Now showing items 1-5 of 5

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      Are Semelfactives a basic aspectual category? 

      Ábalos Juez, Zuriñe (2018-12-03)
      This paper is an analysis of Semelfactives, the aspectual class introduced and defined by Smith (1991) as single-stage events occurring very quickly. Examples of Semelfactives include bodily events (e.g. blink, sneeze, ...
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      Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and lakoff's conceptual metaphor theory 

      Zapiain Egaña, Leire
      Our understanding of metaphor in language and thought has been reshaped, and the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), proposed by Lakoff and Johnson has become one of the most widely accepted views. The CMT claims that our ...
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      Remírez Balloqui, María
      Beginning with an explanation of lexical ambiguity in general, this paper focuses on polysemy. First, it makes a clear distinction between homonymy and polysemy, the two main lexical ambiguity types, to later finish this ...
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      The representation of polysemy in the mental lexicon and its processing 

      Laconcha Pérez, Yaiza (2018-12-04)
      Polysemy, the lexical semantic phenomenon in which a word form has different but related senses, is pervasive in natural languages. Examples of polysemy encompass regular polysemy and idiosyncratic forms, such as paper and ...
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      The semantics and pragmatics of conjoined sentences 

      Arabaolaza Olalde, Ane (2023-04-17)
      It is widely known that conjoined sentences with and can communicate a wide range of relations between its conjuncts. Therefore, linguists in semantics and pragmatics fields have long tried to examine the nature of those ...