Quantification, design and methodologies for the implementation of new energy planning models for socio-economic development
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Akizu Gardoki, Ortzi
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Egungo eredu energetikoa ez da iraunkorra, sortzen dituen ingurumen inpaktu eta injustizia sozialak jasanezinak baitira. Gainera, baliabide fosilen top-down erako kudeaketak egungo eredu energetikoa krisi ekonomikoetara bideratu du azken hamarkadetan. Eredu jasangarri baterako trantsiziorako ezinbestekoa da, alde batetik, gure bizitza-estiloaren ondorioz kontsumitzen dugun energia zehaztasun handiz kuantifikatzea. Bestalde, sortzen ari diren eredu energetiko berri jasangarrien diseinu eta txertatze-ereduen analisi kuantitatibo nahiz kualitatiboa egitea beharrezkoa da. Bi puntu horiek tesi honetan jorratu dira, lehenik, abian dauden trantsizio energetikoen ikerketan sakonduz, eta bigarrenik, produktu eta zerbitzuetan txertaturik dauden ezkutuko energia fluxuak kalkulatuz.The current energy system is not sustainable, and the social and environmental impacts that it generates are unmanageable. Furthermore, it is headed towards continuous economic crisis. To change this energy system, first of all we need to clearly quantify the energy consumed by our consumerist lifestyles. Secondly, examples of emerging sustainable energy system designs and integration plans need to be analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In this Ph.D. thesis, these two points have been studied through three international articles, on the one hand, calculating the energy embodied in the goods and services of countries, and on the other hand, providing deeper insights into current cases of ongoing energy transition.