Now showing items 96-115 of 685

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      Comparing MEG and high-density EEG for intrinsic functional connectivity mapping 

      Coquelet, N.; De Tiège, X.; Destoky, F.; Roshchupkina, L.; Bourguignon, Mathieu; Goldman, S.; Peigneux, P.; Wens, V. (NeuroImage, 2020)
      Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has been used in conjunction with resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) based on band-limited power envelope correlation to study the intrinsic human brain network organization into ...
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      Comparing Semantic Fluency in American Sign Language and English 

      Sevcikova Sehyr, Zed; Giezen, Marcel R.; Emmorey, Karen (Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2018)
      This study investigated the impact of language modality and age of acquisition on semantic fluency in American Sign Language (ASL) and English. Experiment 1 compared semantic fluency performance (e.g., name as many animals ...
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      Comparing the potential of MEG and EEG to uncover brain tracking of speech temporal envelope 

      Destoky, Florian; Philippe, Morgane; Bertels, Julie; Verhasselt, Marie; Coquelet, Nicolas; Vander Ghinst, Marc; Wens, Vincent; De Tiège, Xavier; Bourguignon, Mathieu (NeuroImage, 2019)
      During connected speech listening, brain activity tracks speech rhythmicity at delta (∼0.5 Hz) and theta (4–8 Hz) frequencies. Here, we compared the potential of magnetoencephalography (MEG) and high-density electroencephalography ...
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      Comparison of Stimulus Types for Retinotopic Cortical Mapping of Macular Disease 

      Pawloff, Maximilian; Linhardt, David; Woletz, Michael; Hummer, Allan; Sacu, Stefan; Vasileiadi, Maria; Lerma Usabiaga, Garikoitz; Holder, Graham; Schmidt-Erfurth, Ursula M.; Windischberger, Christian; Ritter, Markus (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2023)
      Purpose: Retinotopic maps acquired using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provide a valuable adjunct in the assessment of macular function at the level of the visual cortex. The present study quantitatively ...
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      Compensatory cross‑modal effects of sentence context on visual word recognition in adults 

      Clark, Catherine; Guediche, Sara; Lallier, Marie (Reading and Writing, 2021)
      Reading involves mapping combinations of a learned visual code (letters) onto meaning. Previous studies have shown that when visual word recognition is challenged by visual degradation, one way to mitigate these negative ...
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      Comprehension of Morse Code Predicted by Item Recall From Short-Term Memory 

      Guediche, Sara; Fiez, Julie A. (Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2021)
      Purpose: Morse code as a form of communication became widely used for telegraphy, radio and maritime communication, and military operations, and remains popular with ham radio operators. Some skilled users of Morse code ...
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      Computational Modeling of Language Learning in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Response to Open Peer Commentaries 

      Xu, Qihui; Li, Ping (WILEY, 2023)
      In the last few years, researchers have realized that bilingualism is not a unitary concept but a phenomenon on a continuum (DeLuca et al., 2019). As Marian (2022) also noted in her commentary, bilingualism is not an ...
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      Conflict monitoring and attentional adjustment during binocular rivalry 

      Drew, Alice; Torralba, Mireia; Ruzzoli, Manuela; Morís Fernández, Luis; Sabaté, Alba; Pápai, Márta Szabina; Soto-Faraco, Salvador (WILEY, 2022)
      To make sense of ambiguous and, at times, fragmentary sensory input, the brain must rely on a process of active interpretation. At any given moment, only one of several possible perceptual representations prevails in our ...
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      Connectivity of Frontoparietal Regions Reveals Executive Attention and Consciousness Interactions 

      Martín-Signes, Mar; Paz-Alonso, Pedro M.; Chica, Ana B. (Cerebral Cortex, 2019)
      The executive control network is involved in the voluntary control of novel and complex situations. Solving conflict situations or detecting errors have demonstrated to impair conscious perception of near-threshold stimuli. ...
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      Consensus Goals in the Field of Visual Metacognition 

      Rahnev, Dobromir; Balsdon, Tarryn; Charles, Lucie; de Gardelle, Vincent; Denison, Rachel; Desender, Kobe; Faivre, Nathan; Filevich, Elisa; Fleming, Stephen M.; Jehee, Janneke; Lau, Hakwan; Lee, Alan L. F.; Locke, Shannon M.; Mamassian, Pascal; Odegaard, Brian; Peters, Megan; Reyes, Gabriel; Rouault, Marion; Sackur, Jerome; Samaha, Jason; Sergent, Claire; Sherman, Maxine T.; Siedlecka, Marta; Soto, David ORCID; Vlassova, Alexandra; Zylberberg, Ariel (SAGE, 2022)
      Despite the tangible progress in psychological and cognitive sciences over the last several years, these disciplines still trail other more mature sciences in identifying the most important questions that need to be solved. ...
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      Consonantal overlap effects in a perceptual matching task 

