance. Only a small number of studies ...
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      Brain Signatures of Embodied Semantics and Language: A Consensus Paper 

      Bechtold, Laura; Cosper, Samuel H.; Malyshevskaya, Anastasia; Montefinese, Maria; Morucci, Piermatteo; Niccolai, Valentina; Repetto, Claudia; Zappa, Ana; Shtyrov, Yury (UBIQUITY PRESS, 2023)
      According to embodied theories (including embodied, embedded, extended, enacted, situated, and grounded approaches to cognition), language representation is intrinsically linked to our interactions with the world around ...
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      Brain structure, phenotypic and genetic correlates of reading performance 

      Carrión-Castillo, Amaia; Paz-Alonso, Pedro M.; Carreiras, Manuel (NATURE RESEARCH, 2023-10-10)
      Reading is an evolutionarily recent development that recruits and tunes brain circuitry connecting primary- and language-processing regions. We investigated whether metrics of the brain’s physical structure correlate with ...
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      Brain-behavior relationships in incidental learning of non-native phonetic categories 

      Luthra, Sahil; Fuhrmeister, Pamela; Molfese, Peter J.; Guediche, Sara; Blumstein, Sheila E.; Myers, Emily B. (Brain and Language, 2019)
      Research has implicated the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in mapping acoustic-phonetic input to sound category representations, both in native speech perception and non-native phonetic category learning. At issue is ...
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      Brain-to-brain entrainment: EEG interbrain synchronization while speaking and listening 

      Pérez, Alejandro; Carreiras, Manuel; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (Scientific Reports, 2017)
      Electroencephalographic hyperscanning was used to investigate interbrain synchronization patterns in dyads of participants interacting through speech. Results show that brain oscillations are synchronized between listener ...
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      Brain-wide representation of social knowledge 

      Alcalá-López, Daniel; Mei, Ning; Margolles, Pedro; Soto, David ORCID (OXFORD, 2024)
      Understanding how the human brain maps different dimensions of social conceptualizations remains a key unresolved issue. We performed a functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study in which participants were exposed ...
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      Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience 

      Gau, Rémi; Noble, Stephanie; Heuer, Katja; Bottenhorn, Katherine L.; Bilgin, Isil P.; Yang, Yu-Fang; Huntenburg, Julia M.; Bayer, Johanna M.M.; Bethlehem, Richard A.I.; Rhoads, Shawn A.; Vogelbacher, Christoph; Borghesani, Valentina; Levitis, Elizabeth; Wang, Hao-Ting; Van Den Bossche, Sofie; Kobeleva, Xenia; Legarreta, Jon Haitz; Guay, Samuel; Atay, Selim Melvin; Varoquaux, Gael P.; Huijser, Dorien C.; Sandström, Malin S.; Herholz, Peer; Nastase, Samuel A.; Badhwar, AmanPreet; Dumas, Guillaume; Schwab, Simon; Moia, Stefano; Dayan, Michael; Bassil, Yasmine; Brooks, Paula P.; Mancini, Matteo; Shine, James M.; O’Connor, David; Xie, Xihe; Poggiali, Davide; Friedrich, Patrick; Heinsfeld, Anibal S.; Riedl, Lydia; Toro, Roberto; Caballero-Gaudes, César; Eklund, Anders; Garner, Kelly G.; Nolan, Christopher R.; Demeter, Damion V.; Barrios, Fernando A.; Merchant, Junaid S.; McDevitt, Elizabeth A.; Oostenveld, Robert; Craddock, R. Cameron; Rokem, Ariel; Doyle, Andrew; Ghosh, Satrajit S.; Nikolaidis, Aki; Stanley, Olivia W.; Uruñuela, Eneko; Community, The Brainhack (Neuron, 2021)
      Brainhack is an innovative meeting format that promotes scientific collaboration and education in an open, inclusive environment. This NeuroView describes the myriad benefits for participants and the research community and ...
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      Breaking Down the Bilingual Cost in Speech Production 

      Sadat, Jasmin; Martin, Clara D.; Magnuson, James S.; Alario, Françoi-Xabier; Costa, Albert (Cognitive Science, 2016)
      Bilinguals have been shown to perform worse than monolinguals in a variety of verbal tasks. This study investigated this bilingual verbal cost in a large-scale picture-naming study conducted in Spanish. We explored how ...
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      Capturing Cross-linguistic Differences in Macro-rhythm: The Case of Italian and English 

      Polyanskaya, Leona; Busà, Maria Grazia; Ordin, Mikhail (Language and Speech, 2020)
      We tested the hypothesis that languages can be classified by their degree of tonal rhythm (Jun, 2014). The tonal rhythms of English and Italian were quantified using the following parameters: (a) regularity of tonal ...
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      Cardiac afferent activity modulates early neural signature of error detection during skilled performance 

      Bury, Gabriela; García-Huéscar, Marta; Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Herrojo Ruiz, María (NeuroImage, 2019)
      Behavioral adaptations during performance rely on predicting and evaluating the consequences of our actions through action monitoring. Previous studies revealed that proprioceptive and exteroceptive signals contribute to ...