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      Amalgam clefts in spoken English 

      Sánchez Lander, Cristina (2018-12-03)
      When speakers mark the focus of a sentence they do so because they need to highlight that this constituent conveys the new information of an utterance. That is, they want to bring the interlocutor’s attention to that ...
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      Are the times a-changin'? Origin and Evolution of a-Prefix in English 

      Ponciano Lazaro, Marta (2018-12-03)
      Among the many grammatical phenomena that can be observed in different dialects of the United States, one that has garnered linguistic attention is the so-called a-prefixing, which is a morpheme that appears attached to ...
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      Didactic Unit for Students of 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education: developing oral comprehension and production skills 

      San Martin Gaztelurrutia, Idoia (2018-12-03)
      This project consists in an innovative teaching program comprising eight lesson plans devised for a 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) classroom. Based on an audiolingual and a communicative language teaching ...
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      English as a contact language: Nigerian English as a case study 

      Letona López, Aritz (2017-11-21)
      Throughout the 16th century, the colonial aspirations of the British Empire took the English language to territories where it got in contact with different linguistic realities. These contact situations resulted in new ...
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      English as a Contact Language: Singapore English 

      Echeverría Echániz, Markel
      Singapore English is a perfect variety to analyse in order to stress the importance of linguistic contact in shaping languages.
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      I love me this topic: The Southern English double object construction 

      Navalón Salvador, Ane
      On many varieties of English spoken in the United States it is possible to say something like (1) below: (1) I sent mei a letter to the President. (1) exemplifies the so-called Southern Double Object Construction (Southern ...
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      Languages of Scotland: Scots, English and Scottish Gaelic 

      Arana Aboitiz, Mikele (2020-11-20)
      The current linguistic landscape of Scotland is composed of three languages: Scottish Standard English, Scots, and Scottish Gaelic. Nonetheless, the knowledge of this fact does not appear to be particularly widespread, as ...
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      Newfoundland English 

      Zalacain Mendia, Izaro
      The English language has undergone many variations, leaving uncountable dialects in every nook and cranny of the world. Located at the north-east of Canada, the island of Newfoundland presents one of those dialects. However, ...
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      Positive anymore in American English 

      Calleja Flores, Yera
      Positive anymore in American English (Language of the TFG: English) Abstract: The use of anymore that is more widespread in the English-speaking world is the negative one, that is, an adverb that co-occurs with some negative ...
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      This topic needs researched: special passives in English 

      Aguado Garate, Ane (2017-11-24)
      This paper is a study of the grammatical construction needs done (formed by need/want/like + past participle) which can currently be attested in a number of English varieties. Despite this relatively widespread distribution, ...