      Massol, Stéphanie; Carreiras, Manuel; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (Experimental Brain Research, 2016)
      This study investigates the processing of letter position coding by exploring whether or not two explicitly presented words that share the same consonants, but that differ in their vowels, exert mutual interference more ...
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      Contextual diversity facilitates learning new words in the classroom 

      Rosa, Eva; Tapia, José Luis; Perea, Manuel (PLoS ONE, 2017)
      In the field of word recognition and reading, it is commonly assumed that frequently repeated words create more accessible memory traces than infrequently repeated words, thus capturing the word-frequency effect. ...
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      Contextual diversity favors the learning of new words in children regardless of their comprehension skills 

      Rosa, Eva; Salom, Rafael; Perea, Manuel (ELSEVIER, 2022)
      Recent research has shown the benefits of high contextual diversity, defined as the number of different contexts in which a word appears, when incidentally learning new words. These benefits have been found both in ...
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      Contextual priors do not modulate action prediction in children with autism 

      Amoruso, Lucia; Narzisi, Antonio; Pinzino, Martina; Finisguerra, Alessandra; Billeci, Lucia; Calderoni, Sara; Fabbro, Franco; Muratori, Filippo; Volzone, Anna; Urgesi, Cosimo (Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2019)
      Bayesian accounts of autism suggest that this disorder may be rooted in an impaired ability to estimate the probability of future events, possibly owing to reduced priors. Here, we tested this hypothesis within the action ...
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      Contextual Priors Guide Perception and Motor Responses to Observed Actions 

      Betti, Sonia; Finisguerra, Alessandra; Amoruso, Lucia; Urgesi, Cosimo (OXFORD, 2022)
      In everyday-life scenarios, prior expectations provided by the context in which actions are embedded support action prediction. However, it is still unclear how newly learned action–context associations can drive our ...
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      Contextualizing action observation in the predictive brain: Causal contributions of prefrontal and middle temporal areas 

      Amoruso, Lucia; Finisguerra, Alessandra; Urgesi, Cosimo (NeuroImage, 2018)
      Context facilitates the recognition of forthcoming actions by pointing to which intention is likely to drive them. This intention is thought to be estimated in a ventral pathway linking MTG with frontal regions and to ...
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      Contra assertions, feedback improves word recognition: How feedback and lateral inhibition sharpen signals over noise 

      Magnuson, James S.; Crinnion, Anne Marie; Luthra, Sahil; Gaston, Phoebe; Grubb, Samantha (ELSEVIER, 2024)
      Whether top-down feedback modulates perception has deep implications for cognitive theories. Debate has been vigorous in the domain of spoken word recognition, where competing computational models and agreement on at least ...
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      Contrasting functional imaging parametric maps: The mislocation problem and alternative solutions 

      Bourguignon, Mathieu; Molinaro, Nicola; Wens, Vincent (NeuroImage, 2018)
      In the field of neuroimaging, researchers often resort to contrasting parametric maps to identify differences between conditions or populations. Unfortunately, contrast patterns mix effects related to amplitude and ...
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      Contributions of listening effort and intelligibility to cortical tracking of speech in adverse listening conditions 

      Ershaid, Hadeel; Lizarazu, Mikel; McLaughlin, Drew J.; Cooke, Martin; Simantiraki, Olympia; Koutsogiannaki, Maria; Lallier, Marie (ELSEVIER, 2024)
      Cortical tracking of speech is vital for speech segmentation and is linked to speech intelligibility. However, there is no clear consensus as to whether reduced intelligibility leads to a decrease or an increase in cortical ...
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      Converging Evidence for Differential Specialization and Plasticity of Language Systems 

      Gurunandan, Kshipra; Arnaez-Telleria, Jaione; Carreiras, Manuel; Paz-Alonso, Pedro M. (The Journal of Neuroscience, 2020)
      Functional specialization and plasticity are fundamental organizing principles of the brain. Since the mid-1800s, certain cognitive functions have been known to be lateralized, but the provenance and flexibility of ...